Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.

(I can't get the multi quote feature to work so I'll just cut in Synthaholic's post.

Post #141 Synthaholic:
There was no 2008 SOFA. That was the problem.

Shows how much you know.)

Ok, shit for brains, after patiently taking at least 40 hours of my time, assuming I was debating with someone who was being serious, I've had it with your bullshit. Your problem isn't that your too stupid to understand the complexity of the SOFA. Your problem is you're flat out engaging in disinformation to mislead the public on purpose. For the first 30 hours or so, I thought you were just slow to pick up. It's become patently obvious you're a political plant to misinform and protect Obama's flat out lies.

And I'm not going to let you get away with it. I will stay on your lying ass till the election.

Now that your motives have been revealed, let's next demonstrate just HOW stupid you are. How stupid you liberals are, but especially you.

Anyone honestly trying to discern the truth should look at your post and the post from Synthaholic. You're both arguing the same fallacious argument about the SOFA - which is that Obama had no choice but to leave. And that's bullshit.

But look at how both of your quotes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Synth says I'm a know nothing because there was no 2008 SOFA. You say just the opposite. You say I'm a know nothing because I say the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a finalized 2012 SOFA.

So in effect one of you gives me cover for the other's attack, LOL. But you're both looking at it the way 6ths graders would see black and white when a topic is actually much more complex.

So you wanted proof, other then the reams of pages of me explaining on other threads? Here is is....right here in just this page 8 I can demonstrate you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

But you're welcome to keep lying out your ass; it's a free country. I spend a lot of time on the internet educating people to counter liars like you and the independent thinkers get it. So good luck trying to make it stick in November, liar.

Or it could be that one poster said it didn't exist because it was a worthless piece of "get me the hell out of here" Bush escape, as he dumped the mess on the next guy. The other guy may have meant "It was a worthless piece of crap, get me the hell out of here while I dump this mess on the next guy" agreement with the poster confirming it actually had legal status.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.

(I can't get the multi quote feature to work so I'll just cut in Synthaholic's post.

Post #141 Synthaholic:
There was no 2008 SOFA. That was the problem.

Shows how much you know.)

Ok, shit for brains, after patiently taking at least 40 hours of my time, assuming I was debating with someone who was being serious, I've had it with your bullshit. Your problem isn't that your too stupid to understand the complexity of the SOFA. Your problem is you're flat out engaging in disinformation to mislead the public on purpose. For the first 30 hours or so, I thought you were just slow to pick up. It's become patently obvious you're a political plant to misinform and protect Obama's flat out lies.

And I'm not going to let you get away with it. I will stay on your lying ass till the election.

Now that your motives have been revealed, let's next demonstrate just HOW stupid you are. How stupid you liberals are, but especially you.

Anyone honestly trying to discern the truth should look at your post and the post from Synthaholic. You're both arguing the same fallacious argument about the SOFA - which is that Obama had no choice but to leave. And that's bullshit.

But look at how both of your quotes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Synth says I'm a know nothing because there was no 2008 SOFA. You say just the opposite. You say I'm a know nothing because I say the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a finalized 2012 SOFA.

So in effect one of you gives me cover for the other's attack, LOL. But you're both looking at it the way 6ths graders would see black and white when a topic is actually much more complex.

So you wanted proof, other then the reams of pages of me explaining on other threads? Here is is....right here in just this page 8 I can demonstrate you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

But you're welcome to keep lying out your ass; it's a free country. I spend a lot of time on the internet educating people to counter liars like you and the independent thinkers get it. So good luck trying to make it stick in November, liar.

Or it could be that one poster said it didn't exist because it was a worthless piece of "get me the hell out of here" Bush escape, as he dumped the mess on the next guy. The other guy may have meant "It was a worthless piece of crap, get me the hell out of here while I dump this mess on the next guy" agreement with the poster confirming it actually had legal status.

