Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

It is known Baghdadi brought them together, mad the group the threat that it is, yes. IF this is the same ....creature released, a horrible error.

I hope you understand that on the release of this monster I blame no one.

Shit happens. BUT when one realizes what you have released and you are watching daily ISIS growing in power and stature and you do nothing......It's like a bad Harry Hausen movie....RELEASE THE KRAKKEN.

Whoa geeze. I blame whoever is in charge.

But now we have ISIS. Obama has given them to us.


While I may differ on who gave them to the world, there is NO question whose job it is to rid the world of them, OBAMA'S(.)

I don't think we can now Peach. I'm not saying this to be negative or to slam Obama alone. I've been freaking out over Harper and Cameron as well.

We can't push ISIS back in the bottle. I'm at the point I am ready to not only cross the floor but to distance myself as far as I can from Harper and my conservatives. Between Syria and the Ukraine I'm ready to bail.

I hope you are incorrect......but hope is all I can write. Destroying ISIS at this point would incur massive loss of the lives of innocents, the worst we have seen this century.
ISIS began in 2004, and whether it is tagged "right" or "left", detouring into Iraq may be the worst military decision in US history. Not only was the heat taken off al Qaeda, Iraq was an open door to ISIS, a group beyond terror.....yes, action should have begun sooner. The OP has written they were all togerther and could have been destroyed, I read otherwise; either way getting rid of them should have been a priority. Obama should have ignored the "Muslims killing Muslims, GOOD" chants. Now ISIS has 17,700 Shi'ias trapped in a town with no more food, some well water, no electricty, and no medical supplies. I remembering posting a few months ago that ISIS seemed terible enough to deal with, few agreed. Murked began that thread also I believe.

I'm calling bullshit on your post. Nicely. :) Why? Because ISIS was chump change and just your average Mohammed six pack dreaming of 72 virgins jihadist till the Obama administration let Baghdadi out.

Don't you dare lay this bullshit boogie woogie on the Iraq war. 2004. Kiss my ass. Baghdadi's release and his rise to power in ISIS is the new reality. And this asshole administration owns this fuck up.

I hope you can see the timeline. Truly.

That "the Obama administration let Baghdadi out" meme was proven bullshit months ago, over and over. Yet you guys keep humping that dead horse. It's no wonder there can't be rational debate on USMB. Once an anti-Obama turd of misinformation is deposited in the nutwing hemorrhoidosphere it's an indelible stain to be trotted out at every opportunity. I don't include you in that nutwing crowd but here you are repeating a lie that only nutwing bloggers still try to flog. All this bragging about how crystal clear all you RW's crystal balls were months or years ago isn't doing a fucking bit of good in the here and now.

And I wonder what your crystal balls revealed pre-2003. Did they forsee the Chaos that would ensue if the Bush administration turned it's back on finishing off the terrorists in Afghanistan and decided to "liberate" Iraq and "democratize" the whole Middle East? Some of you guys are laughable when you try to peddle that load that Obama is soley responsible for the terrorists storms that have been blowing in the region since 2004. And this isn't neccessarily aimed at you TD I'm not familiar enough with the history of your posts.
Focus on ending the threat, then everybody can arm wrestle about who is to blame...............however, removing the threat is OBAMA'S job now. And Congress needs to end their vacations also.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.

Yeah and if you go back over your posts from a couple of months ago or so you'll find me in the thread agreeing with you.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.

Yeah and if you go back over your posts from a couple of months ago or so you'll find me in the thread agreeing with you.

Banging the drum about ISIS isn't a stroke of brilliance. Everyone wants that shifty group of assholes taken down. Half of the nation, however, is more interested in trying to convict the POTUS for neglect than they are in supporting his efforts to deal with them.

It's gone beyond what is NORMAL regarding political opposition in this nation. It fucking ridiculous.

I am convinced that a majority of Republicans would applaud an ISIS attack on American soil. It would give them an "I told you so" political win. Prove me wrong, USMB nutters. Demonstrate your support for the CIC as he is dealing with this terrorist group.
But libertarian members of Republican Party and Democrats, along with the American people, would not have supported the idea back on 2013.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.

Yeah and if you go back over your posts from a couple of months ago or so you'll find me in the thread agreeing with you.

Banging the drum about ISIS isn't a stroke of brilliance. Everyone wants that shifty group of assholes taken down. Half of the nation, however, is more interested in trying to convict the POTUS for neglect than they are in supporting his efforts to deal with them.

It's gone beyond what is NORMAL regarding political opposition in this nation. It fucking ridiculous.

I am convinced that a majority of Republicans would applaud an ISIS attack on American soil. It would give them an "I told you so" political win. Prove me wrong, USMB nutters. Demonstrate your support for the CIC as he is dealing with this terrorist group.

Sorry--when he announces that his plan is to contain them and not destroy them he gets no support from me.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.

