Was Waterboarding Worth It?

Was Waterboarding Worth It?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 77.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
Let's assume for a moment that information gleaned during enhanced interrogation techniques of Al Qaeda members at Gitmo led to the killing of OBL. Was it worth it?

Years of intelligence gathering, including details gleaned from controversial interrogations of Al Qaeda members during the Bush administration, ultimately led the Navy SEALs who killed Usama bin Laden to his compound in Pakistan.

Read more: Bush-Era Interrogations Provided Key Details on Bin Laden's Location - FoxNews.com

Moot point. According to Rumsfeld, it never happened. Why promote something you only "imagine" helped?

We've already been over that Ad nauseum. Please read the thread.
Moot point. According to Rumsfeld, it never happened. Why promote something you only "imagine" helped?

Rumsfeld has a brain. There is going to be enough shit hitting the fan and retaliation attemps against the US and it's allies for taking osama out. Do we really need to be advertising we tortured the shit out of some muslims to get the intelligence. LEt's throw a little fuel on the fire why don't we. Are you libs that stupid naturally or do you have to take lessons?

So Rumsfeld is lying? Republicans seem to think their leadership lies all the time about everything. Yet they follow those leaders without question. So very odd.

yea, just like obama is lying about his citizenship and a few hundred campaign promises and that the economy is improving. that one is no little white lie, it's a mortal sin
So waterboarding was never used at Gitmo?

So when was waterboarding used? If it was never used, why the uproar?

(BTW, let's put this article in perspective: This is Newsmax and this is Donald Rumsfled we're talking about.)

It's also useful to note Rumsfeld's exact wording, "“The United States Department of Defense did not do waterboarding for interrogation purposes to anyone." CIA interrogations are not part of the DoD's authority. The Director of the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence.

CON$ will never give up the lies from their MessiahRushie, then OK, since the CON$ervative torture lovers need to hear it from the CIA, former CIA officials admit the info did not come from torture:

Hunting him down: CIA finally found his courier. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/03/2011

The revelation that intelligence gleaned from the CIA's so-called black sites helped kill bin Laden was seen as vindication for many intelligence officials who have been investigated and criticized for involvement in a program that involved the harshest interrogation methods in U.S. history.
"We got beat up for it, but those efforts led to this great day," said Marty Martin, a retired CIA officer who for years led the hunt for bin Laden.
Mohammed did not reveal the names while being subjected to the simulated drowning technique known as waterboarding, former officials said. He identified them many months later under standard interrogation, they said, leaving it once again up for debate as to whether the harsh technique was a valuable tool or an unnecessarily violent tactic. It took years of work for intelligence agencies to learn he was a Kuwaiti-born man named Sheikh Abu Ahmed.
When they did identify him, Ahmed was nowhere to be found. The CIA's sources didn't know where he was hiding. Bin Laden was famously insistent that no phones or computers be used near him, so the eavesdroppers at the National Security Agency kept coming up cold.

You are such a fuckstick. Nowhere did I claim anything otherwise. All I said is that Rumsfeld's words weren't relevant.
Hillary said that the Taliban have a choice. To "abandon Al Quaida and participate in a peaceful political process." The other choice....be killed....LMAO!!. The hypocrisy of the "all loving, tolerant, and diverse" liberals has no bounds.

Seems you don't understand your political opponents at all.

Why wouldn't we kill any Taliban who will not abandon AlQaeda?

Contrary to the right-wing's attempt at pigeon-holing the left as "peaceniks"... Just because Democrats try to encourage diversity and peace doesn't mean they won't kick ass when needed.

That's why they killed Bin Laden, after all.

Oh, that's right, the right-wingers failed, didn't they?

Democrats killed Bin Laden?

I'm pretty sure the DEVGRU guys are rather apolitical.
So you have solid evidence that the SEAL team member/members who offed that sorry SOB were registered democrats?

I have evidence that the person who ordered the hit was a registered Democrat, yes.

You want to blame Obama for everything from unemployment, to the shoe bomber, to whatever the hell you people think of next?

Well then, as commander in chief of that SEAL team, and as the man who ordered the hit, you have to give him credit too.

That's the way it works.

But you said "they." HE (correctly) approved the mission. Gutsy move, too.
America has nuclear weapons and other high-tech weapons-systems. They don't need waterboards. If they knew how to go into a country and truely clean it up, there would be no converstaion about waterboards.

They simply need to move in, take over, and clean up. Then they need to bring in Big Industry to take complete control of the natural resources of the rogue countries they invade, and they need to do this all without shame, nor hesitation. How else will the rest of Humanity ever be blessed with the benefits of our modern Western way of life?

We cannot expect them to ask us to take them over, we must do it, (with the help & aproval of our NATO allies), for their own good, and for the peace of the world. Fate and History have assigned us this task. Let us not shrink from this responsility!
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Navy SEALs did more than torture. They slaughtered that motherfucker without a weapon. Straight up blasted his ass! Fuckin' beautiful. Obama gets, and deserves, the credit. Although, in reality the search and blasting effort extends beyond the presidency, but hey, he "ordered" it/let it happen. :clap2:

So soft torture (and waterboarding really is a pussy torture)=holy fuck!, it's soooo bad.

But blasting a fool=holy fuck!, he's (Obama) soooo bad (meaning cool).

Seems peculiar to me as I'd much rather have some water poured on me than a bullet through the skull.
America has nuclear weapons and other high-tech weapons-systems. They don't need waterboards. If they knew how to go into a country and truely clean it up, there would be no converstaion about waterboards.

