Wash Post admits lying about Sandmann

Because he thought he was being a smartass with that stupid smirk on his face and now he cries about it because he was caught and suffered public humiliation.

There was no public "humiliation" because the child did nothing wrong. A old drunken phony veteran Indian starts beating on a drum two millimeters from your ear,while a tribe of Black Congressional Israelites are hollering all kinds of names of ugliness at you- what should he have done? They don't have that kind of double barreled stupidity in Kentucky.
How did he get 2 millimeters from the brat’s ear?

He walked straight on up to Sandmann. He saw what fun the Israelites were having, and wanted to get in on the fun. Phillips figured with the chaperones in attendance, there was little risk. If it had been an adult group there, Mr. Phillips would have spent the evening at the proctologists getting his drums extracted
I saw the video. He walked as slowly as a 90 year old man. The little brat could have turned away any time he wanted.

Why would the "little brat" have needed to turn away? Phillips approached him, not the other way around.

Sandmann and the other boys were minding their own business waiting for their bus and that chickenshit Phillips approached them beating his drum in their faces. If you saw the video as you say then you know this. So for the life of me I simply do not understand how you are still criticizing the kid.

Because true stories don't work for them.
There was no public "humiliation" because the child did nothing wrong. A old drunken phony veteran Indian starts beating on a drum two millimeters from your ear,while a tribe of Black Congressional Israelites are hollering all kinds of names of ugliness at you- what should he have done? They don't have that kind of double barreled stupidity in Kentucky.
How did he get 2 millimeters from the brat’s ear?

He walked straight on up to Sandmann. He saw what fun the Israelites were having, and wanted to get in on the fun. Phillips figured with the chaperones in attendance, there was little risk. If it had been an adult group there, Mr. Phillips would have spent the evening at the proctologists getting his drums extracted
I saw the video. He walked as slowly as a 90 year old man. The little brat could have turned away any time he wanted.

Why would the "little brat" have needed to turn away? Phillips approached him, not the other way around.

Sandmann and the other boys were minding their own business waiting for their bus and that chickenshit Phillips approached them beating his drum in their faces. If you saw the video as you say then you know this. So for the life of me I simply do not understand how you are still criticizing the kid.

Because true stories don't work for them.

Sandmann is a southern boy who was in Washington for a conservative protest. The Media is interested in stopping things like the March for Life, particularly when its young people.

If a group of Christian adults got in the face of Dave Hogg and the radical Gun Control kids like Phillips and his Israelite friends got in the face of the Covington kids, the narrative would be a lot different. Do you think that Hogg would have slinked away from Christians denouncing him?
There was no public "humiliation" because the child did nothing wrong. A old drunken phony veteran Indian starts beating on a drum two millimeters from your ear,while a tribe of Black Congressional Israelites are hollering all kinds of names of ugliness at you- what should he have done? They don't have that kind of double barreled stupidity in Kentucky.
How did he get 2 millimeters from the brat’s ear?

He walked straight on up to Sandmann. He saw what fun the Israelites were having, and wanted to get in on the fun. Phillips figured with the chaperones in attendance, there was little risk. If it had been an adult group there, Mr. Phillips would have spent the evening at the proctologists getting his drums extracted
I saw the video. He walked as slowly as a 90 year old man. The little brat could have turned away any time he wanted.

Why would the "little brat" have needed to turn away? Phillips approached him, not the other way around.

Sandmann and the other boys were minding their own business waiting for their bus and that chickenshit Phillips approached them beating his drum in their faces. If you saw the video as you say then you know this. So for the life of me I simply do not understand how you are still criticizing the kid.

Because true stories don't work for them.

Apparently not.
What was the paper like?

MSNBC in print.
Actually Nick Sandman, will not need a college education to live the good life. The Washington Post and a lot of other irresponsible, libelous liberal sources will make him a very wealthy man. All the young man needs is a good financial planner for his multi-million dollar settlements.

Actually, anyone can live a good life. It is just a matter of what you expect, what you crave, and what you live for.

A whole bunch of our dirt eating, land poor ancestors had very good lives.

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