Was there anyone who thought Trump would turn out to be this corrupt?

191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

The real surprise is the the Republican congress has turned out to be so spineless!

If they hadn't abandoned every ideal that they've been professing for the past 40 years, Trump would have been removed from office long ago.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

The real surprise is the the Republican congress has turned out to be so spineless!

If they hadn't abandoned every ideal that they've been professing for the past 40 years, Trump would have been removed from office long ago.
Well, Trump has turned the brains of their voting base to mush.
Was there anyone who thought when Crooked Hillary left the White House "broke and in debt" she was going to get filthy rich selling our uranium to the Russians?

Was there anyone who thought Crooked Hillary was going to lose to a worthless affirmation action nobody and a reality star?
Look! >>>> Over there! >>>> H. Clinton!
When has Trump ever been investigated by a brilliant prosecutor?

So far, Never.

Maybe someday, somebody will dig one up to investigate him, of course we're talking about lawyers so it might be an insurmountable challenge.

Ah yes, the last hope of the desperate Trumpkins...Mueller is incompetent...go ahead and cling to that, if it makes you feel better...

LOL, Yeah, Mueller is so competent that after a year and a half and millions of dollars blown he hasn't managed to turn up anything on Dirty Don even though you left wing dingbats insist that he's obviously guilty as sin.

Maybe in another 6 years after President Twitter has finished his second term, the Lemmings-D will get their wish and Mueller will nail him for unpaid parking tickets or sumptin'.:rolleyes:
LOL, Yeah, Mueller is so competent that after a year and a half and millions of dollars blown he hasn't managed to turn up anything on Dirty Don
You could not possibly know the truth of that. You literally just made that up.

I want you to think about that, with whatever portion of your brain might remain after Trump turned the rest to mush. Your entire, crybaby rant is based on a premise you completely made up amd could not possibly know the truth of. A rational person would be embarrassed by this.
LOL, Yeah, Mueller is so competent that after a year and a half and millions of dollars blown he hasn't managed to turn up anything on Dirty Don
You could not possibly know the truth of that. You literally just made that up.
Uh-huh, so what does Mueller have on him? When should I schedule the impeachment party? 2025 perhaps?

I want you to think about that, with whatever portion of your brainight remain after Trump turned the rest to mush.
ROFLMAO! You and your hyper-partisan lemming slice care A LOT more about Trump than I do, He's turned you and your cohorts into a bunch of foaming at the mouth, raving lunatics.

Trump is good for comedic relief and not much else and Mueller and his little fishing expedition isn't going to be the magic fairy dust that puts an end to his act.

A rational person would be embarrassed by this.
How would you know what a rational person would think or feel?
Uh-huh, so what does Mueller have on him?
I don't know, and neither do you. I don't think you are following.

Yes, Trump has turned your brain to mush. You say absurd things that I think you would know were absurd, were this any other topic.
Americans do not like spineless weenies!

Most congressional Republicans hate Trump and his Trumpbots, but they're spineless weenies that refuse to say what they truly believe.

Look at what happened in the 2014 congressional elections - Democratic candidates disavowed Obama despite the fact that they had voted for almost all his programs. They're message was 'Vote for me 'cause I'm just like a Republican'. The result was a disaster for them. They were spineless weenies!

In the 2016 Republicans primaries, almost all the candidates refused to say what they believed (except Kaisch). You could see them squirming while saying whatever they believed the far right wanted to hear. They fooled no one. As a result Trump won the Republican nomination.

You can (and I do) say lot's of things about Trump. He's an idiot, a clown, grossly unqualified for the Presidency....but he is NOT a spineless weenie. He says what be believes and damn the consequences. That's why he got elected.

If the congressional Republicans would grow a pair, they'd realize that the best thing for them, the country and the Republican party would be to impeach Trump and remove him from office quickly. To end this national nightmare. Put Pence in office - the country will get over it - especially if the Republicans do it. The country will respect them for it.

Instead, the Congressional Republican's continue in their spineless weeniness. The result will be a disaster for themselves, their party and the country. The Democrats will take back congress and remove Trump from office. It will divide the country and destroy the Republican party. Pence will be powerless.

So, please tell your congressional Republicans:

Americans do not like spineless weenies!
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

The real surprise is the the Republican congress has turned out to be so spineless!

