Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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I've now had three (3) Trumpsters tell me that the violent video of Jan 6 was phony. A Hollywood production. And I've seen it said many times on the internet.

I'll be interested to see if they vote here.

So: Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production? Seems like a pretty damn important question. Amazingly.

And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.
??? You mean the video put together by the Hollywood producers hired by Nancy's Partisan Lalapalooza show? Uh, yes, by definition it was a Hollywood production.
??? You mean the video put together by the Hollywood producer hired by Nancy's Partisan Lalapalooza show? Uh, yes, by definition it was a Hollywood production.
No, that's not what I mean.

But that's okay. I'm not expecting straight answers. I'm just observing the tactics.
No, that's not what I mean.

But that's okay. I'm not expecting straight answers. I'm just observing the tactics.
Then what do you mean by "the Jan 6 video" other than the one produced by Hollywood producers Przygoda and Goldston for the Benny and Lizzy Primetime Extravaganza?
It was instigated with a select few used as patsies. The violence was real, but it would not surprise me in the least if there were agents sent there to provoke and instigate it when the time was ripe. Professionals from agencies like the CIA who are trained to do exactly that in foreign countries, NOT on American soil. Certain media outlets work directly with such people to carefully get the footage they want. In this case they claimed all Trump supporters everywhere were like that, even tjough it was a tiny drop in the bucket that only happened at the Capitol. The Capitol essentially turned into a Reality TV set that day. And Nancy Pelosi's own daughter was directly responsible for filming a lot of that footage. This speaks VOLUMES.
You really don't know?

I guess I'm not surprised.
I have no fucking idea what you have in your troll brain. Google January 6th violence video and you get 241,000,000 hits. The most famous one is the one one produced by Hollywood producers Przygoda and Goldston for the Benny and Lizzy Primetime Extravaganza.
Then you might want to get someone to help you read the poll results.

Wow, first thing that you ever said that I actually agree with you about. Obviously not in the same negative mean way that you're probably trying to come across as though.
No it wasn’t but it was also not every single person at the Capital that day nor was there dead bodies littering the streets or rivers of blood as some have acted like there was. With most things political the truth lies in between no January 6th was not nothing but it was also not the greatest threat in the nation’s history either.
This is your way of saying it wasn't a threat at all, and we should stop worrying about it.
I’m saying it was few hours on one day that is long over and there have been no such repeat events that I am aware of on the local state or federal level. Something that any reasonable person with common sense knows those without either will never get it and are not worth the time. So you have a good night.
I’m saying it was few hours on one day that is long over and there have been no such repeat events that I am aware of on the local state or federal level
Because there aren't any politicians who lost elections that have a violent cult following that is dangerously delusional. I really should not have to explain that.

Your dismissal is very predictable. And weak.


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