Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

Obama is just like any other politician. They will say whatever they have to say to get elected. Its not like they actually believe the crap they spew

Asshole....the CIA has been warning Obama for years about the threat of terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, Mali, Algeria, Yemen, etc.

Yet you stupid fucks invent lies claiming nobody knew this was going to happen when we predicted it from day 1 of Obama stealing the white house.

Oh the right predicted there would be terrorism in the middle east? Holy smokes batman!
The right had no idea what the hell they wanted or were talking about. They did exactly as I predicted months ago; waiting to take whatever side would benefit them most politically.

Do a little research. MONTHS if not near a year ago I created multiple threads about the need to deal with ISIS.

Your revisionist history is not accurate
I've already bumped one of the threads a week or two ago. You all ignored it BECAUSE I WAS RIGHT. If you need to see it again find it yourself. I have no idea how to find my old stuff now with this new skin on usmb
i didnt see it....im not here a lot when im working.Last week i was working 11p to 7am, so i wasnt here.
Fair enough. Sadly without a "user control panel" I have no idea how to find my old stuff now.
Actually shitstain...we warned about Obama's pullout of US power in the middle east was going to cause this fucking mess.

What is Obama doing about Boko Haram in Nigeria??? Black muslims are killing non-muslim blacks surely Obama could get black votes here for stopping that.

Russia is invading Ukraine in Europe because of Obama's declaration of drawing down in Europe.

I see a pattern here...

Oh the right predicted there would be terrorism in the middle east? Holy smokes batman!
Actually shitstain...we warned about Obama's pullout of US power in the middle east was going to cause this fucking mess.

What is Obama doing about Boko Haram in Nigeria??? Black muslims are killing non-muslim blacks surely Obama could get black votes here for stopping that.

Russia is invading Ukraine in Europe because of Obama's declaration of drawing down in Europe.

I see a pattern here...

Yes we're all aware that conservatives wanted to keep our military quagmired in Iraq for a thousand years. That's not an answer. Nation building does not work over there with those lunatics.

Boko Haram and Ukraine have nothing to do with the conversation. Though I can't help but notice that not a single nation in the world is doing anything about them either. We're not the world's police.
The right had no idea what the hell they wanted or were talking about. They did exactly as I predicted months ago; waiting to take whatever side would benefit them most politically.

Do a little research. MONTHS if not near a year ago I created multiple threads about the need to deal with ISIS.

Your revisionist history is not accurate
I've already bumped one of the threads a week or two ago. You all ignored it BECAUSE I WAS RIGHT. If you need to see it again find it yourself. I have no idea how to find my old stuff now with this new skin on usmb
i didnt see it....im not here a lot when im working.Last week i was working 11p to 7am, so i wasnt here.
Fair enough. Sadly without a "user control panel" I have no idea how to find my old stuff now.
hover over your name at the top right. Click on your name. Should bring you to your profile. click the black tab that says Information
I'm pretty sure that the right decided that the destruction of ISIS in Syria was a good idea the moment that they learned that President Obama wasn't going to bomb Syria. Funny....that was also the moment that Congress declined to take action toward Syria.

Good stuff.

Wrong----Putin came in and stopped Obama from attacking Assad.
If i was Obama i would be asking the world to deal with I because its starting to look like they are becoming a world issue, not just a regional one.
The US military didn't want to squander the win in Iraq by not leaving behind a group to support Iraq growing its government and military.

Obama being the typical dumbfuck like you ignored the warnings from the CIA and US military thus has caused this fucking mess we see today where innocents are being crucified and beheaded by YOUR terrorist friends.

Of course you don't understand how the Ukraine mess, Nigeria mess, etc play into this entire situation worldwide because of Obama because you are one dumb motherfucker.

Yes we're all aware that conservatives wanted to keep our military quagmired in Iraq for a thousand years. That's not an answer. Nation building does not work over there with those lunatics.

Boko Haram and Ukraine have nothing to do with the conversation. Though I can't help but notice that not a single nation in the world is doing anything about them either. We're not the world's police.
The US military didn't want to squander the win in Iraq by not leaving behind a group to support Iraq growing its government and military.

Obama being the typical dumbfuck like you ignored the warnings from the CIA and US military thus has caused this fucking mess we see today where innocents are being crucified and beheaded by YOUR terrorist friends.

Of course you don't understand how the Ukraine mess, Nigeria mess, etc play into this entire situation worldwide because of Obama because you are one dumb motherfucker.

The Iraqi's voted us out of there you dumb fuck. Tell me how long ago did you want our troops invading SYRIA where it all started?

Nigeria and Ukraine? I can name several other places in the world where there are conflicts. Maybe you can use my list to cherry pick which ones you can use against Obama.
No they didn't shitstain.

Obama had a personal vendetta against the leadership of Iraq and thus didn't work out the SOFA deal when he really didn't want one in the first place, it's called putting on a show for scum like you.

Nigeria...yeah you don't think a couple AC-130s and SOF could take care of muslim terrorists killing innocent people, gotta spend that money on obamacare.

As for Ukraine, nobody said anything about invading Ukraine....we said give them weapons and intel in addition to harsher sanctions against Putin.

Syria....you have no fucking clue what you are talking about....I helped write the Syria plan "2 years ago", but Obama has decided to do nothing.

The internet shows me stupid fucks like you are somehow breathing my air.

The Iraqi's voted us out of there you dumb fuck. Tell me how long ago did you want our troops invading SYRIA where it all started?

Nigeria and Ukraine? I can name several other places in the world where there are conflicts. Maybe you can use my list to cherry pick which ones you can use against Obama.
No they didn't shitstain.

Obama had a personal vendetta against the leadership of Iraq and thus didn't work ou
t the SOFA deal when he really didn't want one in the first place, it's called putting on a show for scum like you.

Nigeria...yeah you don't think a couple AC-130s and SOF could take care of muslim terrorists killing innocent people, gotta spend that money on obamacare.

As for Ukraine, nobody said anything about invading Ukraine....we said give them weapons and intel in addition to harsher sanctions against Putin.
Syria....you have no fucking clue what you are talking about....I helped write the Syria plan "2 years ago", but Obama has decided to do nothing.

The internet shows me stupid fucks like you are somehow breathing my air.

Intervene everywhere. Nice plan. Gotcha :thup:
Let's sum this up for you.....you are an irrelevant piece of shit on the internet compared to me.

Your non-stop lies about US military power projection being "invasions" proves you are drowning in this subject area.

You have no clue about deterrence through strength and forward presence which in the long run promotes peace and prevents the disasters we see in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria.....thanks to Obama and scum like you.

Go fuck yourself.

Intervene everywhere. Nice plan. Gotcha :thup:
Let's sum this up for you.....you are an irrelevant piece of shit on the internet compared to me.

Your non-stop lies about US military power projection being "invasions" proves you are drowning in this subject area.

You have no clue about deterrence through strength and forward presence which in the long run promotes peace and prevents the disasters we see in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria.....thanks to Obama and scum like you.

Go fuck yourself.

AQI left Iraq for Syria because of the US military presence.

AQI had a falling out with AQSL over means/methods in Syria and changed their name to ISIL.

ISIL finally realized there was nobody to stop them in Iraq thanks to Obama so they moved back in as ISIS.

Now Obama is dropping a "few" bombs on ISIS to save face as the terrorists massacre hundreds to thousands in Iraq like they've done in Syria thanks to Obama ignoring them there.

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