Yeah and if you go back over your posts from a couple of months ago or so you'll find me in the thread agreeing with you.

Banging the drum about ISIS isn't a stroke of brilliance. Everyone wants that shifty group of assholes taken down. Half of the nation, however, is more interested in trying to convict the POTUS for neglect than they are in supporting his efforts to deal with them.

It's gone beyond what is NORMAL regarding political opposition in this nation. It fucking ridiculous.

I am convinced that a majority of Republicans would applaud an ISIS attack on American soil. It would give them an "I told you so" political win. Prove me wrong, USMB nutters. Demonstrate your support for the CIC as he is dealing with this terrorist group.

Sorry--when he announces that his plan is to contain them and not destroy them he gets no support from me.

You watch a lot of action movies?

International diplomacy requires some tact. What fucking good would it do to stand up and say "We will destroy you!!" Other than to give dupes like you a hard on.

That shit don't work. Talk is cheap.

Besides....you wouldn't support him if he said it. You'd find issue with how he planned to destroy them or when or where. Just eat shit ya fucking loser.
Holy shit!

If one more person comes on here and says hat they predicted that a terrorist organization was going to commit acts of terror, I think I might throw myself off a a fucking roof.

Fucking USMB nutters. Spend every waking moment thinking of how news can be spun into negatives....making dire predictions about how awful life will be due to Obama........regardless of what he does....taking credit when of their vague doom and gloom predictions gets a little play.


Then you aren't reading the right posts and threads. There are more than just me who have been banging the drum about ISIS for quite some time now.

Yeah and if you go back over your posts from a couple of months ago or so you'll find me in the thread agreeing with you.

Banging the drum about ISIS isn't a stroke of brilliance. Everyone wants that shifty group of assholes taken down. Half of the nation, however, is more interested in trying to convict the POTUS for neglect than they are in supporting his efforts to deal with them.

It's gone beyond what is NORMAL regarding political opposition in this nation. It fucking ridiculous.

I am convinced that a majority of Republicans would applaud an ISIS attack on American soil. It would give them an "I told you so" political win. Prove me wrong, USMB nutters. Demonstrate your support for the CIC as he is dealing with this terrorist group.

Sorry--when he announces that his plan is to contain them and not destroy them he gets no support from me.

You watch a lot of action movies?

International diplomacy requires some tact. What fucking good would it do to stand up and say "We will destroy you!!" Other than to give dupes like you a hard on.

That shit don't work. Talk is cheap.

Besides....you wouldn't support him if he said it. You'd find issue with how he planned to destroy them or when or where. Just eat shit ya fucking loser.
:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: and you'll find any reason to support him--it never ends

When it comes to national security.......I'm going to start from a position of support. Just like I have for all the POTUS' that came before him.

I'm not going to wish for him to fail. I guarantee you that.

Can you say the same?

Doubt it.
:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: and you'll find any reason to support him--it never ends

When it comes to national security.......I'm going to start from a position of support. Just like I have for all the POTUS' that came before him.

I'm not going to wish for him to fail. I guarantee you that.

Can you say the same?

Doubt it.

I hate debating with people who think they can read minds. How about if we wait to see if he does anything and discuss it ?
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Who called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria? The right was busy attacking the supply of arms to groups of Sunni's that were considered moderate and fighting with ISIL. All the Sunni groups looked the same to the RW. It made a cool talking point to accuse Obama of supplying the terrorist. So the groups fighting against al Nusra and al Qaeda were left short of equipment while ISIS grew in the background.
At the time Obama called ISIS a JV, the Sunni tribes in Iraq were fighting against ISIS beside the Iraqi army and ISIS was being defeated. Blaming him for the inside drama and politics of the Sunni tribes in Iraq and Syria that left the region in shock at the development of ISI into ISIL and eventually into ISIS which became IS and a Caliphate is an example of why we are still in that shithole. We keep designing our war strategy and national security on selective political agenda's.

All these claims of having predicted ISIS are just hit or miss shotgun predictions. The turning point for ISIS had nothing to do with what was going on in Syria and certainly not what the US was doing. ISIS's fortune came when Maliki started screwing over the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes than turned on Maliki and the alliance with the Iraqi Army and security forces. That is what gave ISIS the power it has today. The tribes made deals with ISIS that gave it free reign in the Sunni triangle.

The 2004 and 2008 agreements with Iraq gave away any control America might have exerted to counter the loss of the Sunni tribes or more importantly, the prevention of Maliki mistreatment of the tribes to start with.


Will do-----please pass me the intelligence that he has to work with.

Excellent reply. Might be some hope after all.

Would you like to retract your comment from earlier when you said you cannot support his actions?

Not if he he continues his plan of containment because it's not happening.

You just said that you need the intel to devise a plan. He has the intel. How can you sit there and say that he is doing the wrong thing when you have no idea what the right thing is?

You see? It's fucking ridiculous.

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