Was there anyone who thought Trump would turn out to be this corrupt?

I knew it even before he was selected in the Primary. I knew all about him.
the man is slime ,pure slime ,,,,always was and now he's republican slime and like pigs love playing in mud repubs love backing slime
didn't you back slick willie? can't get anymore slimy. so I think you're in error here.
Clinton was presidential Trump is an AH and he's at least as slimy as any president ever was Divorced 3 x going on 4 a real pos
Yeah, he was real "presidential" when he was using a cigar on Monica Lewinski.
compared to those 19 women who said drumpf molested them ? NBD

Their stories were all thoroughly debunked.
the man is slime ,pure slime ,,,,always was and now he's republican slime and like pigs love playing in mud repubs love backing slime
didn't you back slick willie? can't get anymore slimy. so I think you're in error here.
Clinton was presidential Trump is an AH and he's at least as slimy as any president ever was Divorced 3 x going on 4 a real pos
Yeah, he was real "presidential" when he was using a cigar on Monica Lewinski.
compared to those 19 women who said drumpf molested them ? NBD

Their stories were all thoroughly debunked.
BS Trump is a perv and they all had a story about him Who said debunked ?? Bought off like all the others ? Stormy etc etc ?
I knew it even before he was selected in the Primary. I knew all about him.
the man is slime ,pure slime ,,,,always was and now he's republican slime and like pigs love playing in mud repubs love backing slime
didn't you back slick willie? can't get anymore slimy. so I think you're in error here.
Clinton was presidential Trump is an AH and he's at least as slimy as any president ever was Divorced 3 x going on 4 a real pos
Yeah, he was real "presidential" when he was using a cigar on Monica Lewinski.
compared to those 19 women who said drumpf molested them ? NBD

First all they are, are allegations just as the women who alleged Clinton molested them.

Secondly, Clinton was the President when he was scenting his cigars with Monica, Trump was not.

I think Trump has issues being Presidential, however so did Clinton.
didn't you back slick willie? can't get anymore slimy. so I think you're in error here.
Clinton was presidential Trump is an AH and he's at least as slimy as any president ever was Divorced 3 x going on 4 a real pos
Yeah, he was real "presidential" when he was using a cigar on Monica Lewinski.
compared to those 19 women who said drumpf molested them ? NBD

Their stories were all thoroughly debunked.
BS Trump is a perv and they all had a story about him Who said debunked ?? Bought off like all the others ? Stormy etc etc ?
The facts show their stories are horseshit.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?
Every single day. New scandals and more corruption.
Was there anyone who thought Trump would turn out to be this corrupt?
Only every democrat who knew in advance they were going to lose to him badly a year before the election even started.

191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail
The list of unspecified, unproven charges grows by the week to buoy the libtard-goons, yet virtually none of it has any basis in fact, evidence, proof or connections with Trump himself or the alleged collusion with Russia. Obviously, Obama's Deep State must be protecting him!

<snip> And that's just the beginning. I knew from his history of racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.
I also understand he's been selling out U.S. energy stocks to vastly underpaid orange pussy-grabbing sex aliens from Fomalhaut. You know the kind, Dean, aren't they relatives of yours?

Tell me Dean, for a man who is an obvious EXPERT on corruption, however did you miss the miles-long crime sheet of the Clintons?
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?
Absolutely. Trump's corruption and shady real estate deals have been a poorly kept secret for a long time.

What has really caught me off guard is how incredibly stupid Donald Trump is. The guy is a prosecutor's dream... he built the case for obstruction himself, on live TV and social media. He built the case for himself as being a Russian agent on live TV and social media.He built the case against himself for dangling pardons for allies to purchase loyalty on live TV and social media. He hires Giuliani to speak for him, which was an egregious, stupid error. He has repeatedly displayed bizarre behavior regarding Russia, when even a liar of middling talent could have papered over the suspicions by saying a few stern words about Russian attacks on our political system.

Again, the corruption is no surprise. The incredible stupidity of Donald Trump is.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?
Every single day. New scandals and more corruption.
Yeah, more faux scandals and bogus accusations of corruption - fake news, in other words.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?
Absolutely. Trump's corruption and shady real estate deals have been a poorly kept secret for a long time.

