Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

How many times do I have to tell you to stop looking through your American eyes you idiot. This was a war torn country in the Middle East, not the developed United States of America.

So people in war torn countries in the Middle East can't write and understand a simple legal agreement that states when occupation foreign troops must leave their country?

You are so hate filled you cannot think straight anymore.[/QUOTE]
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Obama should have convinced or TOLD Iraq that it was in OUR best interest to keep a force there.

Obama should have convinced or TOLD Iraq that it was in OUR best interest to keep a force there.

Or President Bush could have refrained from signing an agreement committing the new President to years of rules to follow and dates to be adhered to by telling the Iraqi's that since a new President was taking office the following month it would be best that the agreement wait until an agreement was reached with the President that actually had to deal with the realities of the agreement.
Obama should have convinced or TOLD Iraq that it was in OUR best interest to keep a force there.

Or President Bush could have refrained from signing an agreement committing the new President to years of rules to follow and dates to be adhered to by telling the Iraqi's that since a new President was taking office the following month it would be best that the agreement wait until an agreement was reached with the President that actually had to deal with the realities of the agreement.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FAIL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Obama should have convinced or TOLD Iraq that it was in OUR best interest to keep a force there.

Or President Bush could have refrained from signing an agreement committing the new President to years of rules to follow and dates to be adhered to by telling the Iraqi's that since a new President was taking office the following month it would be best that the agreement wait until an agreement was reached with the President that actually had to deal with the realities of the agreement.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FAIL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
'splain. Why would it be wrong to hand over negotiations for an agreement to the incoming administration?
Now that I know you fuckers aren't interested in honest debate, FUCK YOU.

It's time to just call people like you out for the deceitful fucking pieces of shit that you are.

If you ever mature to a level where you know what honesty is then there could be honest debate with effective results.

Grow up.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh

Republicans created Isis when they let go all of the Iraqi military leaving them without jobs or a way to take care of their families and then put in place a Shiite Government making Iraq a sister state to Iran. Republicans did that.

What could they have done different. Think about it. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain it to you.
Let me know what you do different when you board your time machine rderp. Meanwhile the rest of us in 2014 will concentrate on the current situation.

The current situation is a result of the past mistakes. You can't really be effective if you don't learn from past mistakes. You need to understand what you did wrong to figure out a course of action.

Seriously? I'm very surprised that had to be explained to you. I know you consider yourself to be some kind of intellectual. It could be some type of self delusion.

I see you found a little more clever way of blaming Bush. What's it been now? 6 years ?
Um actually yes, see in recent memory, Presidents including Bush cut short Vacations and deliberately were NOT SEEN playing golf in times of crisis.

That's some fine historical revisionism. Bush certainly didn't let terrorists spoil his golf outings.

It's comedic how either the right wing loons here deny history or simply are ignorant of it's existence.

This thread is a testament to it. A poll was taken back last August concerning whether or not we should go into Syria. The results for/against were something like 4/180 (4 were pro-Obama's wanting to go in). Now it's "I told you so" even though most now criticizing the actions that were taken were against the re-invasion.

Of course what isn't mentioned is that with every new stress in the ME, gas prices go up. Gas in one part of the nation was at $3.11. It's below $4 a gallon in San Francisco for the first time this year I believe. Were we still fighting in the ME, that would not be the case and the same lunatics wanting war (as long as they don't go) would be bitching about fuel costs....

I have never wanted war. That's what Lefties seem to fail to grasp. You think just because someone understands that sometimes war happens like it or not, and when it does it's best to win, that they must "want war"

I don't recall saying that you wanted war; you said Bush "was not seen" playing golf in times of crisis....which is factually incorrect.

Were you ignorant of the video shown above...or were you lying?
The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.
Asshole....the CIA has been warning Obama for years about the threat of terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, Mali, Algeria, Yemen, etc.

Yet you stupid fucks invent lies claiming nobody knew this was going to happen when we predicted it from day 1 of Obama stealing the white house.

The right had no idea what the hell they wanted or were talking about. They did exactly as I predicted months ago; waiting to take whatever side would benefit them most politically.

What a crock. The continuing of the Iraqi civil war was predicted long before President Obama assumed the office.
Asshole....the CIA has been warning Obama for years about the threat of terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, Mali, Algeria, Yemen, etc.

Yet you stupid fucks invent lies claiming nobody knew this was going to happen when we predicted it from day 1 of Obama stealing the white house.

The right had no idea what the hell they wanted or were talking about. They did exactly as I predicted months ago; waiting to take whatever side would benefit them most politically.

What a crock. The continuing of the Iraqi civil war was predicted long before President Obama assumed the office.

The entire mid east insanity was caused by Bush. Obama can just let it go to shit and blame it on the conservatives forever. Now onto something that really matters.......
yep the right was right. Go into Iraq, who had nothing to do with 911 or had little wmds, and destroy their country, fire the entire army, bring in your own mercenaries and teach them how to kill better and supply them with weapons. Then leave cause your country finally woke up and knows empire wars when they see them, too late of course. What do you suppose was going to happen when the right didn't stand against the evil right/wrong wing? you know, the christian right. lol. we get what we deserve. we reap what we have sown.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh

Republicans created Isis when they let go all of the Iraqi military leaving them without jobs or a way to take care of their families and then put in place a Shiite Government making Iraq a sister state to Iran. Republicans did that.

What could they have done different. Think about it. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain it to you.
Let me know what you do different when you board your time machine rderp. Meanwhile the rest of us in 2014 will concentrate on the current situation.

The current situation is a result of the past mistakes. You can't really be effective if you don't learn from past mistakes. You need to understand what you did wrong to figure out a course of action.

