Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

Until he did. Hans Blix.

Yes Saddam did let the inspectors back in during November 2002. And in Mid-December Saddam's liaison to the UNSC read a letter from SH that offered Bush a chance to send the CIA FBI and US military WMD experts in tto hunt for the WMD firsthand that was not there.

I'll bet EconoChick is not aware of that critical fact.

The Bush White House response to that offer was 'let the UN handle it'. ...

And then they did not let the UN handle it. They stupidly started a war after turning down the chance to peaceably send the CIA in to verify what they suspected might be there without blowing peopie up and shooting at them - Really dumb. Totally dumb. No excuse for not looking into SH's offer.

You are looking at it from the perspective of someone trying to avert a war.

Bush/Cheney wanted the war - they just had to find an excuse to sell.
LMAO @ NotFooled and Synthaholic. Thanks for making it unequivocally clear that you have no interest in the facts. You're just here as party hacks (paid perhaps?) to dish out pure disinformation. Thanks for finally making that crystal clear. (Oh, and you keep tripping over each other's dicks with contradictions so you may want to coordinate a little better.)

Now that I know that, I'm not going to spend much time going into detail until just before the election, when people are most a-tuned.

It's fun watching two basement dwellers who have never been to Iraq, never been in intelligence, never been in the military, never worked closely with the White House, never worked for NGOs, never.....well the list is so long it would take awhile to type......but independent thinkers can easily get the picture of what kind of propagandists we're dealing with here. It's people who wouldn't have the first clue about which they speak.

Oh, and btw, I have done of all the above.

To readers.....if you are an independent or undecided who is still left confused by NotFooled and Synthaholic's deliberate misinformation campaign on this thread and others on the issue of Iraq, PM me and I'll be glad to explain my credentials and clear up any confusion they're deliberately trying to create.

^^^ Makes no attempt to refute a single thing, because she can't.

USMB's latest poseur.
LMAO @ NotFooled and Synthaholic. Thanks for making it unequivocally clear that you have no interest in the facts. You're just here as party hacks (paid perhaps?) to dish out pure disinformation. Thanks for finally making that crystal clear. (Oh, and you keep tripping over each other's dicks with contradictions so you may want to coordinate a little better.)

Now that I know that, I'm not going to spend much time going into detail until just before the election, when people are most a-tuned.

It's fun watching two basement dwellers who have never been to Iraq, never been in intelligence, never been in the military, never worked closely with the White House, never worked for NGOs, never.....well the list is so long it would take awhile to type......but independent thinkers can easily get the picture of what kind of propagandists we're dealing with here. It's people who wouldn't have the first clue about which they speak.

Oh, and btw, I have done of all the above.

To readers.....if you are an independent or undecided who is still left confused by NotFooled and Synthaholic's deliberate misinformation campaign on this thread and others on the issue of Iraq, PM me and I'll be glad to explain my credentials and clear up any confusion they're deliberately trying to create.

^^^ Makes no attempt to refute a single thing, because she can't.

USMB's latest poseur.

Ooops. :) Another big fat lie. I've been refuting all you libs' lies on this specific subject for weeks on multiple threads. Your dumb ass post has been addressed over and over already.

Ooops, another lib caught in another egregious lie.



But if I were BUSTED as badly as I've busted you and NotFooled, I'd probably do drastic things to save face too.

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LMAO @ NotFooled and Synthaholic. Thanks for making it unequivocally clear that you have no interest in the facts. You're just here as party hacks (paid perhaps?) to dish out pure disinformation. Thanks for finally making that crystal clear. (Oh, and you keep tripping over each other's dicks with contradictions so you may want to coordinate a little better.)

Now that I know that, I'm not going to spend much time going into detail until just before the election, when people are most a-tuned.

It's fun watching two basement dwellers who have never been to Iraq, never been in intelligence, never been in the military, never worked closely with the White House, never worked for NGOs, never.....well the list is so long it would take awhile to type......but independent thinkers can easily get the picture of what kind of propagandists we're dealing with here. It's people who wouldn't have the first clue about which they speak.

Oh, and btw, I have done of all the above.

To readers.....if you are an independent or undecided who is still left confused by NotFooled and Synthaholic's deliberate misinformation campaign on this thread and others on the issue of Iraq, PM me and I'll be glad to explain my credentials and clear up any confusion they're deliberately trying to create.

Sure, list your credentials...

You DO realize if there were a reading comprehension test you had to pass before being a member on this forum, most of you libs would never get to participate, right?
But don't feel too badly, CandyCorn, your reading comprehension is nowhere near as bad as NotFooledbyBush's.
Ooops. :) Another big fat lie. I've been refuting all you libs' lies on this specific subject for weeks on multiple threads.
Really? Your posts contain no links, poseur.

What..... you think I'm here to hold your hand and you're not even a liberal I respect? I was on multiple threads and have posted more about SOFA than anyone. If you didn't see them across multiple threads, that's your problem. Besides, you were on at least one of those threads. Go back and check the Iraq threads.


I'm not holding your hand. To suggest I didn't post is yet another egregious lie. As everyone knows. :asshole:
Ooops. :) Another big fat lie. I've been refuting all you libs' lies on this specific subject for weeks on multiple threads.
Really? Your posts contain no links, poseur.

What..... you think I'm here to hold your hand and you're not even a liberal I respect? I was on multiple threads and have posted more about SOFA than anyone. If you didn't see them across multiple threads, that's your problem. Besides, you were on at least one of those threads. Go back and check the Iraq threads.