What has really caught me off guard is how incredibly stupid Donald Trump is. The guy is a prosecutor's dream... he built the case for obstruction himself, on live TV and social media. He built the case for himself as being a Russian agent on live TV and social media.He built the case against himself for dangling pardons for allies to purchase loyalty on live TV and social media. He hires Giuliani to speak for him, which was an egregious, stupid error. He has repeatedly displayed bizarre behavior regarding Russia, when even a liar of middling talent could have papered over the suspicions by saying a few stern words about Russian attacks on our political system.

Again, the corruption is no surprise. The incredible stupidity of Donald Trump is.

What are you going to do when Herr Mewler doesn't indict Trump for corruption, asshole? If Trump said the Russians meddled in our election, the fake news media would immediately start screaming that he admitted to collusion. Trump knows what a bunch of lying, double dealing, two-faced douchebags the fake media is. Snowflakes like you hate him because he doesn't take it lying down. He calls them out on it.
didn't you back slick willie? can't get anymore slimy. so I think you're in error here.
Clinton was presidential Trump is an AH and he's at least as slimy as any president ever was Divorced 3 x going on 4 a real pos
Yeah, he was real "presidential" when he was using a cigar on Monica Lewinski.
compared to those 19 women who said drumpf molested them ? NBD

Their stories were all thoroughly debunked.
BS Trump is a perv and they all had a story about him Who said debunked ?? Bought off like all the others ? Stormy etc etc ?
I've posted the facts that debunk their bullshit stories at least a dozen times.
If Trump said the Russians meddled in our election, the fake news media would immediately start screaming that he admitted to collusion
Wow, this is an embarrassing bit of unlogic. So, according to you, the media screams collusion already every day. And according to you, they hate Donald Trump. But Trump won't do what is obviously the correct thing, because the media will scream collusion. That is so stupid, it causes physical pain.
Was there anyone who thought Trump would turn out to be this corrupt?
Only every democrat who knew in advance they were going to lose to him badly a year before the election even started.

191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail
The list of unspecified, unproven charges grows by the week to buoy the libtard-goons, yet virtually none of it has any basis in fact, evidence, proof or connections with Trump himself or the alleged collusion with Russia. Obviously, Obama's Deep State must be protecting him!

<snip> And that's just the beginning. I knew from his history of racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.
I also understand he's been selling out U.S. energy stocks to vastly underpaid orange pussy-grabbing sex aliens from Fomalhaut. You know the kind, Dean, aren't they relatives of yours?

Tell me Dean, for a man who is an obvious EXPERT on corruption, however did you miss the miles-long crime sheet of the Clintons?

The charges are proven by the guilty pleas and the cooperating witnesses. They're proven by Junior's email chain over the Russian meeting.

They're proven by Trump's own words inviting Russia to hack Clinton's emails on the very day Russia hacked the DNC. They're proven by Trumps promise of a news conference with dirt on Clinton just days before Junior's scheduled meeting with the Russians.

We watch daily as Trump tweets threats and lies to undermine the Russia Investigation, the FBI and the National Security agencies investigating him. This is obstruction of justice in the open.

There also the stuff now leaking from Michael Cohen. It's laughable that Giuliani now calls Cohen a liar. Trump tells major lies to the press 6 times a day. However little credibility Cohen has, he has miles more credibility than the President when it comes to telling the truth.
People living in the New York metro area have been exposed to Trumpy's escapades for the last 40 years or so.

So yes, we knew.
Clinton was presidential Trump is an AH and he's at least as slimy as any president ever was Divorced 3 x going on 4 a real pos
Yeah, he was real "presidential" when he was using a cigar on Monica Lewinski.
compared to those 19 women who said drumpf molested them ? NBD

Their stories were all thoroughly debunked.
BS Trump is a perv and they all had a story about him Who said debunked ?? Bought off like all the others ? Stormy etc etc ?
I've posted the facts that debunk their bullshit stories at least a dozen times.
sorry bri but stormy's lawyer has 3 more who might be willing to testify about being paid off They are just considering the pub they'll get and the BS thrown at them by corrupt FOX
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?
Every single day. New scandals and more corruption.

Everyday you get dumber and dumber, you must be related to shootspeeders.
I was expecting far worse.

I’m rather happy that with a witch hunt gunning for him all you guys have found to indict is stuff unrelated to trump done years before he had any declaration to run
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

Q. Where will it end

A. Sing Sing Correctional 30 miles North of NYC

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