Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

Obama has pretty much ignored terrorism except for approving the UBL mission, note I said mission which was supposed to "catch" him not kill him.

He only approved that mission since most of the US public wanted UBL, but Obama realizes most people don't have a clue about ISIS, Boko Haram, etc so he plays along ignoring the threat while gutting the military and funneling that money to welfare projects.

I don't think he ignored it, he supported it. This is all part of Hilary and Obama's "Arab Spring".
Stupid fuck....when the CIA is warning you about the threat of ISIL/ISIS....you destroy them.

Obama instead ignored them until some random media caught wind of mass murders in Iraq by ISIS.....it just ruined Obama's golf trip.

Shut the fuck up, you are talking to someone far above your fast worker brain.

Therefore much more critical and pertinent to the invasion of IS terrorists into Sunni areas of Iraq, you must concede that Obama was fundamentally correct and absolutely fitting to have been warning Maliki "for years" that Maliki had to change his Shiite-headed ways toward Iraq's Sunnis or IS terrorists (AQ) could gain a foothold in Iraq as they did after 'Stupid Bush the Younger' decided to kick UN inspectors out of peacefully inspected Iraq and start killing Iraqis left and right for no good reason.

Obama is better than Bush for not allowing the Shiite Iraqis under an exclusionist government such as Maliki's to be led to believe that US troops would come back into Iraq to once again do the fighting against AQ for them. And not have the USAF be the Shiite (pro-Iran) Air Force bombing Sunni areas again to try to hit AQI targets.

Maliki failed to respond to Obama's good advice and Iraq has suffered for it.

Nice try but once again you are showing your ignorance about an intelligence matter in Iraq.
Stupid fuck....when the CIA is warning you about the threat of ISIL/ISIS....you destroy them.

Are you in the CIA. But even if what you claim were true, would you expect the CIA to offer the president a viable plan on how to destroy them when they were JV to AQ and not representative of what they've become the past few months.

What are the Presidents' options?
Stupid fuck....when the CIA is warning you about the threat of ISIL/ISIS....you destroy them.

Are you in the CIA. But even if what you claim were true, would you expect the CIA to offer the president a viable plan on how to destroy them when they were JV to AQ and not representative of what they've become the past few months.

What are the Presidents' options?

WTF? You don't even know how to ask viable questions, let alone viable answers.
Stupid fuck....when the CIA is warning you about the threat of ISIL/ISIS....you destroy them.

Obama instead ignored them until some random media caught wind of mass murders in Iraq by ISIS.....it just ruined Obama's golf trip.

Shut the fuck up, you are talking to someone far above your fast worker brain.

Therefore much more critical and pertinent to the invasion of IS terrorists into Sunni areas of Iraq, you must concede that Obama was fundamentally correct and absolutely fitting to have been warning Maliki "for years" that Maliki had to change his Shiite-headed ways toward Iraq's Sunnis or IS terrorists (AQ) could gain a foothold in Iraq as they did after 'Stupid Bush the Younger' decided to kick UN inspectors out of peacefully inspected Iraq and start killing Iraqis left and right for no good reason.

Obama is better than Bush for not allowing the Shiite Iraqis under an exclusionist government such as Maliki's to be led to believe that US troops would come back into Iraq to once again do the fighting against AQ for them. And not have the USAF be the Shiite (pro-Iran) Air Force bombing Sunni areas again to try to hit AQI targets.

Maliki failed to respond to Obama's good advice and Iraq has suffered for it.

Nice try but once again you are showing your ignorance about an intelligence matter in Iraq.

LOL, I love it when a basement dweller tries to tell those of us actually from the intel community what the intel community does. There's no bigger idiot on this website on the subject of Iraq than StillObsessedWithBush. He has a lot of competition, but he gets the trophy.
The power & influence of ISIS has been greatly exaggerated. It's being used to drag us into more war. The powers-that-be have been pushing for war in Syria for years. Looks like ISIS is their way in. Stay tuned.
Stupid fuck....when the CIA is warning you about the threat of ISIL/ISIS....you destroy them.

Are you in the CIA. But even if what you claim were true, would you expect the CIA to offer the president a viable plan on how to destroy them when they were JV to AQ and not representative of what they've become the past few months.

What are the Presidents' options?

WTF? You don't even know how to ask viable questions, let alone viable answers.
When did the CIA warn about ISIS or ISIL being a more serious threat than other terrorist groups in the area? At what point was it determined by the CIA that ISIS or ISIL needed to become a priority and what action was recommended that Obama didn't heed?
Silly American Sheeple. Still haven't figured out how ISIS came about. They didn't just magically appear. And neither did their money & weapons. Which nations in the world wanted Assad out the most? Answer that question, and you'll know who created ISIS. But don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to tell ya that.
Silly American Sheeple. Still haven't figured out how ISIS came about. They didn't just magically appear. And neither did their money & weapons. Which nations in the world wanted Assad out the most? Answer that question, and you'll know who created ISIS. But don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to tell ya that.
You don't know how the Islamic State came into being and when it started. Don't play like you know you do because it is obvious that you don't. If you know how it got started than tell us the original name and who the key player was.
Silly American Sheeple. Still haven't figured out how ISIS came about. They didn't just magically appear. And neither did their money & weapons. Which nations in the world wanted Assad out the most? Answer that question, and you'll know who created ISIS. But don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to tell ya that.
You don't know how the Islamic State came into being and when it started. Don't play like you know you do because it is obvious that you don't. If you know how it got started than tell us the original name and who the key player was.

