Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

OP- Hard to tell, half of you say he's a brutal war mongering dictator, half say a meek, ineffectual pussy, and on Monday Morning, you were all right. BTW, nobody was worried about ISIL, chumps.
No they didn't shitstain.

Obama had a personal vendetta against the leadership of Iraq and thus didn't work out the SOFA deal when he really didn't want one in the first place, it's called putting on a show for scum like you.

Nigeria...yeah you don't think a couple AC-130s and SOF could take care of muslim terrorists killing innocent people, gotta spend that money on obamacare.

As for Ukraine, nobody said anything about invading Ukraine....we said give them weapons and intel in addition to harsher sanctions against Putin.

Syria....you have no fucking clue what you are talking about....I helped write the Syria plan "2 years ago", but Obama has decided to do nothing.

The internet shows me stupid fucks like you are somehow breathing my air.

The Iraqi's voted us out of there you dumb fuck. Tell me how long ago did you want our troops invading SYRIA where it all started?

Nigeria and Ukraine? I can name several other places in the world where there are conflicts. Maybe you can use my list to cherry pick which ones you can use against Obama.

Jesus, you stupid liberal fucks and your ignorance about the SOFA is not excusable anymore....I know I've personally spent at least 40 hours on this Board in multiple threads educating your dumb asses.

Just give up, libs, Americans aren't buying what you're selling anymore. And 1776, thanks for trying to educate them.....it will be a lot like this..........:bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3:
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Yes, as usual for this administration, too little too late. ( if at all )
Leading from behind. But I don't believe it's too late. ISIS has over a billion dollars and that alone makes them the most dangerous terrorist organization out there. That money can buy a lot of power, favors, turned heads & deaths

The right weren't the only ones who recognized the dangers of ISIS early even though the exponential growth of their power did surprise most of the west as well as the Obama administration. So we get it uou personally were prescient, congrats. Now can you stop gloating (Or am I over-reading you?) Anyway they are recieving "power, favors, turned heads" from America's allies in abundance they don't have to spend much of their stolen cash on that. Where the fuck are they getting all their weaponry and ammunition. The purloined stuff can't last forever. Will the Saudis keep them replenished? And it's time for Americans to get behind the President to battle this evil. Mistakes will be made but it sure limits his options with all the carping at home. Look at all the sniping he took for the hostage raid, instead of full-throated support most of what I heard was bickering over how or when or why the details were released. Who gives a fuck, go after the bastards whenever however you can. (I of course fall way short of backing invasion style war, even to destroy these barbarians, it wouldn't work anyway, that's going to take the region itself to grow a set of balls)

What surprise? Give me a freaking break here. When I'm on the new movement in Syria before Obama's intel admits they are, you have a problem baby.

Geeze freaking louise 2 years ago I was screaming about how Assad was being assailed by terrorists not rebels. I'm no genius but I don't stick to our western pravda aka media.

Obama owns ISIS and Levant and Al Nusra. He owns them all. He owns that they now rule in both Syria and Iraq.

His legacy will be that he not only started the new cold war but that he has unleashed this monster called IS on the planet by inaction.

His legacy will be "EPIC MOTHER TRUCKING FAIL".

Dag, TD, your posts.....1776, Grandpa.... you guys are cracking me up. You guys are pummeling those tards, LOL....
Was the right, right all along about ISIS?

After ~200,000 dead, of which ~10,000 are children?

I don't care. I just hope it stops and I know it will not stop. History says it won't stop. The ME is now a strategic point of reference for the United States and not an Oil Hegemonic reference point . President Obama has led from behind, a delivery that has split an Arabian/Persian gulf and where Shia and Sunni work behind the scenes to kill their own.

Obama expected to control a soft partition of Shia/Sunni and Kurds in Syria and then move on.

That won't be enough for ISIS. They will kill everyone who isn't under their brand of Islam and which they profess subjugation to Allah... which forbids other Muslims attacking what they do unless they can show how ISIS must be 'confused' and thus not at peace with Allah and thus not in submission to Allah and THUS can be killed.

This is shown by how they (ISIS) now soft partition Syria into Syria and Iraq.

Who's winning the war of Peace?


It's going to get a lot uglier.
Jesus, you stupid liberal fucks and your ignorance about the SOFA is not excusable anymore....I know I've personally spent at least 40 hours on this Board in multiple threads educating your dumb asses.

Just give up, libs, Americans aren't buying what you're selling anymore. And 1776, thanks for trying to educate them.....it will be a lot like this.........

Nobody bought your 'place-holder' crap. And you could spend 400 zillion hours on that placeholder crap and that Obama inserted a poison pill into the SOFA negotiations lunacy that you've been trying to sell, and you'd still be as wrong then as you are now. Give it up. .

Bush's boy is Maliki? You do realize the party is still in power do you? And that none of this Sunni feels disenfranchichized crap means anything at all?

Bush was Maliki's boy is the answer. Led Bush by the nose. Forced him to sign a SOFA. It was Maliki who demanded the UNSC not renew the CPA and the immunities for US troops that came with that. Maliki did that in 2007. What was Lil Dubya thinking to let him do that and force a SOFA between the US and Iraq by the end of 2008. .

You've been proven wrong about the disenfranchised Sunni. You will be more so with the departure of the problem ... Maliki.

