Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
I don't know about the rest of the right but I was right about Iraq from day one.

I was right way back when I said Bush SR should have not stopped and should have taken out Saddam.
I was right when I said we should not invade Iraq after 9/11
I was right when After we did invade I said now were in it and we have to win it
I was right when I said If we left Iraq it would fall apart and end up worse than it started.

sorry but it's the truth.
I'm not sure Obama is golfing to look cool before an ISiS strike (mostly to impress his own military with links calm) or if he just does not care and is a bitter man that his Presidency was not a great one.

Geez! What is with all you wingnuts obsession with the President playing golf. Is that the best you got? Pitiful!

Do you think that he's the first President to play golf during times of crisis? What is he supposed to do? Sit in the Oval office 7/24 for weeks on end biting his nails? Get real!

It's his handlers not hiding the optics of this. I don't blame him if he golfs 24/7 but you would think his press team would not put it out there.
I'm not sure Obama is golfing to look cool before an ISiS strike (mostly to impress his own military with links calm) or if he just does not care and is a bitter man that his Presidency was not a great one.

Geez! What is with all you wingnuts obsession with the President playing golf. Is that the best you got? Pitiful!

Do you think that he's the first President to play golf during times of crisis? What is he supposed to do? Sit in the Oval office 7/24 for weeks on end biting his nails? Get real!

Um actually yes, see in recent memory, Presidents including Bush cut short Vacations and deliberately were NOT SEEN playing golf in times of crisis.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
I don't know about the rest of the right but I was right about Iraq from day one.

I was right way back when I said Bush SR should have not stopped and should have taken out Saddam.
I was right when I said we should not invade Iraq after 9/11
I was right when After we did invade I said now were in it and we have to win it
I was right when I said If we left Iraq it would fall apart and end up worse than it started.

sorry but it's the truth.

Whoop there it is in a nutshell. I wish I could give you rep. I can't figure out even how to give you a thumbs up now though.
Obama ignores the US military and CIA warning him about terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, etc......so every time he goes golfing it shows he is a fucking shitbag.

Who cares about how many times Buuuuuuuuush golfed, he didn't ignore the military and CIA.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

Nobody cares. You were just looking for a problem to crow about. Get over yourself?

Fuck you LL. We were rocking this and you can't take it now that we were right.

Deal with it. We were right. We called it. Just like we called Egypt. Just like we called Libya. Just like we have called the Ukraine and just like we have called Syria.

And the others are a rag tag bunch like me. I belong to no group. Just a poster.

But there are a few of us out there that fucking know what we are seeing and put it up.



We called it. Just like we called Egypt. Just like we called Libya. Just like we have called the Ukraine and just like we have called Syria.

that's right, just keep telling everyone how it was over in 2002 ...

Um actually yes, see in recent memory, Presidents including Bush cut short Vacations and deliberately were NOT SEEN playing golf in times of crisis.

That's some fine historical revisionism. Bush certainly didn't let terrorists spoil his golf outings.

Um actually yes he did despite your problems with Facts. he was almost never seen golfing during most of his second term.
Obama ignores the US military and CIA warning him about terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, etc......so every time he goes golfing it shows he is a fucking shitbag.

Who cares about how many times Buuuuuuuuush golfed, he didn't ignore the military and CIA.

If the U.S. went to war every time the the CIA gave the President a warning we'd be at war with every country in the world constantly. This idea that every time some war monger has a hunch or theory (like the "Domino Theory"), we have to go to war preemptively, the U.S. would just been seen as nothing but a bully, no one would consider our actions justified and the whole world would hate us.

Some times it's best to wait until the shit hits the fan so everyone knows who's right and who's wrong.
At the present time ISIS leaders are making bets and guessing whether the United States Congress will allow the President to continue bombing them. They know he has limited time and revenue to hold them at bay. The congress is on vacation and doesn't have the motivation or time to come back to Washington and do their jobs. When they should be sending a message it is one of laziness, apathy and weakness.
Thank God we have a military and a President willing to stem the tide and prepare for the storm while the vacationin do nothing congress hides in their beach homes and mountain retreats sucking on cocktails and high dollar wine.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

Nobody cares. You were just looking for a problem to crow about. Get over yourself?

