Washington Post assigns 20 reporters to research Donald Trump

obama is the one who refused to release his bc.
psst, it had nothing to do with his skin color, it had to do with trust. If you refuse to do what every president in the past has done (re: releasing stuff, whether it's necessary or not), yeah it makes it look like you've something to hide.

How come no one asked for Trump's Birth certificate
or any of the other candidates for 200 years plus ...the demand for Trump taxes has been made to many others including both Clinton's and Obama

So where were the 20 reporters in 2007 investigating Obama's hidden past?

Where are the 20 reporters investigating Hillary's fundraising for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State? Or all of Bill's bimbos while he was in office and Hillary was ignoring them? Or all of the lies that belong to Hillary?

Hillary released her tax returns.
Donald has not.

One reason.

So where were the 20 reporters in 2007 investigating Obama's hidden past?

Where are the 20 reporters investigating Hillary's fundraising for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State? Or all of Bill's bimbos while he was in office and Hillary was ignoring them? Or all of the lies that belong to Hillary?

How old are you? There were far more than just 20 reporters getting the scoop on Obama's past or "Bill's bimbo's" during his impeachment proceedings. You must be 5 if you don't remember how much media coverage those topics received. On the other hand, I do agree that we need more light shone on the Clinton Foundation's fundraising during her time as Sec of State...but we know that by the time that rolled around she had most of the MSM outlets in her back pocket.
obama is the one who refused to release his bc.
where is Hairclown Von Fuckstick's Birth certificate ... how the hell do we know he is not foreign........

Scientists confirm what conservatives always deny: Tea Party driven by fear of a black president
LOL you fucking stupid liberals, get this through your empty heads, Trump is BEGGING for a sewer fight. Meanwhile Hillary can't even put a senile old socialist away in the Dem primary.
LOL you fucking stupid liberals, get this through your empty heads, Trump is BEGGING for a sewer fight. Meanwhile Hillary can't even put a senile old socialist away in the Dem primary.
get this through your head chump...Hillary Clinton has withstood 25 years of the worst you can throw at her and she is still there .....the surface of Trump infamy has not been scratched...she gets knocked down but she gets up again, you ain't got enough to keep her down...

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