Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

Of course....you couldn't say anything about the historical context of ISIS, because they are attached to Obama and you at the hip.

I'll go to work tomorrow and read the latest info on what ISIS is doing and you will have no clue about it because Obama is making sure you are left in the dark.....on second thought he might be ignoring those reports too with the golfing taking precedence.

Your head's lodged too firmly up your ass. Nothing we can say can ever get it out of there.
Let's sum this up for you.....you are an irrelevant piece of shit on the internet compared to me.

Your non-stop lies about US military power projection being "invasions" proves you are drowning in this subject area.

You have no clue about deterrence through strength and forward presence which in the long run promotes peace and prevents the disasters we see in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria.....thanks to Obama and scum like you.

Go fuck yourself.

Intervene everywhere. Nice plan. Gotcha :thup:

Compared to you? Are you somebody?

You don't KNOW shit. You read what a few idiots say....and then repeat it here. It's not impressive.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Yes, as usual for this administration, too little too late. ( if at all )
Leading from behind. But I don't believe it's too late. ISIS has over a billion dollars and that alone makes them the most dangerous terrorist organization out there. That money can buy a lot of power, favors, turned heads & deaths

The right weren't the only ones who recognized the dangers of ISIS early even though the exponential growth of their power did surprise most of the west as well as the Obama administration. So we get it uou personally were prescient, congrats. Now can you stop gloating (Or am I over-reading you?) Anyway they are recieving "power, favors, turned heads" from America's allies in abundance they don't have to spend much of their stolen cash on that. Where the fuck are they getting all their weaponry and ammunition. The purloined stuff can't last forever. Will the Saudis keep them replenished? And it's time for Americans to get behind the President to battle this evil. Mistakes will be made but it sure limits his options with all the carping at home. Look at all the sniping he took for the hostage raid, instead of full-throated support most of what I heard was bickering over how or when or why the details were released. Who gives a fuck, go after the bastards whenever however you can. (I of course fall way short of backing invasion style war, even to destroy these barbarians, it wouldn't work anyway, that's going to take the region itself to grow a set of balls)
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh

You should read my posts and threads more often Gramps. :lol: I was on these bastards from the get go when they were ISIS and Levant and working with Al Nusra who were working with FSA.

Just lil ol me posting away trying to warn people about what ISIS was about to become. And not just here.
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when one of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.

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Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Yes, as usual for this administration, too little too late. ( if at all )
Leading from behind. But I don't believe it's too late. ISIS has over a billion dollars and that alone makes them the most dangerous terrorist organization out there. That money can buy a lot of power, favors, turned heads & deaths

The right weren't the only ones who recognized the dangers of ISIS early even though the exponential growth of their power did surprise most of the west as well as the Obama administration. So we get it uou personally were prescient, congrats. Now can you stop gloating (Or am I over-reading you?) Anyway they are recieving "power, favors, turned heads" from America's allies in abundance they don't have to spend much of their stolen cash on that. Where the fuck are they getting all their weaponry and ammunition. The purloined stuff can't last forever. Will the Saudis keep them replenished? And it's time for Americans to get behind the President to battle this evil. Mistakes will be made but it sure limits his options with all the carping at home. Look at all the sniping he took for the hostage raid, instead of full-throated support most of what I heard was bickering over how or when or why the details were released. Who gives a fuck, go after the bastards whenever however you can. (I of course fall way short of backing invasion style war, even to destroy these barbarians, it wouldn't work anyway, that's going to take the region itself to grow a set of balls)

What surprise? Give me a freaking break here. When I'm on the new movement in Syria before Obama's intel admits they are, you have a problem baby.

Geeze freaking louise 2 years ago I was screaming about how Assad was being assailed by terrorists not rebels. I'm no genius but I don't stick to our western pravda aka media.

Obama owns ISIS and Levant and Al Nusra. He owns them all. He owns that they now rule in both Syria and Iraq.

His legacy will be that he not only started the new cold war but that he has unleashed this monster called IS on the planet by inaction.

His legacy will be "EPIC MOTHER TRUCKING FAIL".
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when one of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Lets take a closer look at just a few months ago in Syria. :badgrin:


Obama’s Syria policy is a deadly mistake

A minor kerfuffle has broken out over whether, in a closed-door meeting with an American congressional delegation attending the Munich Security Conference during the first weekend of February, US secretary of state John Kerry acknowledged that the administration’s Syria policy was failing. Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham claim that he did; Mr Kerry’s spokeswoman, who was also present, denies it. Whatever the case, the underlying reality is undeniable – President Barack Obama’s Syria policy has failed...

Robert Gates: Obama's Red Line for Syria a Serious Mistake
White House's Syria policy is misguided, says former defense secretary.

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates criticized the Obama administration for its "red line" policy against Syrian chemical weapons, calling it a "serious mistake."

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Gates said he routinely warned commanders in chief against making ill-defined threats that would corner them into taking military action.

Robert Gates Obama s Red Line for Syria a Serious Mistake - US News
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.

ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)

I don't think we can now Peach. I'm not saying this to be negative or to slam Obama alone. I've been freaking out over Harper and Cameron as well.

We can't push ISIS back in the bottle. I'm at the point I am ready to not only cross the floor but to distance myself as far as I can from Harper and my conservatives. Between Syria and the Ukraine I'm ready to bail.

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