Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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Well, at least you didn't try to deny what I said. Good.
Denial suggest guilt of what you say, but nope I'm not stupid enough to be recreated by you dumb ace's. Other's I can't speak for, but if they do become the things in which you spoke, then you dip shites brought it all upon yourselves.
Denial suggest guilt of what you say, but nope I'm not stupid enough to be recreated by you dumb ace's. Other's I can't speak for, but if they do become the things in which you spoke, then you dip shites brought it all upon yourselves.
I don't know what that means, and you're over-using apostrophes like crazy.

I think you ultimately may get what you think you want. Congratulations.
What are you gonna do when that conspiracy turns out to have been true ?

Cry like an unhinged dipshite AGAIN... 😂
It won't because it's bullshit! What are you going to do when it keeps getting proven as bullshit? I hope to god you take up arms!
I've now had three (3) Trumpsters tell me that the violent video of Jan 6 was phony. A Hollywood production. And I've seen it said many times on the internet.

I'll be interested to see if they vote here.

So: Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production? Seems like a pretty damn important question. Amazingly.

And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.
Rumpian minions are full-of-$hit clean up to their ears in this particular matter...
It won't because it's bullshit! What are you going to do when it keeps getting proven as bullshit? I hope to god you take up arms!
Oh you hope that MAGA takes up arms eh ? The only way MAGA does that is if you dip shites take it to that level, and then it will be in self defense when MAGA responds. Careful what you force to happen, because you might not like the response when the defence takes the field.
Oh you hope that MAGA takes up arms eh ? The only way MAGA does that is if you dip shites take it to that level, and then it will be in self defense when MAGA responds. Careful what you force to happen, because you might not like the response when the defence takes the field.

I'm not forcing anything. Violence is the MAGAGATARDS specialty!
Rumpian minions are full-of-$hit clean up to their ears in this particular matter...
Some are, and yet most know exactly what drove the protesters on J6th..

It was the long 4+year's of Democrat leftist doing everything it could to protect what the previous Obama government had gotten started for them, and sadly him and his crew did so against the majority of Americans that did not want dramatic changes in that way.

January 6th finally ended with the pot boiling over big time.

Now the leftist took advantage of having a beat down nation coming off of Covid, and they exploited it to the max by throwing more gasoline on the fires with their big mouths spewing Anti-American religions speak, Anti-American values speak, Anti-American slogans, anti-American rhetoric, anti-white rhetoric, and anti-American propaganda in order to keep the heat turned up on high.
I'm not terrified in any way, I'm just sick and tired of seeing the dozens of threads about something that is now in our past, and has been argued back and forth endlessly.
Until they feel free to do the works of the devil unimpeded, and to do so by what they think will be without consequence, then they will continue in his name until the end.

Defending good is never a bad thing, so keep on keeping on brother.
We get it you don't see doing the same thing every day related to trump is our issue. We get it. We have such a brain freeze on you. Stuck in one mode huh?
Your boy Biden took millions in pay for play bribe money from China, Ukraine and Kazhakstan. And you worry about some fantasy of Putin being Trump's role model, wake up.
It's truly amazing isn't it, otherwise the leftist spell these people are under ? Yeah wake up is right.
Nope. But used I cant recall recollect recollect recall recall...

Bengazi wasnt a classified case anyway. So in the word of Hillary " What Difference Does it make"?

Got you, so one doesn't look guilty if one just says one can't recall the same number of times one pleads the fifth? Can someone tell me the difference?

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