Was the XIX Amendment a good idea? The XXVI?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
We are now one hundred years into women' suffrage, and what has it meant? The very existence of today's Democrat Party depends on the irrational, illogical, fact-free support of millions of women (not ALL women, of course, but too many). The most recent and memorable example of their political hysteria came courtesy of the Pussy-Hat demonstrations of 2017, when much of that demographic manifested a self-induced hissy-fit for all the world to see, because their favored Presidential candidate fell on her face.

And what was the biggest single issue in this whole clown show? The fictitious "right" of American women to kill their babies in the womb. And how can one not notice that within the Pussy-Hat brigades there is no room for backsliding, compromise, or - God forbid - disagreement. To support, or even consider, the right of unborn children to EXIST is considered a Cardinal Sin, resulting in immediate excommunication.

Is this the position of a rational movement? I submit that it is not. It not only ignores but DENIES the universal moral and ethical consensus of virtually every society in the history of mankind. But that is only one manifestation of the irrationality of the demographic in question. Their positions on education, healthcare, immigration, the environment, energy, global warming, and almost every other issue is based on a reflexive emotional reaction to a quick impression of reality - often a mis-impression, as in the case of "fracking," nuclear power, and climate change. Remember that homely little twat from Sweden, totally lacking in knowledge, logic, or insight, and she was feted like the Dalai Lama...largely because women found her so compelling.

As Melvin Udall, the novelist portrayed in the film, "As Good as It Gets" describes the female personality, "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.” Truer words were never spoken.

Seriously: What is the benefit of having women vote? Does it outweigh the cost of allowing important local and national elections to turn on emotional twaddle?

For every rational woman who bases her votes on tangible, well-considered factors, there are two or three whose vote will be impacted by everything from what she might have seen in a 5-second news clip, to what she heard on The View, to whether she has a good relationship with her Significant Other. Seriously.

And not to mix the message, but what about giving The Vote to people between 18 and 21 years old? The ONLY reason this was done was collective guilt because BOYS who were too young to vote were fighting and being killed in Vietnam. While that was a regrettable thing, it was hardly sufficient cause to give one of our most valuable rights to CHILDREN, the vast majority of whom have never paid any taxes, supported themselves, owned anything of value (that was not handed to them), or made any life-decision more significant than deciding what courses to take in high school.

It is fortunate that few of them bother to vote, because those votes are so likely to be purchased by the illicit, unreal promises of a charlatan (e.g., Senator B. Sanders (D-VT)) that they are worse than worthless - they are insidious.

One will never hear any Democrat mention the concept of the QUALITY of a vote. We give equal weight to the votes of captains of industry, professors, doctors, skilled craftsmen, and unemployed ignorami, irrational women, and children of a certain age. Here's a question to ponder: How many voting, born-in-America citizens could pass the written test required for naturalization? https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/questions-and-answers/100q.pdf

Not many, I suspect. We are suffering greatly because we have, in the interest of fairness, given The Vote to too many people who are too disfunctional and/or immature to handle it.
An interesting story behind the 26th Amendment, it holds the all time record shortest time between proposing and ratification ... 100 days ...

Most states already had the 18-year-old kids voting ... and Congress passed a law mandating 18-yo's minimum voting age ... SCOTUS overturned saying Federal government could only dictate this on Federal elections, not state elections ... Dec 21st, 1970 ...

Congress sent out the Amendment proposal to the States on Mar 23rd 1971 ... ratified on July 1st, 1971 ...

Just goes to show you ... overturning SCOTUS can be done quickly ... 6 months and some change is all ...
That was a compelling essay- however, do men not out number women? So, if that is the case (and I honestly don't know) what compels men to vote irrationally? BTW, the girls in my family are staunch Republicans- much to my chagrin. Towing the Party line and parroting sound bites as reasoning isn't just a girl, or Democrat thang- its based in ignorance and PPE- piss poor education.
An interesting story behind the 26th Amendment, it holds the all time record shortest time between proposing and ratification ... 100 days ...

Most states already had the 18-year-old kids voting ... and Congress passed a law mandating 18-yo's minimum voting age ... SCOTUS overturned saying Federal government could only dictate this on Federal elections, not state elections ... Dec 21st, 1970 ...

Congress sent out the Amendment proposal to the States on Mar 23rd 1971 ... ratified on July 1st, 1971 ...

Just goes to show you ... overturning SCOTUS can be done quickly ... 6 months and some change is all ...

It can be done quickly If there is consensus. everyone agreed that letting 18 year olds vote was fair, especially since we were sending them off to war at the time.
Not many, I suspect. We are suffering greatly because we have, in the interest of fairness, given The Vote to too many people who are too disfunctional and/or immature to handle it.

