Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

The war was thrown away on June 8, 2004 with the acceptance of UN Security Council Resolution 1546 (2004). The Bush administration did not use the option to veto or prevent the passage of the binding resolution.

And all because Bush wanted to show that the Iraqis had a new government, and purple fingers, and a newly sovereign state, all in advance of his 2004 re-election.

It had nothing to do with what was best for Iraq and everything to do with what was best for George W. Bush.
that "exit strategy" is working out really well now.
The exit was from combat operations and Americans being blown up and becoming casualties. Are you suggesting we should have packed up and completely left Iraq or continued in a combat and continued to accept combat casualties? Which one?
Um actually yes, see in recent memory, Presidents including Bush cut short Vacations and deliberately were NOT SEEN playing golf in times of crisis.

That's some fine historical revisionism. Bush certainly didn't let terrorists spoil his golf outings.

It's comedic how either the right wing loons here deny history or simply are ignorant of it's existence.

This thread is a testament to it. A poll was taken back last August concerning whether or not we should go into Syria. The results for/against were something like 4/180 (4 were pro-Obama's wanting to go in). Now it's "I told you so" even though most now criticizing the actions that were taken were against the re-invasion.

Of course what isn't mentioned is that with every new stress in the ME, gas prices go up. Gas in one part of the nation was at $3.11. It's below $4 a gallon in San Francisco for the first time this year I believe. Were we still fighting in the ME, that would not be the case and the same lunatics wanting war (as long as they don't go) would be bitching about fuel costs....
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Foreign policy was never a major interest of Obamas so none of what is happening should come as surprise. When the U.S. pulls of the world stage it leaves a void to be filled and usually nothing good fills it.

According to liberals Bush fucked up the world so completely that there is nothing that Obama could possibly do to make it any better.

There's just this little itty problem called ISIS that resulted.

What problem is that? No American blood being spilled is a good thing.

Lets say we go back in, fight them, destroy them, then what? Stay there? Spending more money, blood, treasure, so they can install another American hating theocrat?

No thanks. Been there, done that, got the pictures of the flag draped coffins.

There's just this little itty problem called ISIS that resulted.

What problem is that? No American blood being spilled is a good thing.

Lets say we go back in, fight them, destroy them, then what? Stay there? Spending more money, blood, treasure, so they can install another American hating theocrat?

No thanks. Been there, done that, got the pictures of the flag draped coffins.

The problem is that ISIS is coming to America. They are being given the opportunity to recruit and become more powerful than ever .
Funny how things change:

IMHO it was a civil unrest that mushroomed because it occured in an area that has been unstable for decades. Turkey and Israel can defend themselves quite easily. Why would the US even consider spending more money and lives on this mess ?

What change ? I still think Israel and Turkey should kick ISIS ass.

Then why do you want us to still be there?

I don't----Why does Obama want us back there ?

There's just this little itty problem called ISIS that resulted.

What problem is that? No American blood being spilled is a good thing.

Lets say we go back in, fight them, destroy them, then what? Stay there? Spending more money, blood, treasure, so they can install another American hating theocrat?

No thanks. Been there, done that, got the pictures of the flag draped coffins.

The problem is that ISIS is coming to America. They are being given the opportunity to recruit and become more powerful than ever .

And our being there would change that how... It would actually be a great recruiting too for ISIS.

Obama did the right thing by getting us out of that mess caused by GWB. He took far too long to do it in my opinion...it should have happened in February 2008 IMHO.
Funny how things change:

IMHO it was a civil unrest that mushroomed because it occured in an area that has been unstable for decades. Turkey and Israel can defend themselves quite easily. Why would the US even consider spending more money and lives on this mess ?

What change ? I still think Israel and Turkey should kick ISIS ass.

Then why do you want us to still be there?

I don't----Why does Obama want us back there ?

Boots on the ground has been ruled out by Your President.

Obama On Iraq Nothing Ruled Out - Business Insider

I'm confused...

first you say that Turkey and Israel can do the job...

then you say ISIS is a problem we need to take care of....

then you say we shouldn't take care of it (see bolded text above).

then you say ISIS is coming to America... as if there are troop ships at sea right now..

If you send me your Pay Pal information, I'll send you some money. With that, buy a mirror so you can debate yourself. You seem to have a problem picking a position and sticking with it.
Look dumbfuck, I was there, you weren't.

Whether you have been there or not, you still need to put facts behind your opinions. And thus far you have failed miserably in that regard. Rabid insulting is no substitute for knowing facts and using them wisely.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
You mean the part where McCain wanted to arm the Syrian opposition?
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.

I am not saying it was. You've wasted another one of your tasteless insults.

The 2008 SOFA had legal standing and it achieved results that the Iraqis negotiated with Bush. Negotiations went on to deal with 2012 moving forward. The Iraqis would not, could not, did negotiate away their position on immunity. Negotiations were suspended agreeably to both sides and all US troops left according to the date certain that Bush set and agreed. And that SOFA was passed in Iraq's legislative body. Hopefully you got a dose of reality on that aspect. There's a start.

(I can't get the multi quote feature to work so I'll just cut in Synthaholic's post.

Post #141 Synthaholic:
There was no 2008 SOFA. That was the problem.

Shows how much you know.)

Ok, shit for brains, after patiently taking at least 40 hours of my time, assuming I was debating with someone who was being serious, I've had it with your bullshit. Your problem isn't that your too stupid to understand the complexity of the SOFA. Your problem is you're flat out engaging in disinformation to mislead the public on purpose. For the first 30 hours or so, I thought you were just slow to pick up. It's become patently obvious you're a political plant to misinform and protect Obama's flat out lies.

And I'm not going to let you get away with it. I will stay on your lying ass till the election.

Now that your motives have been revealed, let's next demonstrate just HOW stupid you are. How stupid you liberals are, but especially you.

Anyone honestly trying to discern the truth should look at your post and the post from Synthaholic. You're both arguing the same fallacious argument about the SOFA - which is that Obama had no choice but to leave. And that's bullshit.

But look at how both of your quotes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Synth says I'm a know nothing because there was no 2008 SOFA. You say just the opposite. You say I'm a know nothing because I say the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a finalized 2012 SOFA.

So in effect one of you gives me cover for the other's attack, LOL. But you're both looking at it the way 6ths graders would see black and white when a topic is actually much more complex.

So you wanted proof, other then the reams of pages of me explaining on other threads? Here is is....right here in just this page 8 I can demonstrate you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

But you're welcome to keep lying out your ass; it's a free country. I spend a lot of time on the internet educating people based on my firsthand experience in Iraq to counter liars like you and the independent thinkers get it. So good luck trying to make it stick in November, liar.
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Look dumbfuck, I was there, you weren't.

Whether you have been there or not, you still need to put facts behind your opinions. And thus far you have failed miserably in that regard. Rabid insulting is no substitute for knowing facts and using them wisely.

The insults are because I took the time and debated you in good faith with plenty of facts. Now that I know you fuckers aren't interested in honest debate, FUCK YOU.

It's time to just call people like you out for the deceitful fucking pieces of shit that you are.

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