But all you do is post your opinion, which isn't worth shit.
But don't feel too badly, CandyCorn, your reading comprehension is nowhere near as bad as NotFooledbyBush's.

You're not as interesting as you think you are.

Oh, and I love how when you libs really screw up, you immediately try to deflect. Just like that idiot Dotcommie when she contradicted herself so badly even the libs didn't try to defend her.

So back to the substance of the thread, I suggest you take a reading comprehension class so you can keep up.
Ooops. :) Another big fat lie. I've been refuting all you libs' lies on this specific subject for weeks on multiple threads.
Really? Your posts contain no links, poseur.

What..... you think I'm here to hold your hand and you're not even a liberal I respect? I was on multiple threads and have posted more about SOFA than anyone. If you didn't see them across multiple threads, that's your problem. Besides, you were on at least one of those threads. Go back and check the Iraq threads.

But all you do is post your opinion, which isn't worth shit.

The sophisticated opinion of someone that was actually there means nothing compared to the excrement a basement dweller dishes out? LOL. Of course not in Libbazarro World.

Anyone can see how idiotic that is on the face of it. LMAO.

Secondly, all you post is YOUR opinion.

So you people as usual are ignorant, you're massive hypocrites, you're delusional, and you're flat out wrong.

Anyone can see THAT on the face of it.

Let's sum it all up....

Obama ignored the military and CIA warnings about pulling out of Iraq 100% and not ensuring the AQ terrorist groups don't come back to build an operating base.

ISIL rose up from the Syria civil war that of course Obama ignored. They figured out Obama didn't give a shit that they were killing innocents in Syria so moving to Iraq to do the same thing was normal for them.

Obama only dropped a few bombs when the world media caught various minority groups surrounded on a mountain in Iraq facing starvation, dehydration and/or being murdered by the terrorists encircling them for genocide.

Now Obama is hoping the world stage gets focused on something new like say a black criminal being shot the death in bumfuck Missouri...
Let's sum it all up....

Obama ignored the military and CIA warnings about pulling out of Iraq 100% and not ensuring the AQ terrorist groups don't come back to build an operating base.

ISIL rose up from the Syria civil war that of course Obama ignored. They figured out Obama didn't give a shit that they were killing innocents in Syria so moving to Iraq to do the same thing was normal for them.

Obama only dropped a few bombs when the world media caught various minority groups surrounded on a mountain in Iraq facing starvation, dehydration and/or being murdered by the terrorists encircling them for genocide.

Now Obama is hoping the world stage gets focused on something new like say a black criminal being shot the death in bumfuck Missouri...
What are AQ terrorist groups? Can you name any of them? Is that something you learned about from the secret documents you get to read because of your super duper security clearance?
^^^ Wi
Let's sum it all up....

Obama ignored the military and CIA warnings about pulling out of Iraq 100% and not ensuring the AQ terrorist groups don't come back to build an operating base.

ISIL rose up from the Syria civil war that of course Obama ignored. They figured out Obama didn't give a shit that they were killing innocents in Syria so moving to Iraq to do the same thing was normal for them.

Obama only dropped a few bombs when the world media caught various minority groups surrounded on a mountain in Iraq facing starvation, dehydration and/or being murdered by the terrorists encircling them for genocide.

Now Obama is hoping the world stage gets focused on something new like say a black criminal being shot the death in bumfuck Missouri...

^^^ Wingnut is upset because president won't act like a wingnut.
Shitbag.......ISIL/ISIS is what formed up from AQI in Syria. They don't use any AQ acronym since they don't see eye to eye with the current leadership of AQ. Even AQSL thinks ISIS/ISIL are too crazy for the cause.

But of course, you do the typical diversion post since you can't explain why your 1/2 black goon isn't doing much to stop AQ-like terrorist groups running amuck in the middle east in addition to Africa....

What are AQ terrorist groups? Can you name any of them? Is that something you learned about from the secret documents you get to read because of your super duper security clearance?
Shitbag.......ISIL/ISIS is what formed up from AQI in Syria. They don't use any AQ acronym since they don't see eye to eye with the current leadership of AQ. Even AQSL thinks ISIS/ISIL are too crazy for the cause.

But of course, you do the typical diversion post since you can't explain why your 1/2 black goon isn't doing much to stop AQ-like terrorist groups running amuck in the middle east in addition to Africa....

What are AQ terrorist groups? Can you name any of them? Is that something you learned about from the secret documents you get to read because of your super duper security clearance?
Just say you don't know and you are a fake. You will look like less of a moron.
Maliki promised he wouldn't let what's happening happen and now they want the USA back.

You are looking at it from the perspective of someone trying to avert a war.

Bush/Cheney wanted the war - they just had to find an excuse to sell.

You are right, This would be a pretty firm Bush lie then:

"I was a dissenting voice. I didn’t want to use force. I mean force is the last option for a President."

LAUER: Not everybody thought you should go to war, though. There were dissenters.

BUSH: Of course there were.

LAUER: You know, there were questions at the Pentagon. Colin Powell had questions. Brent Scowcroft, your father’s former National Security Advisor, and dear friend, wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, I’m paraphrasing here, saying, “It’s not a good idea to go to war in Iraq.” So there were dissenting voices.

BUSH: I was a dissenting voice. I didn’t want to use force. I mean force is the last option for a President. And I think it’s clear in the book that I gave diplomacy every chance to work. And I will also tell you the world’s better off without somehow in power. And so are 25 million Iraqis.[...]

President Bush On Iraq War I Was A Dissenting Voice. I Didn t Want To Use Force ThinkProgress

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