Which nations wanted Assad out the most? Answer that, and you'll know who funded & armed ISIS. But like i said, don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to clue you in on that. It just ain't gonna happen.
Silly American Sheeple. Still haven't figured out how ISIS came about. They didn't just magically appear. And neither did their money & weapons. Which nations in the world wanted Assad out the most? Answer that question, and you'll know who created ISIS. But don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to tell ya that.
You don't know how the Islamic State came into being and when it started. Don't play like you know you do because it is obvious that you don't. If you know how it got started than tell us the original name and who the key player was.

Which nations wanted Assad out the most? Answer that, and you'll know who funded & armed ISIS. But like i said, don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to clue you in on that. It just ain't gonna happen.
It isn't a guessing game when you are discussing national security at the highest levels. Those days ended with the Bush administration. You seem to be basing your comments on even less than MSM information. You just want to put some kind of theory together that will promote your distorted and delusional hatred of the President and world view. No facts or knowledge, just conjecture and speculation spoken as if you are presenting factual data. That is called misinforming at best and simple lying at worst. Since Americans are in harms way and participating in combat, it could be called aiding and abetting, treason for short.
Silly American Sheeple. Still haven't figured out how ISIS came about. They didn't just magically appear. And neither did their money & weapons. Which nations in the world wanted Assad out the most? Answer that question, and you'll know who created ISIS. But don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to tell ya that.
You don't know how the Islamic State came into being and when it started. Don't play like you know you do because it is obvious that you don't. If you know how it got started than tell us the original name and who the key player was.

Which nations wanted Assad out the most? Answer that, and you'll know who funded & armed ISIS. But like i said, don't expect your Government or its Corporate Media to clue you in on that. It just ain't gonna happen.
It isn't a guessing game when you are discussing national security at the highest levels. Those days ended with the Bush administration. You seem to be basing your comments on even less than MSM information. You just want to put some kind of theory together that will promote your distorted and delusional hatred of the President and world view. No facts or knowledge, just conjecture and speculation spoken as if you are presenting factual data. That is called misinforming at best and simple lying at worst. Since Americans are in harms way and participating in combat, it could be called aiding and abetting, treason for short.

So who do you think funded & armed ISIS?
Wow, deja vu all over again:



Above, Donald Rumsfeld with best bud Saddam Hussein.
Wow, deja vu all over again:



Above, Donald Rumsfeld with best bud Saddam Hussein.

Yup, ISIS got all their money from 'robbing banks.' Huh?? Say Whaa? We're supposed to believe that Government/Corporate Media fantasy? Man, Big Brother truly does believe Americans are stupid sheep.

ISIS got their money & weapons from Western Nations and Sunni Muslim Nations in the region. They were created to 'Regime Change' Assad in Syria. That's the truth. Americans need to stop believing everything their Government/Corporate Media tells them. It's propaganda bullshite.
Actually shitstain.....your strategy of doing nothing created ISIL in Syria.

We could've supported the FSA but didn't, so ISIL came in and filled the power vacuum to fight Assad. Now Obama wants to go help the FSA fight ISIL and Assad....but it's too late.

Yup, ISIS got all their money from 'robbing banks.' Huh?? Say Whaa? We're supposed to believe that Government/Corporate Media fantasy? Man, Big Brother truly does believe Americans are stupid sheep.

ISIS got their money & weapons from Western Nations and Sunni Muslim Nations in the region. They were created to 'Regime Change' Assad in Syria. That's the truth. Americans need to stop believing everything their Government/Corporate Media tells them. It's propaganda bullshite.
Actually shitstain.....your strategy of doing nothing created ISIL in Syria.

We could've supported the FSA but didn't, so ISIL came in and filled the power vacuum to fight Assad. Now Obama wants to go help the FSA fight ISIL and Assad....but it's too late.

Yup, ISIS got all their money from 'robbing banks.' Huh?? Say Whaa? We're supposed to believe that Government/Corporate Media fantasy? Man, Big Brother truly does believe Americans are stupid sheep.

ISIS got their money & weapons from Western Nations and Sunni Muslim Nations in the region. They were created to 'Regime Change' Assad in Syria. That's the truth. Americans need to stop believing everything their Government/Corporate Media tells them. It's propaganda bullshite.

Which Nations provided ISIS with their money & weapons? They didn't just magically appear. It was all provided for them. We shouldn't have meddled and pushed for 'Regime Change' in Syria. That was a big interventionist blunder. The Syrian Civil War is none of our business. The meddling by the West and Sunni Muslim Nations in the region, has created this current bloody chaos.
Obama is late to the picture, that cannot be denied. But I have seen little Republican support for the action taken NOW. Will politics get in the way of destroying ISIS?
Obama is late to the picture, that cannot be denied. But I have seen little Republican support for the action taken NOW. Will politics get in the way of destroying ISIS?
If he's late to the picture, it's because it's not even a movie he's required to attend.

It's not our fight. It's the neighborhood's fight. Until they at least try, why should we get involved?
In other words, who is ISIS a bigger threat to, the U.S. or the Saudi Kingdom? The U.S. or the Kuwaitis, Jordanians, Iranians, Turks, Qatari, U.A.E., and Egyptians?

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