When ISIS is destroyed by US Air Strikes coordinated with Iraq's Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites fighting them, your entire agenda to use this crisis to hurt Obama politically will crumble away. Its a shame you are more interested in hurting Obama politically than hurting IS terrorists.

Your argument denying that Sunnis living under lousy conditions as a minority set by Maliki is indefensible. Practically no one has sided with Maliki. Not Iran, Not Sistani, hardly anyone. It is odd that you have gone doen this path.
Jesus, you stupid liberal fucks and your ignorance about the SOFA is not excusable anymore....I know I've personally spent at least 40 hours on this Board in multiple threads educating your dumb asses.

Just give up, libs, Americans aren't buying what you're selling anymore. And 1776, thanks for trying to educate them.....it will be a lot like this.........

Nobody bought your 'place-holder' crap. And you could spend 400 zillion hours on that placeholder crap and that Obama inserted a poison pill into the SOFA negotiations lunacy that you've been trying to sell, and you'd still be as wrong then as you are now. Give it up. .

Bush's boy is Maliki? You do realize the party is still in power do you? And that none of this Sunni feels disenfranchichized crap means anything at all?

Bush was Maliki's boy is the answer. Led Bush by the nose. Forced him to sign a SOFA. It was Maliki who demanded the UNSC not renew the CPA and the immunities for US troops that came with that. Maliki did that in 2007. What was Lil Dubya thinking to let him do that and force a SOFA between the US and Iraq by the end of 2008. .

You've been proven wrong about the disenfranchised Sunni. You will be more so with the departure of the problem ... Maliki.

When ISIS is destroyed by US Air Strikes coordinated with Iraq's Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites fighting them, your entire agenda to use this crisis to hurt Obama politically will crumble away. Its a shame you are more interested in hurting Obama politically than hurting IS terrorists.

Your argument denying that Sunnis living under lousy conditions as a minority set by Maliki is indefensible. Practically no one has sided with Maliki. Not Iran, Not Sistani, hardly anyone. It is odd that you have gone doen this path.

Look dumbfuck, I was there, you weren't. You're a basement dweller that couldn't see the real world if your life depended on it.

You're an idiot.

Everyone knows this.
Jesus, you stupid liberal fucks and your ignorance about the SOFA is not excusable anymore....I know I've personally spent at least 40 hours on this Board in multiple threads educating your dumb asses.

Just give up, libs, Americans aren't buying what you're selling anymore. And 1776, thanks for trying to educate them.....it will be a lot like this.........

Nobody bought your 'place-holder' crap. And you could spend 400 zillion hours on that placeholder crap and that Obama inserted a poison pill into the SOFA negotiations lunacy that you've been trying to sell, and you'd still be as wrong then as you are now. Give it up. .

Bush's boy is Maliki? You do realize the party is still in power do you? And that none of this Sunni feels disenfranchichized crap means anything at all?

Bush was Maliki's boy is the answer. Led Bush by the nose. Forced him to sign a SOFA. It was Maliki who demanded the UNSC not renew the CPA and the immunities for US troops that came with that. Maliki did that in 2007. What was Lil Dubya thinking to let him do that and force a SOFA between the US and Iraq by the end of 2008. .

You've been proven wrong about the disenfranchised Sunni. You will be more so with the departure of the problem ... Maliki.

When ISIS is destroyed by US Air Strikes coordinated with Iraq's Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites fighting them, your entire agenda to use this crisis to hurt Obama politically will crumble away. Its a shame you are more interested in hurting Obama politically than hurting IS terrorists.

Your argument denying that Sunnis living under lousy conditions as a minority set by Maliki is indefensible. Practically no one has sided with Maliki. Not Iran, Not Sistani, hardly anyone. It is odd that you have gone doen this path.

Oh, and guess what, StillObsessedwithBush? You're black and white, binary, rigid, lopsided, small ass brain has chased moderate liberals away. They're backing off from you one by one by one.

They can see that your arguments hold absolutely no water. They see that your nose is nothing but squarely up Obama's ass.
Everybody with a brain knows the 2008 SOFA was not the end of negotiations shit-for-brains. Even my neighbor's puppy.
The war was thrown away on June 8, 2004 with the acceptance of UN Security Council Resolution 1546 (2004). The Bush administration did not use the option to veto or prevent the passage of the binding resolution. They accepted UN control of the American victory in Iraq. Everything that followed was a waste that turned an American victory into a UN and coalition forces defeat.
Bush is responsible for that.

A sensible exit strategy wasn't implemented until the end of Jan 2009.
Last year of Bush control, 2008. Casualties were 322 American military personnel killed in action. Estimated minimum of 10,000 civilian deaths by violence connected to combat operations.
First year of Obama control, 2009. Casualties were 149 American military personnel killed in action and and estimated minimum of 5,000 civilian deaths by violence connected to combat operations.
Casualties were reduced in the following years to 60 American KIA's in 2010, 54 in 2011 and 0 in 2012.
Obama is responsible for that.
Many called for the destruction of ISIS in Syria when they first popped up. Then as ISIS flooded into Iraq many decried us just sitting back and doing nothing.

Now Kerry, Hagel & the joint chiefs are prepping the American people for the "creep" that may turn into all out war.

Apparently ISIS isn't the Jay Vee team Obama thought they were huh
Foreign policy was never a major interest of Obamas so none of what is happening should come as surprise. When the U.S. pulls of the world stage it leaves a void to be filled and usually nothing good fills it.

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