Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

In other words, who is ISIS a bigger threat to, the U.S. or the Saudi Kingdom? The U.S. or the Kuwaitis, Jordanians, Iranians, Turks, Qatari, U.A.E., and Egyptians?

Oh, look, one of the massively stupid libs on this Board that plays checkers while the smart people play 3 dimensional chess.
Who did you used to be on this board? You're obviously a sock.
See, here's the thing. I'm used to debating liberals who are much more intelligent than most found on this Board. Some on this Board (not all, and you are so so) say things that defy what is well known by people in BOTH parties who really understand foreign policy and economics.

Some of the things you say...like this statement about intel community not warning about ISIS.....is SO egregiously false.....and so well known....that it's hard to take the people making the statements seriously.

I will debate smart liberals who make good arguments. But it's hard not to be dismissive of the egregiously false posts like yours.
You're a dumbass, and everyone knows it.
It was all over open source.
What open source? I will ask you again. When did the CIA offer the president a viable plan on how to destroy ISIS? At what point was it determined by the CIA that ISIS or ISIL needed to become a priority and what action was recommended on an open source?

You are telling us that the CIA published on some kind of open source a viable plan on how to destroy ISIS?

You are telling us that the CIA has published on an open source what action the CIA has recommended that Obama take to destroy ISIS.

If anyone believes your fallacies they are complete and utter fools. If you believe your fallacies you are an even bigger fool.
This is a quick summary of EconChick's public display of the most useless nonsensical arguments the world has ever seen:

Stupid fuck....when the CIA is warning you about the threat of ISIL/ISIS....you destroy them.

(A) Poster 1776 lit the fuse for EconChick to go off.

Are you in the CIA. But even if what you claim were true, would you expect the CIA to offer the president a viable plan on how to destroy them when they were JV to AQ and not representative of what they've become the past few months. What are the Presidents' options?

(B) I asked 1776 if he knew "WHEN" the CIA gave Obama a warning about ISIS.

WTF? You don't even know how to ask viable questions, let alone viable answers.

(C) Then 1776 runs away but EconChick brings her special brand of ignorance to the discussion.

LOL, I love it when a basement dweller tries to tell those of us actually from the intel community what the intel community does. There's no bigger idiot on this website on the subject of Iraq than StillObsessedWithBush. He has a lot of competition, but he gets the trophy.

(D) Everyone bow down and salute. We have a poster 'from the intel community on this forum.. Hand over your mind and your ability to discern facts. EconChick will take care of all of that for everyone... Except maybe Deltex who is tight with the intel community too... or so he claims.

When did the CIA warn about ISIS or ISIL being a more serious threat than other terrorist groups in the area? At what point was it determined by the CIA that ISIS or ISIL needed to become a priority and what action was recommended that Obama didn't heed?

(E) More pertinent questions were asked.

You're kidding, right???? It was all over open source. Good Lord, you're really uninformed. Are you some college kid or something?

(F) EconChick declares that the CIA put its plans and warnings on an open source. But we will never know what that open source was or when it was made public.

Some of the things you say...like this statement about intel community not warning about ISIS.....is SO egregiously false.....and so well known....that it's hard to take the people making the statements seriously.

(G) Common tactic among hucksters is to distort reality. Above EconChick falsifies what's been said by smarter people than her. No one is stating that the intel community has not warned Obama about ISIS. the question is when did 1776 know what he claims to know.

You suffer from the same problem dumbass liberals on my econ threads suffer from. I choose which posts on the Board to reply to, genius, not you. And not them. I refuse to spend my time teaching really REALLY uninformed people like yourself things you can easily research on your own. I also don't like repeating myself 50 fricken times on multiple threads.

I will respond to really good arguments by a liberal that deserves my precious time....and sometimes I will spend time replying to people if I've been ambiguous in my argument. But I don't respond to stupid ass quizzes that are a diversion....like the famous one g5000 did.

Your post about the CIA and ISIS is stupid as is any follow up dumbass "quiz" related to it.

(H) EconChick explains her method of escape from responding to questions or arguments that don't go her way. .

The very very sad truth is we're screwed till we get a president that the enemy fears. And that could be a president of any political persuasion, not just Republican.

But until then, we're fucked. The next two years are going to be rough.

Wait till ISIS starts delivering more and more beheaded Americans or westerners. They're holding a female AID worker right now. Wait till that happens and watch how powerless Americans are going to feel with our hapless leader.

Trust me, your pom pom posts are premature.

(I) Econ Chick says we are screwed ?????? until we get a president that the enemy fears. So we need EconChick to tell with certainty which of all the potential candidates to run for President would be the one that the 'enemy fears'.

You're a dumbass, and everyone knows it.

(J) I do agree with Synthaholic on occasion. Specifically in her assessment of EconChick above.
(I) Econ Chick says we are screwed ?????? until we get a president that the enemy fears. So we need EconChick to tell with certainty which of all the potential candidates to run for President would be the one that the 'enemy fears'.

If EconChick has no Republican candidate in mind perhaps some of the other armchair generals will provide a name or two.
Way way over-hyped threat. ISIS has become a Warmonger wet dream. They've become a convenient opportunity for the usual suspects to drag us into more war. If the People of that region don't want ISIS, they'll do something about it. It's not our war. The U.S. and Great Britain especially, need to stop all their meddling and killing around the world. It's time for a new direction. Time to come home.

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