Was Waterboarding Worth It?

Was Waterboarding Worth It?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 77.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
Glad I could help. I give credit where credit is due.

Lets to keep it all in prospective, here is water boarding-

And the 9-11 victims who jumped from burning buildings to avoid death by fire-

So call me a red neck and a raciest if you like, but if you look at the little blurry dots rapidly headed towards the ground you will see that those are people. My fellow countrymen, and if nothing else they are my fellow humans. I would stop at nothing to get the information that would prevent that from happening again. I would torture them the (bad guys), there family's, friends and house hold pets and livestock. Would it bother me ? Yes it would, but no ware near as much as the events portrayed in those videos do. Again, Fuck all the little haji fuck wads who were water boarded. It did not go far enough, or long enough. I wonder what those folks would say if you could ask them about enhanced interrogation ?

According to the latest news reports Al Qaeda's next in line just turned himself in, apparently knowing that the intelligence gathered during the raid will lead a SEAL team or drone missile to his house. So waterboarding helped lead to bin Laden, and as a result Al Qaeda is falling apart, thus demonstrating for perhaps the first time in history a government program that actually works the way its supposed to and achieves results, and the the libtards want to quash it. :cuckoo:

that would give some credit to the evil boooosh and they can have none of that
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Rumsfeld has a brain. There is going to be enough shit hitting the fan and retaliation attemps against the US and it's allies for taking osama out. Do we really need to be advertising we tortured the shit out of some muslims to get the intelligence. LEt's throw a little fuel on the fire why don't we. Are you libs that stupid naturally or do you have to take lessons?

So Rumsfeld is lying? Republicans seem to think their leadership lies all the time about everything. Yet they follow those leaders without question. So very odd.

Once again stupid. ALL politicians lie, and only an idiot would follow ANY of them without question.
You're, of course, excusing Palin-fans for.....


So Rumsfeld is lying? Republicans seem to think their leadership lies all the time about everything. Yet they follow those leaders without question. So very odd.

Once again stupid. ALL politicians lie, and only an idiot would follow ANY of them without question.
You're, of course, excusing Palin-fans for.....


you're thoughts are about as coherent as your posts
Glad I could help. I give credit where credit is due.

Lets to keep it all in prospective, here is water boarding-

Whatta dork......


I thought these kinds of "conservative"-neophytes were supposed to show-up in-character???? :eusa_eh:


You need to let the professional, recognized journalists get-the-job-done....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LPubUCJv58]YouTube - Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR)[/ame]​
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None of the waterboard-lovers can get around the words in the Declaration of Independence that rights are inalienable to ALL MEN.

ALL MEN. All men should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment. Not just using fucking loopholes about who's a citizen and who's not.
None of the waterboard-lovers can get around the words in the Declaration of Independence that rights are inalienable to ALL MEN.

ALL MEN. All men should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment. Not just using fucking loopholes about who's a citizen and who's not.

liberals put the loopholes there
None of the waterboard-lovers can get around the words in the Declaration of Independence that rights are inalienable to ALL MEN.

ALL MEN. All men should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment. Not just using fucking loopholes about who's a citizen and who's not.

To everybody ? even those people who went to work and died for it ? Nope. Water boarding worked, but they deserved the works.
Torture is against everything that America stands for. I don't give a damn what it accomplishes... it is NEVER right.

If your child was missing and you had credible evidence that someone could lead you to him/her and they weren't talking, you would advocate torture. I GUARANTEE it.
Bogus, Sophomoric Premise

1. How do you know they could lead you, there, unless you knew what they knew?


Stupid Teabaggers.

The lefties are pissing their pants. Leon Panetta admitted some of the valuable info came from waterboarding.

I'm not pissing my pants; I still think waterboarding is bad, just like I think the death of Osama was bad (though most likely unavoidable). Not everyone takes pleasure in the death of other people.
Funny how the majority of those who were vehemiently babbling that waterboarding didn't work, are now avoiding this thread like the plague.

Funny how all the liberal idiot politicians, like Hillary, Kerry, Biden, Pelosi are remaining absolutely silent about their vehement claims in the past that waterboarding doesn't provide credible information.

Fuckin' lib's are consistently wrong on so many levels it's comical.
Funny how the majority of those who were vehemiently babbling that waterboarding didn't work, are now avoiding this thread like the plague.

Funny how all the liberal idiot politicians, like Hillary, Kerry, Biden, Pelosi are remaining absolutely silent about their vehement claims in the past that waterboarding doesn't provide credible information.

Fuckin' lib's are consistently wrong on so many levels it's comical.

Funny how you just ignored my last post.

I don't give a SHIT if waterboarding provides useful information; its still wrong.
None of the waterboard-lovers can get around the words in the Declaration of Independence that rights are inalienable to ALL MEN.

ALL MEN. All men should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment. Not just using fucking loopholes about who's a citizen and who's not.

Sir the DoI and the COTUS are NOT the same document. The Declaration of Independence discusses inalieble rights all men have the COTUS does not, rather it discusses what the government may NOT do to US citizens. Two entirely different principles.

I can respect your arguing that the United States should not torture non Americans, what I can not respect is when you make incorrect arguments to back up your beliefs.
Funny how the majority of those who were vehemiently babbling that waterboarding didn't work, are now avoiding this thread like the plague.

Funny how all the liberal idiot politicians, like Hillary, Kerry, Biden, Pelosi are remaining absolutely silent about their vehement claims in the past that waterboarding doesn't provide credible information.

Fuckin' lib's are consistently wrong on so many levels it's comical.

Funny how you just ignored my last post.

I don't give a SHIT if waterboarding provides useful information; its still wrong.
Yeah, we'll see how you feel if god forbid you're ever laid up in a burn ward after these Jihadi fucks happen to blow up a mall you may have been frequenting, and you find out the one man who was in custody that could have given up the goods was treated with kid gloves and didn't give up jack shit.

Waterboarding wrong?........No, it's a non-torturous teqninque that should always be in the toolbox. These Jihadi fucks are not going away, and would saw your damn head off in a heartbeat if given the opportunity......We are not dealing with your typical organized Military. We are dealing with loosely banded religious zealots, who don't play by ANY rules, and are bat shit fuckin' crazy but in no way stupid.

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