Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

I am convinced that a majority of Republicans would applaud an ISIS attack on American soil. It would give them an "I told you so" political win. Prove me wrong, USMB nutters. Demonstrate your support for the CIC as he is dealing with this terrorist group.

I'm convinced that you are a complete and utter moron.
Will do-----please pass me the intelligence that he has to work with.

Excellent reply. Might be some hope after all.

Would you like to retract your comment from earlier when you said you cannot support his actions?

Not if he he continues his plan of containment because it's not happening.

You just said that you need the intel to devise a plan. He has the intel. How can you sit there and say that he is doing the wrong thing when you have no idea what the right thing is?

You see? It's fucking ridiculous.[/QUO
Will do-----please pass me the intelligence that he has to work with.

Excellent reply. Might be some hope after all.

Would you like to retract your comment from earlier when you said you cannot support his actions?

Not if he he continues his plan of containment because it's not happening.

You just said that you need the intel to devise a plan. He has the intel. How can you sit there and say that he is doing the wrong thing when you have no idea what the right thing is?

You see? It's fucking ridiculous.

Easy----if it fucks up he did the wrong thing. Sorta like leaving Iraq was. Sorta like letting 5 Taliban go was.
There are at least a couple of RW's in this thread giving themselves sore arms patting themselves on the back and crowing about their almost pre-cognitive predictions about IS from waaay baaack. So let's concede them the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. I have a prediction of my own that should put me in the running for it in the near future.......

"Whatever action Obama takes RE:IS in the future, 100% of the wingers on this board will find some reason, no matter how obscure, (like it was done on Tuesday and not Friday, or he played a game of golf 3 days before he took the action) to demean, denounce, critisize, carp and otherwise disapprove of that action---no matter what it is."

There, I wish I could place bets on that prediction in Vegas.
There are at least a couple of RW's in this thread giving themselves sore arms patting themselves on the back and crowing about their almost pre-cognitive predictions about IS from waaay baaack. So let's concede them the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. I have a prediction of my own that should put me in the running for it in the near future.......

"Whatever action Obama takes RE:IS in the future, 100% of the wingers on this board will find some reason, no matter how obscure, (like it was done on Tuesday and not Friday, or he played a game of golf 3 days before he took the action) to demean, denounce, critisize, carp and otherwise disapprove of that action---no matter what it is."

There, I wish I could place bets on that prediction in Vegas.
Anyone who watched the liberals criticize Bush knows full well that this is how the game is played.
There are at least a couple of RW's in this thread giving themselves sore arms patting themselves on the back and crowing about their almost pre-cognitive predictions about IS from waaay baaack. So let's concede them the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. I have a prediction of my own that should put me in the running for it in the near future.......

"Whatever action Obama takes RE:IS in the future, 100% of the wingers on this board will find some reason, no matter how obscure, (like it was done on Tuesday and not Friday, or he played a game of golf 3 days before he took the action) to demean, denounce, critisize, carp and otherwise disapprove of that action---no matter what it is."

There, I wish I could place bets on that prediction in Vegas.

Hey fuck face. I can say I did two years back. As soon as I found out these dudes were working with Al Nusra and dissing AQ I called them.

What now? We're assholes for calling this shit? I don't know how it goes on this new board but my threads and my posts have been fucking SOLID on ISIS and Levant.
Shitstain I've been reading the reports Obama ignores for years....you on the otherhand are a piece of shit on the outside talking out your ass.

Compared to you? Are you somebody?

You don't KNOW shit. You read what a few idiots say....and then repeat it here. It's not impressive.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.

Yeah and if you go back over your posts from a couple of months ago or so you'll find me in the thread agreeing with you.

Banging the drum about ISIS isn't a stroke of brilliance. Everyone wants that shifty group of assholes taken down. Half of the nation, however, is more interested in trying to convict the POTUS for neglect than they are in supporting his efforts to deal with them.

It's gone beyond what is NORMAL regarding political opposition in this nation. It fucking ridiculous.

