Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm very fiscally responsible, oh wait conservatives aren't that anymore either.... They are running up deficits during a strong economy.

If the Republicans only spent money on their things and didn't allow spending on Democrat things, then the Democrats would shutdown the government, and as always, the MSM would blame the Republicans only.

Trump and the Republicans promised us things that we support, but they could never get that passed without giving the Democrats things they wanted.

So yes, there is deficit and new debt, but it's not solely the Republicans fault.
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.

That's because your leftist mentality is that all money belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us.

The truth is that taking less from people is not welfare in any sense of the word. Welfare is when you provide something somebody never had.
No, it is my free market capitalism mentality. Corporate welfare is really bad for capitalism. But your rightist mentality doesn't understand good capitalism.

Corporate welfare is a term created by leftist to oppose tax reduction. That's all it is and ever was.

If you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went out to walk your dog, I went into your house and stole 100 dollars, and after a while, I began to feel guilty, so I stopped stealing 100 dollars, and only stole 50 dollars, did I give you 50 dollars a week?

Government doesn't give most businesses anything--they only take less from them. But taking less is not welfare.
Republicans in WI are giving Foxconn 3 billion in cash incentives. Sorry, but they are giving away lots of tax payer dollars. It used to be they gave tax breaks, not anymore. You must believe more government influence in business is a good thing. Conservatives used to be smart enough to know it is not good...

Giving them 3 billion or reducing their taxes by 3 billion? If they are giving away tax money, please provide the link.
Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.

REally? Cause I've seen very cheap products from far, far away.

Made with really cheap labor. We don't have that advantage here. But there are certain products that aren't imported like paper. Even with cheap labor the value of a container of paper is not enough to be imported as the container costs are too high.
There you are with that stealth container comment. What container?
Shipping container. That's how we get items from over seas... Like I said, you have no clue...
What’s wrong with opening plans in country? Many ways to sell products
I'm very fiscally responsible, oh wait conservatives aren't that anymore either.... They are running up deficits during a strong economy.

If the Republicans only spent money on their things and didn't allow spending on Democrat things, then the Democrats would shutdown the government, and as always, the MSM would blame the Republicans only.

Trump and the Republicans promised us things that we support, but they could never get that passed without giving the Democrats things they wanted.

So yes, there is deficit and new debt, but it's not solely the Republicans fault.
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs. In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

Yes, with protective tariffs, some items will cost more, because they're not being made in dirt-wage factories overseas but by Americans who are earning a decent wage and benefits in American factories. And instead of part of the profits going overseas, all of those profits are staying here in our country. And those American factory workers, instead of working at some service-industry job making $10-$15 an hour, are making $20-$30 an hour and are able to buy more goods and services in their area.

I do wish one of you folks who keep bashing protective tariffs would explain why China has grown by leaps and bounds with a fiercely protectionist tariffs. China's growth rate has dwarfed ours for years, and yet China has some of the highest tariffs in the world. China understands that protecting your own industries and products is sound policy. We used to understand that as well.

So is this an example when its ok to do what foreign countries do?

Because I don't often hear that mantra when it comes to healthcare

Oh by the way, the whole concept of paying workers higher wages so they stimulate the economy due to the fact they will put that money back into the economy sounds very liberal

It is liberal, that's why liberals are now against it....because liberal republican Trump is for it

Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


You posting this picture, as if this is proof of something. It isn't.

Are you denying the lowering of living standards for the Working Poor and the Middle Class?

Further, you seem to operating (based on this picture), that if we had protectionism, that rust belt towns wouldn't exist. That somehow these factories would stay open forever, and there would be all these 1950s happy workers dumping molten metal everywhere.


More jobs have been lost through automation, than through trade. Yes, there is no doubt that some companies have lost jobs over trade, but that is not the primary driver. The primary driver is advancement.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we do. Japan has even more.

So, is that because they use old fashioned manual labor to make their stuff, and "out compete" US?


By the way, it's funny how if you watch the old movies, people are miserable and down trodden factory workers, and now we dream of that coming back.

View attachment 199248
Yes of course..... let's all go back to being miserable factory workers. I worked at a factory years ago. It sucked. I wouldn't want to go back. I certainly wouldn't see that as a dream for America's future.