Your very post reveals the complexity of the subject ...the very complexity that Notfooled keeps denying. He keeps saying you have to take everything literally and superficially, when no one who participates in such negotiations agrees.....and would laugh him out of the room.

Yet he can be found lying about it on countless threads even after being informed by those who were involved in extensive discussions in Iraq such as myself, which means he's either phenomenally stupid or is being paid to actively misinform.

We let liars get away with that in 2012, but that ain't happening again.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

So? There were many people screaming that the Nazi's were monsters for years before the U.S. went to war with them. FDR was smart - he waited until the time was right. Sometimes, and especially in war, you have to wait for the right time or you will lose.

WWII was started when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and Germany declared war on the US shortly after that.. It had nothing to do with FDR being smart or picking the right time.
Um actually yes, see in recent memory, Presidents including Bush cut short Vacations and deliberately were NOT SEEN playing golf in times of crisis.

That's some fine historical revisionism. Bush certainly didn't let terrorists spoil his golf outings.

I suggest you are the one rewriting history.

President George W. Bush, who routinely allowed journalists to accompany him on golf outings early in his presidency, told Politico in May 2008 that he decided to give up the game in August 2003 after a bomb attack on the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad that killed a top U.N. official.

“I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf,” Bush said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.”

“And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong message,” Bush said.

Remember When President Bush Gave Up Golf - Katie Pavlich
Yeah, it is a dangerous organisation and the US should have started fighting ISIS much earlier.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
The only thing apparent is your ignorance, stupidity, and the fact you're a liar.
. Anyone honestly trying to discern the truth should look at your post and the post from Synthaholic. You're both arguing the same fallacious argument about the SOFA - which is that Obama had no choice but to leave. And that's bullshit.

But look at how both of your quotes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Synth says I'm a know nothing because there was no 2008 SOFA. You say just the opposite. You say I'm a know nothing because I say the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a finalized 2012 SOFA.

Synthaholic is as wrong as you are. What are you babbling about now. There was a SOFA in 2008 and it set a firm date for all US troops to leave.

I am not saying you are a a know nothing because you say the 2008 SOFA was a 'placeholder' for a finalized 2012 SOFA. I am saying you have nothing to substantiate the validity of your 'placeholder' argument. There is no rational or logical basis for you to dismiss the 2012 deadline as non-binding and something the US could disregard at will.

It is a foolish idea that Bush could expect an outcome three years later in what as you say is a very complicated political and security environment.

I think you 'know' exactly what you are doing but the wiser among us are not fooled by your rude and vulgar style of debate.
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Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh

Republicans created Isis when they let go all of the Iraqi military leaving them without jobs or a way to take care of their families and then put in place a Shiite Government making Iraq a sister state to Iran. Republicans did that.

What could they have done different. Think about it. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain it to you.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh

Republicans created Isis when they let go all of the Iraqi military leaving them without jobs or a way to take care of their families and then put in place a Shiite Government making Iraq a sister state to Iran. Republicans did that.

What could they have done different. Think about it. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will explain it to you.
Let me know what you do different when you board your time machine rderp. Meanwhile the rest of us in 2014 will concentrate on the current situation.
The insults are because I took the time and debated you in good faith with plenty of facts. .

What facts? You cited ambiguity as one of your facts. There is not a single fact presented by you on the matter of the 2008 SOFA and what it says and what it requires.

You can't name one viable option that Obama had to keep US troops in Iraq when Iraq's Parliament and Maliki's own party would not agree to it.

Dropping the immunity for our troops is and was not an option for Obama to concede to benefit the Shiite mini-dictator, Maliki.

What do you think Obama's options were?
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Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Yes, as usual for this administration, too little too late. ( if at all )
Leading from behind. But I don't believe it's too late. ISIS has over a billion dollars and that alone makes them the most dangerous terrorist organization out there. That money can buy a lot of power, favors, turned heads & deaths

It's not about Right/Left. ISIS was created by the West and Sunni Muslim nations in the region. They were created to 'Regime Change' Assad. And now many are suffering the Blow Back on it. It's another horrific interventionist nightmare.
Your very post reveals the complexity of the subject ...the very complexity that Notfooled keeps denying. He keeps saying you have to take everything literally and superficially, when no one who participates in such negotiations agrees.....and would laugh him out of the room.