Quite right... they might vote in a mentally unstable game show host because he's on TV... oh, wait... That totally happened, I'm so sorry.
Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
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Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.
Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.
You`re blaming the women for Trump? Look in the mirror.
Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.
You`re blaming the women for Trump? Look in the mirror.
The fuck are you talking about?
We are now one hundred years into women' suffrage, and what has it meant? The very existence of today's Democrat Party depends on the irrational, illogical, fact-free support of millions of women (not ALL women, of course, but too many). The most recent and memorable example of their political hysteria came courtesy of the Pussy-Hat demonstrations of 2017, when much of that demographic manifested a self-induced hissy-fit for all the world to see, because their favored Presidential candidate fell on her face.

And what was the biggest single issue in this whole clown show? The fictitious "right" of American women to kill their babies in the womb. And how can one not notice that within the Pussy-Hat brigades there is no room for backsliding, compromise, or - God forbid - disagreement. To support, or even consider, the right of unborn children to EXIST is considered a Cardinal Sin, resulting in immediate excommunication.

Is this the position of a rational movement? I submit that it is not. It not only ignores but DENIES the universal moral and ethical consensus of virtually every society in the history of mankind. But that is only one manifestation of the irrationality of the demographic in question. Their positions on education, healthcare, immigration, the environment, energy, global warming, and almost every other issue is based on a reflexive emotional reaction to a quick impression of reality - often a mis-impression, as in the case of "fracking," nuclear power, and climate change. Remember that homely little twat from Sweden, totally lacking in knowledge, logic, or insight, and she was feted like the Dalai Lama...largely because women found her so compelling.

As Melvin Udall, the novelist portrayed in the film, "As Good as It Gets" describes the female personality, "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.” Truer words were never spoken.

Seriously: What is the benefit of having women vote? Does it outweigh the cost of allowing important local and national elections to turn on emotional twaddle?

For every rational woman who bases her votes on tangible, well-considered factors, there are two or three whose vote will be impacted by everything from what she might have seen in a 5-second news clip, to what she heard on The View, to whether she has a good relationship with her Significant Other. Seriously.

And not to mix the message, but what about giving The Vote to people between 18 and 21 years old? The ONLY reason this was done was collective guilt because BOYS who were too young to vote were fighting and being killed in Vietnam. While that was a regrettable thing, it was hardly sufficient cause to give one of our most valuable rights to CHILDREN, the vast majority of whom have never paid any taxes, supported themselves, owned anything of value (that was not handed to them), or made any life-decision more significant than deciding what courses to take in high school.

It is fortunate that few of them bother to vote, because those votes are so likely to be purchased by the illicit, unreal promises of a charlatan (e.g., Senator B. Sanders (D-VT)) that they are worse than worthless - they are insidious.

One will never hear any Democrat mention the concept of the QUALITY of a vote. We give equal weight to the votes of captains of industry, professors, doctors, skilled craftsmen, and unemployed ignorami, irrational women, and children of a certain age. Here's a question to ponder: How many voting, born-in-America citizens could pass the written test required for naturalization? https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/questions-and-answers/100q.pdf

Not many, I suspect. We are suffering greatly because we have, in the interest of fairness, given The Vote to too many people who are too disfunctional and/or immature to handle it.
Looking at what it's brought us, no and no.
Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.
You`re blaming the women for Trump? Look in the mirror.
The fuck are you talking about?
"how far this country has fallen" were your words. We`re being pitied and mocked globally. Healthcare is a Feminist demand? WTF?
"Free healthcare" is a fatuous, impossible, irrational meme IN THIS COUNTRY. Any politician selling it is either a liar or a fool, and the politicians selling it in the U.S. today are either (1) women, or (b) pandering men, seeking the votes of gullible women.

If you disagree, please provide a single example to the contrary.

Socialized medicine would REQUIRE a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, which will NEVER HAPPEN. Not now. Not ever. Never.

One might as well promise 10 trillion dollars in reparations for slavery. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

But politicians know that women are so dependably irrational that they will vote for them, regardless of the impossibility of their promise, BECAUSE IT FEELS GOOD!
Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.
You`re blaming the women for Trump? Look in the mirror.
The fuck are you talking about?
"how far this country has fallen" were your words. We`re being pitied and mocked globally. Healthcare is a Feminist demand? WTF?
The country has been on a downward spiral for 50 years. More broken homes, single moms, less Christianity, rampant drug use, gutter culture and cancel culture. Sorry you can’t blame President Trump for all that.
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.

Really? It's men who are the ones who start wars.... the ultimate expression in bad governance...
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.

Really? It's men who are the ones who start wars.... the ultimate expression in bad governance...
Nothing wrong with standing up against tyranny. Of course you commies hate that. You’d rather everyone just go along with your oppression.
Aristotle's sage words have proven to be true. ... :cool:

"Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny." -Aristotle
It’s completely true. In theory it sounds good to have women voting. But we can see the results are not good so far. Look at how far our country has fallen since caving to Feminist demands. Women vote with pure emotion, which is terrible to governing a country, state, or even cities.
You`re blaming the women for Trump? Look in the mirror.
Trump is the result of many things. Including the 19th Amendment. We are slowly going into a violent internal struggle now. This is more complicated then brushing it off. And it is not about keeping women in the kitchen.

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