If they hadn't abandoned every ideal that they've been professing for the past 40 years, Trump would have been removed from office long ago.
Well, Trump has turned the brains of their voting base to mush.
They weren't too swift before Trump either
Uh-huh, so what does Mueller have on him?
I don't know, and neither do you. I don't think you are following.
LOL, yeah I know you're not really a pom-pom waiving, mindless partisan sheeple that's so captivated by your belief that Bobby Mueller is the answer to your Trump Troubles that you just can't wait to lick his boots......you just play one on the Internet. :rolleyes:

Yes, Trump has turned your brain to mush. You say absurd things that I think you would know were absurd, were this any other topic.
Whatever you say but at least I'm not the one that's obsessed with Daffy Don and his shenanigans, one wonders what pointless minutiae you're going to obsess over after Trump rides off into the sunset?

It's going to be hilarious to watch you drones freak out when Mueller's expedition turns out to be nothing more than a little fish fry.
Uh-huh, so what does Mueller have on him?
I don't know, and neither do you. I don't think you are following.
LOL, yeah I know you're not really a pom-pom waiving, mindless partisan sheeple that's so captivated by your belief that Bobby Mueller is the answer to your Trump Troubles that you just can't wait to lick his boots......you just play one on the Internet. :rolleyes:

Yes, Trump has turned your brain to mush. You say absurd things that I think you would know were absurd, were this any other topic.
Whatever you say but at least I'm not the one that's obsessed with Daffy Don and his shenanigans, one wonders what pointless minutiae you're going to obsess over after Trump rides off into the sunset?

It's going to be hilarious to watch you drones freak out when Mueller's expedition turns out to be nothing more than a little fish fry.
The problem as I see it is EVEN if it is much more than your little fish fry republicans will mock and ignore You know ,,politics before country
Uh-huh, so what does Mueller have on him?
I don't know, and neither do you. I don't think you are following.
LOL, yeah I know you're not really a pom-pom waiving, mindless partisan sheeple that's so captivated by your belief that Bobby Mueller is the answer to your Trump Troubles that you just can't wait to lick his boots......you just play one on the Internet. :rolleyes:

Yes, Trump has turned your brain to mush. You say absurd things that I think you would know were absurd, were this any other topic.
Whatever you say but at least I'm not the one that's obsessed with Daffy Don and his shenanigans, one wonders what pointless minutiae you're going to obsess over after Trump rides off into the sunset?

It's going to be hilarious to watch you drones freak out when Mueller's expedition turns out to be nothing more than a little fish fry.
The problem as I see it is EVEN if it is much more than your little fish fry republicans will mock and ignore You know ,,politics before country

Who cares what the Republicans do? After all they're just as vapid and corrupt as the Democrats are.

The little fish are already chosen, dressed and ready for the frying pan and that's where it will end, just like the whole "Valerie Plame Affair" did, you know the one where all the Dingbats-D were just SURE that Cheney and Bush were going down in.
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

Hey, fucknuckle, when has Trump ever been indicted or gone bankrupt?
When has Trump ever been investigated by a brilliant prosecutor?

Never. Thanks again.
The Mueller investigation is suppose to be about Russia and our elections. is it Mueller's fault if he is finding links between Russia and people who worked for Trump? the most important thing is getting fair open elections with out interference from Anyone.
The Mueller investigation is suppose to be about Russia and our elections. is it Mueller's fault if he is finding links between Russia and people who worked for Trump? the most important thing is getting fair open elections with out interference from Anyone.
And Republican congress is doing all in their power including impeachment of Rosenstein to doing Putins work for him
Trump is somehow worse than corrupt. its hard to find the right term. aggressively criminal?
Trump is somehow worse than corrupt. its hard to find the right term. aggressively criminal?
How about owing to his neglect in calling putin out for hacking our elections call him a traitor when he invites the murderer putin to our WH?
191 criminal charges
35 indictments
5 guilty pleas
2 sitting in jail

All in a little over a year.

Then you have the Trump Foundation currently fighting a civil lawsuit and recommended for criminal charges.

Three Trump golf course in Europe have lost 200 million dollars and no one can explain where the money is coming from.

The Chinese are paying 500 million for a Trump resort in Asia.

And that's just the beginning. So many areas officials are looking in to.

Did anyone think Trump could be this corrupt? I knew from his history of bankruptcies and racism that he was bad, but this is staggering and far beyond my expectations.

Where will it end?

Fake news.

Deep State.

FBI Democrats.

Witch Hunt.

No collusion, no collusion, no collusion.... oops, I mean, collusion is not a real crime. So, yes some collusion, but that's okay...

The Mueller investigation is suppose to be about Russia and our elections. is it Mueller's fault if he is finding links between Russia and people who worked for Trump? the most important thing is getting fair open elections with out interference from Anyone.
he did when?

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