Legal documents tend to be taken literally and seriously to the great depths and historical significance of mankind's reliance on written law to make progress.

The superficial one is you, EconChick. Dismissing a treaty between sovereign nations so you can formulate a political attack on a sitting US President is narrow minded, superficial, and dishonest.
. Anyone honestly trying to discern the truth should look at your post and the post from Synthaholic. You're both arguing the same fallacious argument about the SOFA - which is that Obama had no choice but to leave. And that's bullshit.

But look at how both of your quotes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Synth says I'm a know nothing because there was no 2008 SOFA. You say just the opposite. You say I'm a know nothing because I say the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a finalized 2012 SOFA.

Synthaholic is as wrong as you are. What are you babbling about now. There was a SOFA in 2008 and it set a firm date for all US troops to leave.

I am not saying you are a a know nothing because you say the 2008 SOFA was a 'placeholder' for a finalized 2012 SOFA. I am saying you have nothing to substantiate the validity of your 'placeholder' argument. There is no rational or logical basis for you to dismiss the 2012 deadline as non-binding and something the US could disregard at will.

It is a foolish idea that Bush could expect an outcome three years later in what as you say is a very complicated political and security environment.

I think you 'know' exactly what you are doing but the wiser among us are not fooled by your rude and vulgar style of debate.

Vulgar? That's nothing compared to the slimy, dishonest, lying, destructive-to-this-country lies you assholes told the American public backed up by the corrupt, dishonest, socialist, subversive fuckers in the press running cover for you.... just so this idiot child in chief could retain power in 2012. And we will never let you fuckers do it again.
I am not saying you are a a know nothing because you say the 2008 SOFA was a 'placeholder' for a finalized 2012 SOFA. I am saying you have nothing to substantiate the validity of your 'placeholder' argument. There is no rational or logical basis for you to dismiss the 2012 deadline as non-binding and something the US could disregard at will.

It is a foolish idea that Bush could expect an outcome three years later in what as you say is a very complicated political and security environment.

I think you 'know' exactly what you are doing but the wiser among us are not fooled by your rude and vulgar style of debate.

This is like having a third grader sit in a senior college physics class asking the same question over and over a million times because he's too unsophisticated to grasp the subject.

I, as well as numerous others, have answered your questions over and over. Your brain is just not big enough to comprehend what we're saying.

I've dedicated tons of time to being patient with you and I'm not wasting my time anymore trying to help you.
The insults are because I took the time and debated you in good faith with plenty of facts. .

What facts? You cited ambiguity as one of your facts. There is not a single fact presented by you on the matter of the 2008 SOFA and what it says and what it requires.

You can't name one viable option that Obama had to keep US troops in Iraq when Iraq's Parliament and Maliki's own party would not agree to it.

Dropping the immunity for our troops is and was not an option for Obama to concede to benefit the Shiite mini-dictator, Maliki.

What do you think Obama's options were?

And THIS post proves you have zero reading comprehension ability. I and others have explained it over and over and over. You're not listening. I don't think you're even reading the tons of posts on this even though they're addressed to you.

We've answered these questions over and over and you still come back and ask the same fucking question.

No one said to drop the immunity. Like I told you 50 fucking times, immunity was also addressed in the 2008 agreement in a superficial way that appeased certain factions on the surface while in reality giving us all the protection we really needed.

Maybe you just can't understand what I just fucking said. Maybe that's too hard for you to grasp.

Legal documents tend to be taken literally and seriously to the great depths and historical significance of mankind's reliance on written law to make progress.


How many times do I have to tell you to stop looking through your American eyes you idiot. This was a war torn country in the Middle East, not the developed United States of America.

You have no idea what you're talking about and you need to STFU.

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