You had a hard and crappy job. And were paid well.

Today, your modern counterparts, have crappy hard jobs and get paid shit.

We will not have an American future, if we actively refuse to give any consideration to the working poor and middle class, in our policies.

Are you denying the lowering of living standards for the Working Poor and the Middle Class?

Yes, I am. It's a known fact, that people who are "working poor" today, are living far better off than the working poor of the past. By far. You read about the working poor of the 1950s, and they didn't have hot water, air conditioning, most didn't have cars, and they certainly didn't have any of the modern conveniences that today's poor do.

Did you know, by the way, that a couple working minimum wage jobs at McDonald's, places them in the top 1% of wage earners in the world?

Now I will say that one clear problem is that people now routinely live in broken families, and that destroys the ability to build wealth. But that isn't from a lack of economic opportunity, but rather the destruction of the family by left-wing ideology.

If you think Tariffs are going to fix that, you are crazy.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we do. Japan has even more.
So, is that because they use old fashioned manual labor to make their stuff, and "out compete" US?

Yes, and Germany operates on the basis of free-trade. Germany also operates on a system where Unions work with Companies in a co-operative manor, rather than an adversarial manor.

For example, Unions in Germany would never drive the company into bankruptcy, like the Union at Hostess did. They would work with the company, to reduce costs, even labor costs, in order to keep the company competitive.

You had a hard and crappy job. And were paid well.
Today, your modern counterparts, have crappy hard jobs and get paid shit.
We will not have an American future, if we actively refuse to give any consideration to the working poor and middle class, in our policies

No, I was not well paid. It was just crappy factory job.

And the pay level is not any worse than what it was in the past. Just not true.

Fact defeat opinion.

Statistical abstract of the United States / prepared by the chief of the Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department. 1976.

Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 3.27.13 AM.png

Notice, Average hourly wage for manufacturing in 1960, was $2.26 per hour.

Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 3.28.01 AM.png

According to the CPI inflation calculator, the comparable wage would be $19.41 today. That is almost dead on what manufacturing wages are today. In fact, the average is $20.50.

Wages in manufacturing have not declined. People are paid what the job is worth, back then, and today.

What has changed is that everyone else has found work that is more valuable and profitable to do. The rest of society has moved on to doing more valuable things that result in higher pay than manufacturing. My friend from Bangladesh, is a Lead programmer with Nationwide Insurance. He's making $100K a year.

Wages didn't decline in manufacturing. Other people's wages increased, because they are doing more profitable things than manufacturing.

If you don't think you are paid enough.... get out of manufacturing, and do something more profitable. It's that simple.
Sorry, but I've very independent actually. Not blinded by partisan stupidity, like you.

Sure, it's just that as an Independent, you always side with the left. When are your kind going to man up and just admit what you are?
Do I? I don't think you know me too well. It may seem that way now since repubs control everything, dems can't really do anything.

I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.
Do we then continue to deal with foreign subsidizes companies?

You mean like how other countries deal with our subsidized industries?
Sorry, but I've very independent actually. Not blinded by partisan stupidity, like you.

Sure, it's just that as an Independent, you always side with the left. When are your kind going to man up and just admit what you are?
Do I? I don't think you know me too well. It may seem that way now since repubs control everything, dems can't really do anything.

I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.
Do we then continue to deal with foreign subsidizes companies?

Well let me ask you this..........

If the company you bought your car from, was taking money from the executive board, to subsidize the cost of the car they sell you..... so that now you can buy that car for $1,000 less.....

Would you be saying "Am I supposed to continue dealing with subsidized cars?"

No, you would not. You being able to buy a product at a lower price is not..... a burden to you.

When the government of China..... taxes the people of China...... to sell us steel at a lower price.... this isn't a burden to us.

How do we compete? Well.... pretty easily. We take the cheap steel, and make products with it.

Which will make us more competitive? You tell me..... paying super high prices on steel with tariffs, that force us to charge higher prices for our products? Or paying low prices on steel subsidized by Chinese tax payers, and sell products at lower prices?

Obviously we will be more competitive, if we can get the materials to produce goods at a lower price.

