Was there ever a more flawed presidential candidate than Hillary?

There is no proof that 9-11 would not have happened without Osama bin Laden in the lead. He didn't plan it, didn't lead it. Are you saying nobody else could have approved it?

RWnuts pretty much adopted that theory AFTER Bush failed to get Bin Laden.
Donald "The Liar" Trump.

Donald "The Liar" Trump.

When it comes to lying, Trump is an amateur when compared to perennial prevaricator Hilarious Clinton. Even used car salesman can't stand her.

Of all the many lies Hilarious Clinton told, her disgustingly dishonest explanation of the Benghazi attack is the one that defines her. She lied her ass off (as usual) telling her daughter and the Prime Minister of Egypt that it was a planned terrorist attack that had nothing to do with the video, but she told the American public that it was all about the video. She even went so far as to tell the father of Seal Tyrone Woods – who died defending the consulate – that they were going to “arrest and prosecute” the man that made the scapegoated youtube video critical of Islam. Liars Clinton and Obama were willing to target an innocent man to mask their own incompetency. Trump is a better person by far.

Don't ask for a link. You're supposed to know this stuff. If you don't, Google.

Quote the lie she told the American public.

Tyrone Woods died at the CIA complex when the American team's convoy sent from Tripoli finally arrived at the CIA Annex. He and Doherty were on a roof when they came under a mortar attack.

Hillary Clinton: The Killing Of Ghaddafi And The Destruction Of Libya

Even the Huffington Post was forced to admit that Hillary Clinton was one of the main forces promoting the war in Libya, while also fairly pointing out that Clinton was one of many in the US State Department and other governing bodies who supported the same.[2]

Clinton would stop at no lengths to push the United States into yet another war. Clinton would even go so far as to give support to the propaganda line that Ghaddafi was using rape and sexual violence to intimidate and oppress Libyan women.

Such a grandiose and idiotic claim – proven inaccurate on the ground – was only eclipsed in its absurdity by other claims coming from the Clinton State Department that Ghaddafi was handing out Viagra for this purpose.

Disgraced US Ambassador Susan Rice was the main purveyor of this myth.
Hillary Clinton: The Killing Of Ghaddafi And The Destruction Of Libya

In this war, how many US troops did Sec. Clinton send it? How many soldiers did we lose?

America didn't lose any .. because Obama and Clinton used AL QUEDA terrorists as their foot soldiers.

Do you believe that absolves Obama and Clinton of the responsibility for destroying Libya with a pack of lies?

Except of course that is not what happened.

Libyans revolted against a dictator.
European countries intervened to support the Libyans who were revolting.
The United States came in last to support our allies and in the flawed hope to prevent more civilian massacres like were happening.
Quote the lie she told the American public.

Tyrone Woods died at the CIA complex when the American team's convoy sent from Tripoli finally arrived at the CIA Annex. He and Doherty were on a roof when they came under a mortar attack.

Clinton would stop at no lengths to push the United States into yet another war.


I don't shed a tear for Qaddafi dying.

Nor do you shed a tear for the suffering of the Libyan people .. but I bet you were all 'humane and caring' when Bush destroyed Iraq.

Democrats aren't much different then republicans when it comes to war.

I do shed a tear for the Libyan people- but I don't for the American killing dictator that ruled Libya.

The United States did not start the civil war in Libya, and I think our intervention was sincerely flawed, but I am still pleased that Qaddaffi finally got the justice he deserved.

Let's review .. you're glad that Gaddafi is dead because he supposedly killed Americans .. which he didn't .. but you have no problem with Obama using Al Queda terrorists who supposedly were involved in 9/11.

Gaddafi was responsible for the deaths of American troops in Germany, and American civilians on the Lockerbie flight.

I am fine with him being killed by the Libyans who he had oppressed for decades.
One of the most experienced candidates since George HW Bush. She has decades of experience in Washington, has extensive experience in the Senate and is known and trusted around the globe

The fact that conservatives hate her only solidifies her standing
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
One of the most experienced candidates since George HW Bush. She has decades of experience in Washington, has extensive experience in the Senate and is known and trusted around the globe

The fact that conservatives hate her only solidifies her standing
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
When are you anarchists going to get over it?

We the People established our government in DC. It is the greatest form of government in the history of mankind
One of the most experienced candidates since George HW Bush. She has decades of experience in Washington, has extensive experience in the Senate and is known and trusted around the globe

The fact that conservatives hate her only solidifies her standing
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
When are you anarchists going to get over it?