Seriously? I'm very surprised that had to be explained to you. I know you consider yourself to be some kind of intellectual. It could be some type of self delusion.

Ahh, so the insane Muslim's were created by George Bush....

Had no idea the man was 2000 years old
The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.

Not just the Neocons. It was a U.S. Government position to 'Regime Change' Assad. It then went onto fund and arm ISIS. ISIS is a Western and Sunni Muslim creation.
Hopefully be have leaned our lesson and won't make the same mistake by over throwing Assad.

Probably too late for that. The Globalist Elites have been planning Assad's removal for a long time. ISIS is a nice convenient way into the Syrian Civil War. A little too convenient in my opinion. The decision has already been made.
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The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.

Not just the Neocons. It was a U.S. Government position to 'Regime Change' Assad. It then went onto fund and arm ISIS. ISIS is a Western and Sunni Muslim c
Hopefully be have leaned our lesson and won't make the same mistake by over throwing Assad.

Probably too late for that. The Globalist Elites have been planning Assad's removal for a long time. ISIS is a nice convenient way into the Syrian Civil War. A little too convenient in my opinion. The decision has already been made.

No doubt-----the neocons had Obama all ready to blow the shit out of Assad. We were locked and loaded until Putin stepped in.
The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.

Not just the Neocons. It was a U.S. Government position to 'Regime Change' Assad. It then went onto fund and arm ISIS. ISIS is a Western and Sunni Muslim c
Hopefully be have leaned our lesson and won't make the same mistake by over throwing Assad.

Probably too late for that. The Globalist Elites have been planning Assad's removal for a long time. ISIS is a nice convenient way into the Syrian Civil War. A little too convenient in my opinion. The decision has already been made.

No doubt-----the neocons had Obama all ready to blow the shit out of Assad. We were locked and loaded until Putin stepped in.

It's not just the Neocons. The Communists/Progressives are all for more war and intervention too. That's historically been the case. They've actually gotten us involved in more wars than any other political group. Check this video out. It explains a lot. Not much difference between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. Check it out. The video is pretty short...

The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.

Not just the Neocons. It was a U.S. Government position to 'Regime Change' Assad. It then went onto fund and arm ISIS. ISIS is a Western and Sunni Muslim c
Hopefully be have leaned our lesson and won't make the same mistake by over throwing Assad.

Probably too late for that. The Globalist Elites have been planning Assad's removal for a long time. ISIS is a nice convenient way into the Syrian Civil War. A little too convenient in my opinion. The decision has already been made.

No doubt-----the neocons had Obama all ready to blow the shit out of Assad. We were locked and loaded until Putin stepped in.

It's not just the Neocons. The Communists/Progressives are all for more war and intervention too. That's historically been the case. They've actually gotten us involved in more wars than any other political group. Check this video out. It explains a lot. Not much difference between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. Check it out. The video is pretty short...

The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism.[2] Neoconservatives frequently advocate the "assertive" promotion of democracy and promotion of "American national interest" in international affairs including by means of military force.[3][4] The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish[5] monthly review magazine Commentary.[6][7] C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973).[8]
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You think the left isn't seeing themselves slowly morph into what they hated ?
The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.

Not just the Neocons. It was a U.S. Government position to 'Regime Change' Assad. It then went onto fund and arm ISIS. ISIS is a Western and Sunni Muslim c
Hopefully be have leaned our lesson and won't make the same mistake by over throwing Assad.

Probably too late for that. The Globalist Elites have been planning Assad's removal for a long time. ISIS is a nice convenient way into the Syrian Civil War. A little too convenient in my opinion. The decision has already been made.

No doubt-----the neocons had Obama all ready to blow the shit out of Assad. We were locked and loaded until Putin stepped in.

It's not just the Neocons. The Communists/Progressives are all for more war and intervention too. That's historically been the case. They've actually gotten us involved in more wars than any other political group. Check this video out. It explains a lot. Not much difference between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. Check it out. The video is pretty short...

The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism.[2] Neoconservatives frequently advocate the "assertive" promotion of democracy and promotion of "American national interest" in international affairs including by means of military force.[3][4] The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish[5] monthly review magazine Commentary.[6][7] C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973).[8]
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You think the left isn't seeing themselves slowly morph into what they hated ?

Neocons are Progressives with more Conservative beliefs on social issues. There just isn't much difference between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both Big Government Globalists.
The neocons wanted to take out Assad so bad they could taste it. Assad's chemical weapons might have come in real handy against ISIS.

Not just the Neocons. It was a U.S. Government position to 'Regime Change' Assad. It then went onto fund and arm ISIS. ISIS is a Western and Sunni Muslim c
Hopefully be have leaned our lesson and won't make the same mistake by over throwing Assad.

Probably too late for that. The Globalist Elites have been planning Assad's removal for a long time. ISIS is a nice convenient way into the Syrian Civil War. A little too convenient in my opinion. The decision has already been made.

No doubt-----the neocons had Obama all ready to blow the shit out of Assad. We were locked and loaded until Putin stepped in.

It's not just the Neocons. The Communists/Progressives are all for more war and intervention too. That's historically been the case. They've actually gotten us involved in more wars than any other political group. Check this video out. It explains a lot. Not much difference between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. Check it out. The video is pretty short...

The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism.[2] Neoconservatives frequently advocate the "assertive" promotion of democracy and promotion of "American national interest" in international affairs including by means of military force.[3][4] The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish[5] monthly review magazine Commentary.[6][7] C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973).[8]
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You think the left isn't seeing themselves slowly morph into what they hated ?

Neocons are Progressives with more Conservative beliefs on social issues. There just isn't much difference between Neocons and Communists/Progressives. They're both Big Government Globalists.

And war mongers following the ideology set out for Bush by Richard Perle

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