Was there anyone who thought Trump would turn out to be this corrupt?

191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

American voters are placed in a predicament every four years. Choosing a President who will cause the least amount of damage to the Constitution and our Liberties.

I am also aware that there is a vast and powerful deep state which can murder or depose a duly elected president. The deep state can also minimize the effectiveness of the president.

I appreciate the fact that the president has nominated two SCOTUS Justices who are friendly to the 2A. the most basic of all rights. I also like the fact that he has reduced taxes and federal regulations.

But I Do not appreciate the fact that he acts as an unregistered foreign agent for Israel.


Killing people is the most basic of all rights?

The right to life is the basic right he was referring to. I know it may come as a shock to a person who wants unborn babies to be legally killed, but thinking people like living and want to preserve their right to life
"Thinking people"

Wow, you're a real maestro of argument...

Simple is better
And Hillary the Hag could not beat him.

Sad really.

Speaks volumes about the Hag.
Speaks worse about the people who voted for him. Poor things.
They got healthcare under Obama and complained. Trump said he will take it away and they cheered.

Now that they find out they won't have it next year, they are terrified.

Your girl got smoked, by a bunch of the same people who voted for Obama. This is why we laugh at people like you! You contend that he is a crook. Now let me ask you---------> was he rich BEFORE, or AFTER he took office?

What about Hilly and Obysmal, when did they get rich?

This guy ran to try and save us from people like Obysmal, and a lot of the people who voted for Obysmal, got tired of his phony shtick, and flipped him, and all of you the middle finger, and you can not stand it!

Deany, the pointy headed Leftist, along with his Socialist friends, got shown the door.

And then, what is your new spiel Deany?

Why Trump is soooooooooo bad, that he managed to IMPROVE the Obysmal economy, lolol...….far better than Obysmal could, and or did. Obysmal handed him an economy stumbling along at 1.9%, and he has improved it!

By the way, would you like me to post all the videos that show your girl, Obysmal, and all your talking heads in the MSM who insisted Trump was going to be a disaster? No? Don't worry, you will see them all over the television for the midterms, that we know; along with what is coming out in the next 6 weeks about Wolf, and what actually was going on.

Wolf? Wolf? Wolf, you say? Who is Wolf?

The guys singing like a bird, that is demanding that the Senate committee come in and testify. Look it up, they are going to make them do it-) Marky-Mark Warner, Adam Shifty-Shiff, and the rest of them are in deep-doo, lol. THEY ARE THE LEAKERS, and Trump and friends have them by the cucaraches!!!!!!!!!!
If Trump said the Russians meddled in our election, the fake news media would immediately start screaming that he admitted to collusion
Wow, this is an embarrassing bit of unlogic. So, according to you, the media screams collusion already every day. And according to you, they hate Donald Trump. But Trump won't do what is obviously the correct thing, because the media will scream collusion. That is so stupid, it causes physical pain.
however, spot on.
It, of course, is false and ridiculous.
Hardly. The media is false and ridiculous. All I did is report it.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

American voters are placed in a predicament every four years. Choosing a President who will cause the least amount of damage to the Constitution and our Liberties.

I am also aware that there is a vast and powerful deep state which can murder or depose a duly elected president. The deep state can also minimize the effectiveness of the president.

I appreciate the fact that the president has nominated two SCOTUS Justices who are friendly to the 2A. the most basic of all rights. I also like the fact that he has reduced taxes and federal regulations.

But I Do not appreciate the fact that he acts as an unregistered foreign agent for Israel.


Killing people is the most basic of all rights?

The right to life is the basic right he was referring to. I know it may come as a shock to a person who wants unborn babies to be legally killed, but thinking people like living and want to preserve their right to life
"Thinking people"

Wow, you're a real maestro of argument...

Simple is better
For you....
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

Damn did Trump get 35 indictments, and 5 guilty pleas, or did someone else get those, that had nothing to do with Trump, couldn’t y’all liberals at least stop spreading fake stories

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He is the face of the 25% dickheads that voted for him...loud obnoxious, narcissists, often racists , dumb group that we always knew were there.

Do you care to explain those accusations or maybe you just like saying those big words, they make you look smart, CNN is so proud of you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

American voters are placed in a predicament every four years. Choosing a President who will cause the least amount of damage to the Constitution and our Liberties.

I am also aware that there is a vast and powerful deep state which can murder or depose a duly elected president. The deep state can also minimize the effectiveness of the president.

I appreciate the fact that the president has nominated two SCOTUS Justices who are friendly to the 2A. the most basic of all rights. I also like the fact that he has reduced taxes and federal regulations.

But I Do not appreciate the fact that he acts as an unregistered foreign agent for Israel.



Maybe if it was Iran you would be ok with it?

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And Hillary the Hag could not beat him.

Sad really.