We the People established our government in DC. It is the greatest form of government in the history of mankind
LOL the stupidity is funny
1. Not even close to an anarchist I believe in a strong national government actually
2.Democracy is a HORRIBLE form of government that gets NOTHING done and those elected abuse the system those that do the electing half NO CLUE of what the people stand for they are electing they just pick D or R and pull the lever...its a system that needs destroyed completely. What we need is based on the leadership principle

Ben Klassen on The Leadership Principle
A trail of scandals
Under criminal investigation
Struggling to put away a looney socialist
Married to a well known womanizer
History of state department failures
Thinks republicans are her enemy
Shady charity organization

She needs to get that red reset button back from Russia & use it on her life.
Yes there is a more flawed candidate than hillary.

Trump rubio Cruz kasich huckabee fiorino carson jeb Ryan Christie.
One of the most experienced candidates since George HW Bush. She has decades of experience in Washington, has extensive experience in the Senate and is known and trusted around the globe

The fact that conservatives hate her only solidifies her standing
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
When are you anarchists going to get over it?

We the People established our government in DC. It is the greatest form of government in the history of mankind
LOL the stupidity is funny
1. Not even close to an anarchist I believe in a strong national government actually
2.Democracy is a HORRIBLE form of government that gets NOTHING done and those elected abuse the system those that do the electing half NO CLUE of what the people stand for they are electing they just pick D or R and pull the lever...its a system that needs destroyed completely. What we need is based on the leadership principle

Ben Klassen on The Leadership Principle
Name a Government on earth that is superior to ours
When it comes to lying, Trump is an amateur when compared to perennial prevaricator Hilarious Clinton. Even used car salesman can't stand her.

Of all the many lies Hilarious Clinton told, her disgustingly dishonest explanation of the Benghazi attack is the one that defines her. She lied her ass off (as usual) telling her daughter and the Prime Minister of Egypt that it was a planned terrorist attack that had nothing to do with the video, but she told the American public that it was all about the video. She even went so far as to tell the father of Seal Tyrone Woods – who died defending the consulate – that they were going to “arrest and prosecute” the man that made the scapegoated youtube video critical of Islam. Liars Clinton and Obama were willing to target an innocent man to mask their own incompetency. Trump is a better person by far.

Don't ask for a link. You're supposed to know this stuff. If you don't, Google.

Quote the lie she told the American public.

Tyrone Woods died at the CIA complex when the American team's convoy sent from Tripoli finally arrived at the CIA Annex. He and Doherty were on a roof when they came under a mortar attack.

Hillary Clinton: The Killing Of Ghaddafi And The Destruction Of Libya

Even the Huffington Post was forced to admit that Hillary Clinton was one of the main forces promoting the war in Libya, while also fairly pointing out that Clinton was one of many in the US State Department and other governing bodies who supported the same.[2]

Clinton would stop at no lengths to push the United States into yet another war. Clinton would even go so far as to give support to the propaganda line that Ghaddafi was using rape and sexual violence to intimidate and oppress Libyan women.

Such a grandiose and idiotic claim – proven inaccurate on the ground – was only eclipsed in its absurdity by other claims coming from the Clinton State Department that Ghaddafi was handing out Viagra for this purpose.

Disgraced US Ambassador Susan Rice was the main purveyor of this myth.
Hillary Clinton: The Killing Of Ghaddafi And The Destruction Of Libya

In this war, how many US troops did Sec. Clinton send it? How many soldiers did we lose?

America didn't lose any .. because Obama and Clinton used AL QUEDA terrorists as their foot soldiers.

Do you believe that absolves Obama and Clinton of the responsibility for destroying Libya with a pack of lies?

Except of course that is not what happened.

Libyans revolted against a dictator.
European countries intervened to support the Libyans who were revolting.
The United States came in last to support our allies and in the flawed hope to prevent more civilian massacres like were happening.

Respectfully, that's bullshit. Scroll back a couple of pages and take a look at the largest demonstration in world history .. Libyans demonstrating AGAINST the US and NATO bombing and standing FOR Gaddafi. Gaddafi was fighting against Al Queda and the US and Obama joined sides with Al Queda to completely destroy the country. Libya has now been completely destroyed by Obama and Hillary Clinton.

The Libyan people are now in far worse circumstances then they ever were under Gaddafi. Scroll back and take a look at what Libyans lost.

What you're suggesting is in fact complete bullshit .. AND, I doubt if you really want to debate me on this .. but you are certainly more than welcome to try it.