Remember, we have been competitive in the world, with imported goods, for over 5 decades now.

We have not been in a 5 decade long depression. We have done really well. We're still the largest economy in the world, by a wide margin.
If the Republicans only spent money on their things and didn't allow spending on Democrat things, then the Democrats would shutdown the government, and as always, the MSM would blame the Republicans only.

Trump and the Republicans promised us things that we support, but they could never get that passed without giving the Democrats things they wanted.

So yes, there is deficit and new debt, but it's not solely the Republicans fault.
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.
Sure, it's just that as an Independent, you always side with the left. When are your kind going to man up and just admit what you are?
Do I? I don't think you know me too well. It may seem that way now since repubs control everything, dems can't really do anything.

I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.
Do we then continue to deal with foreign subsidizes companies?

Well let me ask you this..........

If the company you bought your car from, was taking money from the executive board, to subsidize the cost of the car they sell you..... so that now you can buy that car for $1,000 less.....

Would you be saying "Am I supposed to continue dealing with subsidized cars?"

No, you would not. You being able to buy a product at a lower price is not..... a burden to you.

When the government of China..... taxes the people of China...... to sell us steel at a lower price.... this isn't a burden to us.

How do we compete? Well.... pretty easily. We take the cheap steel, and make products with it.

Which will make us more competitive? You tell me..... paying super high prices on steel with tariffs, that force us to charge higher prices for our products? Or paying low prices on steel subsidized by Chinese tax payers, and sell products at lower prices?

Obviously we will be more competitive, if we can get the materials to produce goods at a lower price.

Remember, we have been competitive in the world, with imported goods, for over 5 decades now.

We have not been in a 5 decade long depression. We have done really well. We're still the largest economy in the world, by a wide margin.
We can't compete with people making the equivalent of $13.00 USD/day.
Do I? I don't think you know me too well. It may seem that way now since repubs control everything, dems can't really do anything.

I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.
Do we then continue to deal with foreign subsidizes companies?

Well let me ask you this..........

If the company you bought your car from, was taking money from the executive board, to subsidize the cost of the car they sell you..... so that now you can buy that car for $1,000 less.....

Would you be saying "Am I supposed to continue dealing with subsidized cars?"

No, you would not. You being able to buy a product at a lower price is not..... a burden to you.

When the government of China..... taxes the people of China...... to sell us steel at a lower price.... this isn't a burden to us.

How do we compete? Well.... pretty easily. We take the cheap steel, and make products with it.

Which will make us more competitive? You tell me..... paying super high prices on steel with tariffs, that force us to charge higher prices for our products? Or paying low prices on steel subsidized by Chinese tax payers, and sell products at lower prices?

Obviously we will be more competitive, if we can get the materials to produce goods at a lower price.

Remember, we have been competitive in the world, with imported goods, for over 5 decades now.

We have not been in a 5 decade long depression. We have done really well. We're still the largest economy in the world, by a wide margin.
We can't compete with people making the equivalent of $13.00 USD/day.

And no tariff will change that.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I'm very fiscally responsible, oh wait conservatives aren't that anymore either.... They are running up deficits during a strong economy.

If the Republicans only spent money on their things and didn't allow spending on Democrat things, then the Democrats would shutdown the government, and as always, the MSM would blame the Republicans only.

Trump and the Republicans promised us things that we support, but they could never get that passed without giving the Democrats things they wanted.

So yes, there is deficit and new debt, but it's not solely the Republicans fault.
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
So the choice was a huge spending increase or being fiscally responsible and don't increase spending. They chose to spend and that seems to make you happy. So no, the right is not fiscally responsible.
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.

That's because your leftist mentality is that all money belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us.

The truth is that taking less from people is not welfare in any sense of the word. Welfare is when you provide something somebody never had.
No, it is my free market capitalism mentality. Corporate welfare is really bad for capitalism. But your rightist mentality doesn't understand good capitalism.

Corporate welfare is a term created by leftist to oppose tax reduction. That's all it is and ever was.

If you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went out to walk your dog, I went into your house and stole 100 dollars, and after a while, I began to feel guilty, so I stopped stealing 100 dollars, and only stole 50 dollars, did I give you 50 dollars a week?