I am convinced that a majority of Republicans would applaud an ISIS attack on American soil. It would give them an "I told you so" political win. Prove me wrong, USMB nutters. Demonstrate your support for the CIC as he is dealing with this terrorist group.

I really wish I could disagree with you, but give them a choice between a big Obama success and some sort of evil befalling America? I would say the evidence to date would convince me not to bet a dime they would choose the former.
First, there was absolutely no public support for U.S. involvement in Syria.

Second, the crisis in Iraq has been caused by Bush's hand picked Iraqi prime minister (Al-Malaki) who removed all competent Iraqi senior military officers and replaced them with political loyalists that had little to no military expertise. This is why Mosul fell. Geez! Al-Malaki made his son commander of all Iraqi military! With total incompetents at the head of the Iraqi military, you probably could have beat them using nothing more than a stick with a nail in it!

Third Al-Malaki tried to become the Shiite version of Saddam Hussein. He divided the Sunni's against Iraq.

Fourth, ISIS is not the level of threat that most people have been led to believe. They function like a conventional army and the U.S. is VERY good at destroying conventional armies. What's more is that every nutcase Islamic extremist in the world is going to Syria to join ISIS. This is a good thing, now that they're all in one place we can kill the whole bunch and be done with this type of scum once and for all.

The President is very carefully and professionally organizing a major strike against ISIS. They will be destroyed within a few weeks.


First, the Iraqi government and military have to be straightened out - professional military officers must be reinstated before the Iraqi military can possibly be an effective fighting force.

Syria must cooperate with U.S. air strikes inside Syria so as not to start a war with Syria. They have effective anti-aircraft systems and if they start shooting at U.S. planes it'll open up a new conflict that we don't really want.

My big question is whether it will be cruise missiles, B-52s, B-1s an assortment of fighter bombers or maybe that BIG type of bomb that the U.S. used to break the Taliban battle line - that has to be dropped by a slow moving C-130, so it can't be used in areas where there's significant anti-aircraft systems.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.
First, there was absolutely no public support for U.S. involvement in Syria.

Second, the crisis in Iraq has been caused by Bush's hand picked Iraqi prime minister (Al-Malaki) who removed all competent Iraqi senior military officers and replaced them with political loyalists that had little to no military expertise. This is why Mosul fell. Geez! Al-Malaki made his son commander of all Iraqi military! With total incompetents at the head of the Iraqi military, you probably could have beat them using nothing more than a stick with a nail in it!

Third Al-Malaki tried to become the Shiite version of Saddam Hussein. He divided the Sunni's against Iraq.

Fourth, ISIS is not the level of threat that most people have been led to believe. They function like a conventional army and the U.S. is VERY good at destroying conventional armies. What's more is that every nutcase Islamic extremist in the world is going to Syria to join ISIS. This is a good thing, now that they're all in one place we can kill the whole bunch and be done with this type of scum once and for all.

The President is very carefully and professionally organizing a major strike against ISIS. They will be destroyed within a few weeks.


First, the Iraqi government and military have to be straightened out - professional military officers must be reinstated before the Iraqi military can possibly be an effective fighting force.

Syria must cooperate with U.S. air strikes inside Syria so as not to start a war with Syria. They have effective anti-aircraft systems and if they start shooting at U.S. planes it'll open up a new conflict that we don't really want.