Speaks volumes about the Hag.
Speaks worse about the people who voted for him. Poor things.
They got healthcare under Obama and complained. Trump said he will take it away and they cheered.

Now that they find out they won't have it next year, they are terrified.

You must not have to pay for your own health care, is it provided to you by someone that pays for it, because it ain’t cheap if you have to buy it you’re self

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He is the face of the 25% dickheads that voted for him...loud obnoxious, narcissists, often racists , dumb group that we always knew were there.
Yeah... all those loud, obnoxious, narcissistic, racist dummies... the ones who voted for Obama... yet jumped ship and refused to support Shrillary.

Keep up the delusion for as long as you can... avoid looking in the (collective) mirror... the agenda, the platform planks, the tactics, the lying... yeah, that's it.

You dummies blew a ginormous lead and have nobody to blame but your own sorry asses.

Until you grow a pair and begin admitting to yourselves that you (collectively) screwed-up Big Time, you're gonna be sittin' on the sidelines.
And Hillary the Hag could not beat him.

Sad really.

Speaks volumes about the Hag.
if she had a likable personality and wasnt covered with the "taint" she may have won....

Too bad they shafted Bernie
Why would anyone say that?
Bernie wasn't a Democrat.
He said he wouldn't raise money for Democrats.
He said he didn't support any Democratic Candidates.
He said he would never join the Democratic party.

Yet, we were supposed to vote for him?
That's just stupid.

Donna Brazil said they cheated Bernie

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
American voters are placed in a predicament every four years. Choosing a President who will cause the least amount of damage to the Constitution and our Liberties.

I am also aware that there is a vast and powerful deep state which can murder or depose a duly elected president. The deep state can also minimize the effectiveness of the president.

I appreciate the fact that the president has nominated two SCOTUS Justices who are friendly to the 2A. the most basic of all rights. I also like the fact that he has reduced taxes and federal regulations.

But I Do not appreciate the fact that he acts as an unregistered foreign agent for Israel.


Killing people is the most basic of all rights?

The right to life is the basic right he was referring to. I know it may come as a shock to a person who wants unborn babies to be legally killed, but thinking people like living and want to preserve their right to life
"Thinking people"

Wow, you're a real maestro of argument...

Simple is better
For you....

It is the only way I can make sure you understand
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

Damn did Trump get 35 indictments, and 5 guilty pleas, or did someone else get those, that had nothing to do with Trump, couldn’t y’all liberals at least stop spreading fake stories

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If they stopped making up fake stories they would lose big time
Killing people is the most basic of all rights?

The right to life is the basic right he was referring to. I know it may come as a shock to a person who wants unborn babies to be legally killed, but thinking people like living and want to preserve their right to life
"Thinking people"

Wow, you're a real maestro of argument...

Simple is better
For you....

It is the only way I can make sure you understand
Yes, Im certainly no intellectual, like those brilliant people who believe in goofy voodoo spirits and trinkets and zombie Kings, sitting next to you in church....:rolleyes:
The right to life is the basic right he was referring to. I know it may come as a shock to a person who wants unborn babies to be legally killed, but thinking people like living and want to preserve their right to life
"Thinking people"

Wow, you're a real maestro of argument...

Simple is better
For you....

It is the only way I can make sure you understand
Yes, Im certainly no intellectual, like those brilliant people who believe in goofy voodoo spirits and trinkets and zombie Kings, sitting next to you in church....:rolleyes:

You’re right. You’re way dumber than them.

Don’t worry though, admitting it is the first step to fixing it.

The next steps are hard work, reading a lot, and applying what you learn
"Thinking people"

Wow, you're a real maestro of argument...

Simple is better
For you....

It is the only way I can make sure you understand
Yes, Im certainly no intellectual, like those brilliant people who believe in goofy voodoo spirits and trinkets and zombie Kings, sitting next to you in church....:rolleyes:

You’re right. You’re way dumber than them.

Don’t worry though, admitting it is the first step to fixing it.

The next steps are hard work, reading a lot, and applying what you learn
I can see why you all need to get together once a week to affirm each other. You kind of sound like a blithering idiot, here on an island.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

Your a moron ,your goddess lost ,get over it .
d5f167370a52752a654f6f03ef818729.jpg enhanced-buzz-28835-1341607215-1.jpg

It is the only way I can make sure you understand
Yes, Im certainly no intellectual, like those brilliant people who believe in goofy voodoo spirits and trinkets and zombie Kings, sitting next to you in church....:rolleyes:

You’re right. You’re way dumber than them.

Don’t worry though, admitting it is the first step to fixing it.

The next steps are hard work, reading a lot, and applying what you learn
I can see why you all need to get together once a week to affirm each other. You kind of sound like a blithering idiot, here on an island.

I’m not surprised hard work, reading, and thinking sound idiotic to you.

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