Fuck you LL. We were rocking this and you can't take it now that we were right.

Deal with it. We were right. We called it. Just like we called Egypt. Just like we called Libya. Just like we have called the Ukraine and just like we have called Syria.

And the others are a rag tag bunch like me. I belong to no group. Just a poster.

But there are a few of us out there that fucking know what we are seeing and put it up.

Ya, ya, bla, bla, bla, so says the self proclaimed Canadian Ukraine who supports the Moscow Russians murdering actual Ukrainians. And only she saw the truth about what westerners called the al Qaeda in Iraq who in 2006 were recognized as the most brutal and evil Islamist terrorist in Iraq. Predicting the predictable is not a skill.
Obama ignores the US military and CIA warning him about terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, etc......so every time he goes golfing it shows he is a fucking shitbag.

Who cares about how many times Buuuuuuuuush golfed, he didn't ignore the military and CIA.
Yes he did Edge. If he had listened we would have never gone into Iraq, would have finished the job in Afghanistan and gotten out and attacked the loose groups where they went to hide in Africa and Yemen. We would be done with all of this if Bush had listened to the military and CIA.
Obama ignores the US military and CIA warning him about terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, etc......so every time he goes golfing it shows he is a fucking shitbag.

Who cares about how many times Buuuuuuuuush golfed, he didn't ignore the military and CIA.

What do you mean Bush "didn't ignore the military and CIA." He blatantly ignored all CIA and Military that did not fit the narrative he wanted! He ignored anyone that said that Iraq may not have WMDs -and there were a lot. He retired army officers that said we would need a whole hell of a lot more boots on the ground for keeping Iraq under control.

Um actually yes, see in recent memory, Presidents including Bush cut short Vacations and deliberately were NOT SEEN playing golf in times of crisis.

That's some fine historical revisionism. Bush certainly didn't let terrorists spoil his golf outings.

Bush quit golfing entirely when the media called him on it. 6th or 7th year I think.

Course Obama doesn't give a rats ass so off to the 9th hole.
Holy shit it's fun watching the left meltdown on this thread as the realization finally sinks in just HOW gullible and inept they, their theories, and their heroes are.

It's like watching an uneven boxing match where one guy gets pummeled over and over and over and over again, yet never gets off one punch.
Then of course you still have a few still selling their ridiculous versions of history and fact.

It's like watching some idiot tell us the Statue of Liberty was a gift from Russia and she has a black balaclava on her head if only you look hard enough.
...and then some of the clapping seals in the audience say oh yes Lady Liberty does..... she does have a black hoodie on her head and oh yes Russia DID give her to us.....while the rest of us sit and roll our eyes at the pure lack of awareness of just how pathetic said morons look to sane people....
As for those who agree Obama did fuck this up but are asking that he be supported now my response is that the best thing Obama can do is step down.

Which he would never consider doing.

But as I've been saying since his election in 08, our enemies knew the measure of this man from the get go. They know Obama is lilly-livered, hesitant, indecisive, and basically a pacifist deep down. They know he will never possess the backbone it takes to be Commander in Chief, let alone take on barbaric sons of bitches like ISIS.

It doesn't matter what the fuck O does. Doesn't matter one bit. You could come up with the most brilliant comprehensive strategy in the world with all the funding and firepower you could want and it still wouldn't work. That's what you dumb ass libs will never EVER fucking grasp.

It's all about will and this moron doesn't have it. Which is why so many of us conservatives LOATHE you morons for the dangerous position you flaky sons a bitches put this country in by failing to grasp that VERY BASIC principle of leadership.
We're talking the optics of it. You need to get up to speed.

No we were not talking optics. You tried to change the subject to a question of optics when you realized that you were dead wrong.
Dead wrong on what sparky?

I've been on ISIS / Levant / al Nusra from the fucking get go.

I don't know how you do it on this new board but you can go right back to the beginning of the so called Syrian "arab spring uprising" and go right at all my posts.

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