They simply need to move in, take over, and clean up. Then they need to bring in Big Industry to take complete control of the natural resources of the rogue countries they invade, and they need to do this all without shame, nor hesitation. How else will the rest of Humanity ever be blessed with the benefits of our modern Western way of life?

We cannot expect them to ask us to take them over, we must do it, (with the help & aproval of our NATO allies), for their own good, and for the peace of the world. Fate and History have assigned us this task. Let us not shrink from this responsility!

Hillary said that the Taliban have a choice. To "abandon Al Quaida and participate in a peaceful political process." The other choice....be killed....LMAO!!. The hypocrisy of the "all loving, tolerant, and diverse" liberals has no bounds.

Seems you don't understand your political opponents at all.

Why wouldn't we kill any Taliban who will not abandon AlQaeda?

Contrary to the right-wing's attempt at pigeon-holing the left as "peaceniks"... Just because Democrats try to encourage diversity and peace doesn't mean they won't kick ass when needed.

That's why they killed Bin Laden, after all.

Oh, that's right, the right-wingers failed, didn't they?

Democrats killed Bin Laden?

I'm pretty sure the DEVGRU guys are rather apolitical.
No shit....I know when we were doing missions, politics was the last of our concerns.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the aquatic sport sometimes known as "water boarding", see Surfing.
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Waterboarding in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime. Painting by former prison inmate Vann Nath at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

Waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over the face of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning.

Although a variety of specific techniques are used in waterboarding, the captive's face is usually covered with cloth or some other thin material, and the subject is immobilized on his/her back. Water is then poured onto the face over the breathing passages, causing an almost immediate gag reflex and creating the sensation that the captive is drowning.[1][2][3] Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, brain damage from oxygen deprivation, other physical injuries including broken bones due to struggling against restraints, lasting psychological damage and, if uninterrupted, death.[4] Adverse physical consequences can manifest themselves months after the event, while psychological effects can last for years.[5] The term water board torture appears in press reports as early as 1976.[6]

This is from wiki-pidea. I dont like them much because opinion usually makes it in to there definitions making it extremely unreliable but here it is water boarding. Now, I am not a man who is given to revenge to much. I can let allot go, but when I watch the replay of 9-11 and I see men and woman so desperate to live and willing to jump out of the window of the WTC 80+ floors up rather then burn to death, I say fuck the raghead mother fuckers. Had I been in charge of questioning thees fuckers it would have started with them sitting in a fire ant pile and every question would have been punctuated with a cigarette snubbed out on there open eyes and all the parts of there bodies ware soft skin is, much like the country's who do our questioning for us under rendition still do for Obama. instead the bastards are tied to a board with a pillow case on there heads and then get water poured over there mouth and nostrils. So yes it was worth it, it is worth it, and the program that Obama benefited from should be further enhanced.
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Glad I could help. I give credit where credit is due.

Lets to keep it all in prospective, here is water boarding-

And the 9-11 victims who jumped from burning buildings to avoid death by fire-

So call me a red neck and a raciest if you like, but if you look at the little blurry dots rapidly headed towards the ground you will see that those are people. My fellow countrymen, and if nothing else they are my fellow humans. I would stop at nothing to get the information that would prevent that from happening again. I would torture them the (bad guys), there family's, friends and house hold pets and livestock. Would it bother me ? Yes it would, but no ware near as much as the events portrayed in those videos do. Again, Fuck all the little haji fuck wads who were water boarded. It did not go far enough, or long enough. I wonder what those folks would say if you could ask them about enhanced interrogation ?
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I love the idea of tramping on Habaes Corpus. How many of you un-Americans disagree with me?
Doesn't apply to non u.s. citizens. Lets stop protecting the terrorists who will do anything to kill innocent Americans, bleeding heart liberals.

Yes it does.


2. Petitioners have the constitutional privilege of habeas corpus. They are not barred from seeking the writ or invoking the Suspension Clause’s protections because they have been designated as enemy combatants or because of their presence at Guantanamo. Pp. 8–41.
Glad I could help. I give credit where credit is due.

Lets to keep it all in prospective, here is water boarding-

And the 9-11 victims who jumped from burning buildings to avoid death by fire-

So call me a red neck and a raciest if you like, but if you look at the little blurry dots rapidly headed towards the ground you will see that those are people. My fellow countrymen, and if nothing else they are my fellow humans. I would stop at nothing to get the information that would prevent that from happening again. I would torture them the (bad guys), there family's, friends and house hold pets and livestock. Would it bother me ? Yes it would, but no ware near as much as the events portrayed in those videos do. Again, Fuck all the little haji fuck wads who were water boarded. It did not go far enough, or long enough. I wonder what those folks would say if you could ask them about enhanced interrogation ?

According to the latest news reports Al Qaeda's next in line just turned himself in, apparently knowing that the intelligence gathered during the raid will lead a SEAL team or drone missile to his house. So waterboarding helped lead to bin Laden, and as a result Al Qaeda is falling apart, thus demonstrating for perhaps the first time in history a government program that actually works the way its supposed to and achieves results, and the the libtards want to quash it. :cuckoo:
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I love the idea of tramping on Habaes Corpus. How many of you un-Americans disagree with me?
Doesn't apply to non u.s. citizens. Lets stop protecting the terrorists who will do anything to kill innocent Americans, bleeding heart liberals.

yea, but liberals don't care about americans so what would you expect?

That AntiDerivative dude doesn't even know the difference between Habeus Corpus and the 8th Amendment. :lol: Do you REALLY expect him to understand that the COTUS protects the rights of citizens not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment?
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