So let me get this right. Obama is going to ask Assad to rid Syria of ISIS.


okey dokey
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

So? There were many people screaming that the Nazi's were monsters for years before the U.S. went to war with them. FDR was smart - he waited until the time was right. Sometimes, and especially in war, you have to wait for the right time or you will lose.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

Nobody cares. You were just looking for a problem to crow about. Get over yourself?
So let me get this right. Obama is going to ask Assad to rid Syria of ISIS.


okey dokey

Do you know how to read? Geez! that's not what I said at all. Try going back and reading my message again. Read it slow so that you understand it this time.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

So? There were many people screaming that the Nazi's were monsters for years before the U.S. went to war with them. FDR was smart - he waited until the time was right. Sometimes, and especially in war, you have to wait for the right time or you will lose.
I'm not sure Obama is golfing to look cool before an ISiS strike (mostly to impress his own military with links calm) or if he just does not care and is a bitter man that his Presidency was not a great one.
There are at least a couple of RW's in this thread giving themselves sore arms patting themselves on the back and crowing about their almost pre-cognitive predictions about IS from waaay baaack. So let's concede them the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. I have a prediction of my own that should put me in the running for it in the near future.......

"Whatever action Obama takes RE:IS in the future, 100% of the wingers on this board will find some reason, no matter how obscure, (like it was done on Tuesday and not Friday, or he played a game of golf 3 days before he took the action) to demean, denounce, critisize, carp and otherwise disapprove of that action---no matter what it is."

There, I wish I could place bets on that prediction in Vegas.

Hey fuck face. I can say I did two years back. As soon as I found out these dudes were working with Al Nusra and dissing AQ I called them.

What now? We're assholes for calling this shit? I don't know how it goes on this new board but my threads and my posts have been fucking SOLID on ISIS and Levant.

Well I didn't mention you by name but of course you get a share of the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. Your reaction to this bit of political humor seems pretty high-strung to me. What's with all the obscenities, uncalled for in my opinion. And as I've mentioned in posts past I've agreed with you on the evils of IS and the need for decisive action against them, hopefully mainly from actors in their own region. So why flip out? Hmmm...confusing.
Any one on this board want to come at me over ISIS do so now. I have been on these bastards for forever now.

But do so at your peril because I will fight you to the death over them. I and a hand full of others on this board have been begging you to understand these monsters.

Nobody cares. You were just looking for a problem to crow about. Get over yourself?

Fuck you LL. We were rocking this and you can't take it now that we were right.

Deal with it. We were right. We called it. Just like we called Egypt. Just like we called Libya. Just like we have called the Ukraine and just like we have called Syria.

And the others are a rag tag bunch like me. I belong to no group. Just a poster.

But there are a few of us out there that fucking know what we are seeing and put it up.
I'm not sure Obama is golfing to look cool before an ISiS strike (mostly to impress his own military with links calm) or if he just does not care and is a bitter man that his Presidency was not a great one.

Geez! What is with all you wingnuts obsession with the President playing golf. Is that the best you got? Pitiful!

Do you think that he's the first President to play golf during times of crisis? What is he supposed to do? Sit in the Oval office 7/24 for weeks on end biting his nails? Get real!
There are at least a couple of RW's in this thread giving themselves sore arms patting themselves on the back and crowing about their almost pre-cognitive predictions about IS from waaay baaack. So let's concede them the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. I have a prediction of my own that should put me in the running for it in the near future.......

"Whatever action Obama takes RE:IS in the future, 100% of the wingers on this board will find some reason, no matter how obscure, (like it was done on Tuesday and not Friday, or he played a game of golf 3 days before he took the action) to demean, denounce, critisize, carp and otherwise disapprove of that action---no matter what it is."

There, I wish I could place bets on that prediction in Vegas.

Hey fuck face. I can say I did two years back. As soon as I found out these dudes were working with Al Nusra and dissing AQ I called them.

What now? We're assholes for calling this shit? I don't know how it goes on this new board but my threads and my posts have been fucking SOLID on ISIS and Levant.

Well I didn't mention you by name but of course you get a share of the "Nostradamus of Foreign Policy" award. Your reaction to this bit of political humor seems pretty high-strung to me. What's with all the obscenities, uncalled for in my opinion. And as I've mentioned in posts past I've agreed with you on the evils of IS and the need for decisive action against them, hopefully mainly from actors in their own region. So why flip out? Hmmm...confusing.

I'll take the award very funny :lol: I can see but that aside its in the dreams. That's for a whole different ball game.

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