Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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it was, the fact you ignore the facts isn't my issue. 2000 mules showed how it was done. Shit I believe it was CNN or MSNBC interviewed a person at a drop box pushing in many ballots at once, on fking camera. Georgia DA, I think, is being sued for 140,000 ballots!!! Not my problem you close your eyes and ears and mind to anything that doesn't come from demofks. Your loss, not my lie.
You had better get this irrefutable evidence to, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it!
You had better get this irrefutable evidence to, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it!
The GA thing is already in court dude!!!!!!
More irony.

It's very possible that you're going to get what you think you want. Congratulations.
you have no idea what I want. You think you do and that's your issue. I have noted over the course of the last three years you are a true demofk. Just a fact.
Got you, so one doesn't look guilty if one just says one can't recall the same number of times one pleads the fifth? Can someone tell me the difference?
Its Lawyer speak. Try not to get pinned down on any question answer. You answer in MAYBE fancy terms.

Avoid perjury trap
You know I still can't help but wonder what Mac1958 is trying to accomplish here with this thread. Is he just so desperate to prove that MAGA is a bunch of violent terrorists?

Considering the fact that they're not, I'm starting to see why this is just a TDS thread although it isn't about Trump all that much.

It's about his party though and I think that he just wants to win an argument for a change. Whatever you believe about J6 though, it's not going to work either way because either way he doesn't physically gain anything out of it, so that's why I'm not sure what the point is besides TDS and "public humiliation." Why I should let some stranger on the Internet imitdate me though is where I get lost.
You know I still can't help but wonder what Mac1958 is trying to accomplish here with this thread. Is he just so desperate to prove that MAGA is a bunch of violent terrorists?

Considering the fact that they're not, I'm starting to see why this is just a TDS thread although it isn't about Trump all that much.

It's about his party though and I think that he just wants to win an argument for a change. Whatever you believe about J6 though, it's not going to work either way because either way he doesn't physically gain anything out of it, so that's why I'm not sure what the point is besides TDS and "public humiliation." Why I should let some stranger on the Internet imitdate me though is where I get lost.
Just trying to gain a better understanding of the thought processes of this, uh, group. As always. I expect the "TDS" of course, from people who think that Trump has been sent by God to save America from Satan. Holy crap, talk about TDS.

And I don't belong to a party. If Trump doesn't run, I'll be able to go back to voting third party. That would be very, very nice.

You don't know my politics.
Just trying to gain a better understanding of the thought processes of this, uh, group. As always. I expect the "TDS" of course, from people who think that Trump has been sent by God to save America from Satan. Holy crap, talk about TDS.

And I don't belong to a party. If Trump doesn't run, I'll be able to go back to voting third party. That would be very, very nice.

You don't know my politics.

It always cracks me up to see leftists by nature claim that they aren't leftists. I don't believe that Trump was sent by God to save America though. I believe that he has God's blessings, but in the end it is the people's choice not God's.
Okay, what are my positions on PC, Identity Politics, the border, abortion, corporate taxation and guns?

Tell me. You must know.


Not sure what the first one is and how you feel about corporate taxes, but you believe that men can be women and get pregnant, have absolutely no problem with an open border, believe that women have the right to murder their babies, and that the second amendment should be abolished. Does that about cover it for what I do know about you?
Not sure what the first one is and how you feel about corporate taxes, but you believe that men can be women and get pregnant, have absolutely no problem with an open border, believe that women have the right to murder their babies, and that the second amendment should be abolished. Does that about cover it for what I do know about you?
Well, at least you tried.

Now, reality: Men cannot get pregnant (and, by the way, there are two genders and subjecting children to a sex change is child abuse of the worst kind), the Dems are to blame for any increase in border problems because of their rhetoric), I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week idea on abortion, and if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. (Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?)

Well, you screwed that one up pretty well, huh? Hugely!

You don't know my politics. All you know is I don't like cults led by blatant con men.
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Gotta have props on the set for idiots like the op

Well, at least you tried.

Now, reality: Men cannot get pregnant (and, by the way, there are two genders and subjecting children to a sex change is child abuse of the worst kind), the Dems are to blame for any increase in border problems because of their rhetoric), I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham's 15 week idea on abortion, and if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. (Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?)

Well, you screwed that one up pretty well, huh? Hugely!

You don't know my politics. All you know is I don't like cults led by blatant con men.

Interesting... Now how do I know that you really feel that way or if you're just trying to pull a fast one on us?
Interesting... Now how do I know that you really feel that way or if you're just trying to pull a fast one on us?
Well, the search engine here works. Type in my name and "PC", "Identity Politics", "Regressive Left" or "cancel culture" for starters.

My concern about this thing has nothing to do with politics. And I'm not politically ideological to begin with.
My concern about this thing has nothing to do with politics.

You think that MAGA= Bad though and that's what the majority of this thread is about. That's politics. It's even posted in politics.
You think that MAGA= Bad though and that's what the majority of this thread is about. That's politics. It's even posted in politics.
MAGA is a sociological phenomenon to me. There are political components, cultural components and religious components.

If a large group of people can be convinced of ridiculous things, if it can exist in its own separate informational ecosystem, that's not politics. That's sociology. Anthropology.

To me. That's my interest and concern.

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