Government doesn't give most businesses anything--they only take less from them. But taking less is not welfare.
Republicans in WI are giving Foxconn 3 billion in cash incentives. Sorry, but they are giving away lots of tax payer dollars. It used to be they gave tax breaks, not anymore. You must believe more government influence in business is a good thing. Conservatives used to be smart enough to know it is not good...

Giving them 3 billion or reducing their taxes by 3 billion? If they are giving away tax money, please provide the link.
Cash payments are common now, where have you been?

Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory

The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.
Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.

Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.

REally? Cause I've seen very cheap products from far, far away.

Made with really cheap labor. We don't have that advantage here. But there are certain products that aren't imported like paper. Even with cheap labor the value of a container of paper is not enough to be imported as the container costs are too high.

I thought robots were replacing everyone. Do Chinese robots work cheaper than American robots?
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.
I've seen enough of your posts to know what side you always take on issues. Anti-gun, anti-business, anti-CEO. When have you ever taken a conservative stance on anything?
I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.
Do we then continue to deal with foreign subsidizes companies?

Well let me ask you this..........

If the company you bought your car from, was taking money from the executive board, to subsidize the cost of the car they sell you..... so that now you can buy that car for $1,000 less.....

Would you be saying "Am I supposed to continue dealing with subsidized cars?"

No, you would not. You being able to buy a product at a lower price is not..... a burden to you.

When the government of China..... taxes the people of China...... to sell us steel at a lower price.... this isn't a burden to us.

How do we compete? Well.... pretty easily. We take the cheap steel, and make products with it.

Which will make us more competitive? You tell me..... paying super high prices on steel with tariffs, that force us to charge higher prices for our products? Or paying low prices on steel subsidized by Chinese tax payers, and sell products at lower prices?

Obviously we will be more competitive, if we can get the materials to produce goods at a lower price.

Remember, we have been competitive in the world, with imported goods, for over 5 decades now.

We have not been in a 5 decade long depression. We have done really well. We're still the largest economy in the world, by a wide margin.
We can't compete with people making the equivalent of $13.00 USD/day.

And no tariff will change that.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
We’ll see.
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.

Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.

REally? Cause I've seen very cheap products from far, far away.

Made with really cheap labor. We don't have that advantage here. But there are certain products that aren't imported like paper. Even with cheap labor the value of a container of paper is not enough to be imported as the container costs are too high.

I thought robots were replacing everyone. Do Chinese robots work cheaper than American robots?
Less robots used with lots of really cheap labor.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
I guess putting loyalty to America over buying cheaply made $hit from our enemy China who has taken advantage of and cheated this country is too tough for snowflakes.

I'm against the government picking winners and losers, wait conservatives threw that one away too. Now they are handing out corporate welfare right and left. Huge waste of tax dollars.
Do we then continue to deal with foreign subsidizes companies?

Well let me ask you this..........

If the company you bought your car from, was taking money from the executive board, to subsidize the cost of the car they sell you..... so that now you can buy that car for $1,000 less.....

Would you be saying "Am I supposed to continue dealing with subsidized cars?"

No, you would not. You being able to buy a product at a lower price is not..... a burden to you.

When the government of China..... taxes the people of China...... to sell us steel at a lower price.... this isn't a burden to us.

How do we compete? Well.... pretty easily. We take the cheap steel, and make products with it.

Which will make us more competitive? You tell me..... paying super high prices on steel with tariffs, that force us to charge higher prices for our products? Or paying low prices on steel subsidized by Chinese tax payers, and sell products at lower prices?

Obviously we will be more competitive, if we can get the materials to produce goods at a lower price.

Remember, we have been competitive in the world, with imported goods, for over 5 decades now.

We have not been in a 5 decade long depression. We have done really well. We're still the largest economy in the world, by a wide margin.
We can't compete with people making the equivalent of $13.00 USD/day.

And no tariff will change that.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
We’ll see.

We have seen already, additional tariffs by the US have failed in modern history.

Think about your $13 a day, the average factory worker makes 10 to 13 times that much. Taking out the cost of transport and we are still talking prices going up 5 fold to level out the 13 a day pay

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