No offense intended.
One of the most experienced candidates since George HW Bush. She has decades of experience in Washington, has extensive experience in the Senate and is known and trusted around the globe

The fact that conservatives hate her only solidifies her standing
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
When are you anarchists going to get over it?

We the People established our government in DC. It is the greatest form of government in the history of mankind
LOL the stupidity is funny
1. Not even close to an anarchist I believe in a strong national government actually
2.Democracy is a HORRIBLE form of government that gets NOTHING done and those elected abuse the system those that do the electing half NO CLUE of what the people stand for they are electing they just pick D or R and pull the lever...its a system that needs destroyed completely. What we need is based on the leadership principle

Ben Klassen on The Leadership Principle
Name a Government on earth that is superior to ours
I did. Adolf Hitler's Germany was better,Mussolini in Italy,Franco in Spain hell anywhere that the leader put his people above himself....Of course you are going to disagree but I don't care. Facts show I am correct.
Clinton would stop at no lengths to push the United States into yet another war.


I don't shed a tear for Qaddafi dying.

Nor do you shed a tear for the suffering of the Libyan people .. but I bet you were all 'humane and caring' when Bush destroyed Iraq.

Democrats aren't much different then republicans when it comes to war.

I do shed a tear for the Libyan people- but I don't for the American killing dictator that ruled Libya.

The United States did not start the civil war in Libya, and I think our intervention was sincerely flawed, but I am still pleased that Qaddaffi finally got the justice he deserved.

Let's review .. you're glad that Gaddafi is dead because he supposedly killed Americans .. which he didn't .. but you have no problem with Obama using Al Queda terrorists who supposedly were involved in 9/11.

Gaddafi was responsible for the deaths of American troops in Germany, and American civilians on the Lockerbie flight.

I am fine with him being killed by the Libyans who he had oppressed for decades.

Democratic partisanship is every bit as insidious as republican partisanship.

NATO and Obama launched a savage and brutal attack on a once prosperous nation and destroyed it.

The savage bastards even bombed The Great Man-Made River .. which Gaddafi built to bring millions of gallons of water to the desert.

Obama should rot in Hell forever for what his spineless ass did to Libya.

AND, by the way, since you seem concerned about American deaths .. did you know that many of Obama's Al Queda posse have said that they killed Americans in Iraq.

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

How the west broke Libya and returned it to the hatred of the past
How the west broke Libya and returned it to the hatred of the past | Yasmina Khadra

How is it that democrats knew everything about the war on Iraq .. don't seem to know anything about Obama's war?
Last edited:
One of the most experienced candidates since George HW Bush. She has decades of experience in Washington, has extensive experience in the Senate and is known and trusted around the globe

The fact that conservatives hate her only solidifies her standing
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
When are you anarchists going to get over it?

We the People established our government in DC. It is the greatest form of government in the history of mankind
LOL the stupidity is funny
1. Not even close to an anarchist I believe in a strong national government actually
2.Democracy is a HORRIBLE form of government that gets NOTHING done and those elected abuse the system those that do the electing half NO CLUE of what the people stand for they are electing they just pick D or R and pull the lever...its a system that needs destroyed completely. What we need is based on the leadership principle

Ben Klassen on The Leadership Principle
Name a Government on earth that is superior to ours
I did. Adolf Hitler's Germany was better,Mussolini in Italy,Franco in Spain hell anywhere that the leader put his people above himself....Of course you are going to disagree but I don't care. Facts show I am correct.

Nothing further to add

You have defined yourself
You say her being in DC for decades like its a good thing! If you hadn't noticed the PEOPLE are tired of bullshit artists! Sanders and Trump are complete outsiders and 1 is the nominee and the other is giving the former first lady,senator and secretary of state a run for her money!
When are you anarchists going to get over it?

We the People established our government in DC. It is the greatest form of government in the history of mankind
LOL the stupidity is funny
1. Not even close to an anarchist I believe in a strong national government actually
2.Democracy is a HORRIBLE form of government that gets NOTHING done and those elected abuse the system those that do the electing half NO CLUE of what the people stand for they are electing they just pick D or R and pull the lever...its a system that needs destroyed completely. What we need is based on the leadership principle

Ben Klassen on The Leadership Principle
Name a Government on earth that is superior to ours
I did. Adolf Hitler's Germany was better,Mussolini in Italy,Franco in Spain hell anywhere that the leader put his people above himself....Of course you are going to disagree but I don't care. Facts show I am correct.

Nothing further to add

You have defined yourself
Good boy. Now back to kissing The Bitches ass for you

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