Washington Post assigns 20 reporters to research Donald Trump

Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?
One might suppose that it is when someone who is a Republican does something meriting 'destruction' (whatever that means in this context). Additionally, if the newspaper has a position antithetical to 'Republicans', which under free speech it would have every right to have, that could indeed be its 'job'.
Turning the question around, when did it become the job or obligation of a newspaper not to have a position?
Typical lefty. They set out to find as much dirt as possible to attempt to destroy his chances due to their politics and you say it's their right. No one said they had no right, learn to read.

The fact is they are not an unbiased news source so calling them out on it is my right too.
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?

Seems to be the only time they make any effort at all at being 'Journalists.' Clearly, not as much effort is going into 'researching' the corrupt witch and her rapist husband.

As usual, it'll be all about the Republican Candidate 'Hating women, Being a Racist, Being a Homophobe, Hating poor people, Being rich', etc etc...

Nothing ever changes. Every Election is just another Re-run TV Show. We've seen it many many times before.
I haven't seen many articles from Charles Krauthammer, Jennifer Rubin, Kathleen Parker, George Will, Republican politicians or donors with those themes.
Thanks to "investigative" reporters we knew everything there was to know about the Bush family and the Palin family. In an age of sex, drugs and rock and roll most people would have to admit that Bill Clinton would have been the most interesting presidential candidate in modern history. How many Washington Post reporters were assigned to dig up juicy tidbits of his background? There were rumors that Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama wasn't even born in this Country and that he used an alien status to get a break in his college tuition. His father was an alcoholic anti-American African nationalist and he had brothers living in huts. How many Washington Post reporters were assigned to dig up Obama's history? The double standard is still in effect and left wing media sources that have become propaganda arms of the democrat party don't even try to hide it anymore.

So where were the 20 reporters in 2007 investigating Obama's hidden past?

Where are the 20 reporters investigating Hillary's fundraising for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State? Or all of Bill's bimbos while he was in office and Hillary was ignoring them? Or all of the lies that belong to Hillary?

Who cares? Private companies can do as they wish. THAT is a conservative value. Liberals actually should be attacking them on this, THEY are the ones who want to tell private businesses to be fair and equal to everyone.

I swear it's as if most of you don't own a single principle.
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?
One might suppose that it is when someone who is a Republican does something meriting 'destruction' (whatever that means in this context). Additionally, if the newspaper has a position antithetical to 'Republicans', which under free speech it would have every right to have, that could indeed be its 'job'.
Turning the question around, when did it become the job or obligation of a newspaper not to have a position?
Typical lefty. They set out to find as much dirt as possible to attempt to destroy his chances due to their politics and you say it's their right. No one said they had no right, learn to read.

The fact is they are not an unbiased news source so calling them out on it is my right too.
Typical dualist, instantly falsely labeling anything or anyone that does not toe his/her line of faith as 'left'.
Nuance exists for the rest of us.
Typical lefty. They set out to find as much dirt as possible to attempt to destroy his chances due to their politics and you say it's their right. No one said they had no right, learn to read.

GOP claimed Clinton forced Chelsea into pregnancy so she could run as a grandmother...true dat.........
So where were the 20 reporters in 2007 investigating Obama's hidden past?

Obama's hidden past?!? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

There is no mud which was left undug or unslung about Obama, rube. Not only that, a veritable MOUNTAIN of manufactured bullshit has also been fed to you, one juicy nugget at a time.
In an age of sex, drugs and rock and roll most people would have to admit that Bill Clinton would have been the most interesting presidential candidate in modern history. How many Washington Post reporters were assigned to dig up juicy tidbits of his background? There were rumors that Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama wasn't even born in this Country and that he used an alien status to get a break in his college tuition. His father was an alcoholic anti-American African nationalist and he had brothers living in huts. How many Washington Post reporters were assigned to dig up Obama's history? Left wing media sources that have become propaganda arms of the democrat party don't even try to hide it anymore.
I know right. I wonder how many were assigned to Samuel J. Tilden? If only they had dug up more dirt the Compromise of 1877 could have been avoided...
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?
One might suppose that it is when someone who is a Republican does something meriting 'destruction' (whatever that means in this context). Additionally, if the newspaper has a position antithetical to 'Republicans', which under free speech it would have every right to have, that could indeed be its 'job'.
Turning the question around, when did it become the job or obligation of a newspaper not to have a position?
Typical lefty. They set out to find as much dirt as possible to attempt to destroy his chances due to their politics and you say it's their right. No one said they had no right, learn to read.

The fact is they are not an unbiased news source so calling them out on it is my right too.
Typical dualist, instantly falsely labeling anything or anyone that does not toe his/her line of faith as 'left'.
Nuance exists for the rest of us.
This isn't the first post of yours I've read, there was nothing instant about it. The tactic is typical of leftists. You simply continue to move the goal posts. The point was they have the right to be uneven and people have the right to call them on it and point out they are journalists with an agenda, not reporters.
While campaigning in '08 some media puke finally got around to asking Barry who Bill Ayers was and what was their relationship? Rather dismissively the community agitator claimed Billy was just some guy in his neighborhood. Case closed.

However, had the Washington Compost detailed an army of folks to comb through Barry's past they would have had a nice "gotcha" once they informed the public that Obama and unrepentant terrorist Ayers worked together for several years at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. And had they dug a bit deeper they might have thought to ask for the details of the millions of dollars CAC supposedly spent to help Chicago public schools.

It's nice to be a dimocrat.
Washington Post assigns 20 reporters to research Donald Trump
Big deal, apparently the Federal Bureau of Investigation has assigned nearly 150 agents to "research" Clinton, How many agents does the FBI have investigating Trump? one suspects that Clinton is far more worried about what the busy bees at FBI are up to than Trump is about the goings on at WaPo. ;)

"I don't know what a 'security inquiry' means, we're conducting an investigation, that's what we do." -- James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?
One might suppose that it is when someone who is a Republican does something meriting 'destruction' (whatever that means in this context). Additionally, if the newspaper has a position antithetical to 'Republicans', which under free speech it would have every right to have, that could indeed be its 'job'.
Turning the question around, when did it become the job or obligation of a newspaper not to have a position?
Typical lefty. They set out to find as much dirt as possible to attempt to destroy his chances due to their politics and you say it's their right. No one said they had no right, learn to read.

The fact is they are not an unbiased news source so calling them out on it is my right too.
Typical dualist, instantly falsely labeling anything or anyone that does not toe his/her line of faith as 'left'.
Nuance exists for the rest of us.
This isn't the first post of yours I've read, there was nothing instant about it. The tactic is typical of leftists. You simply continue to move the goal posts. The point was they have the right to be uneven and people have the right to call them on it and point out they are journalists with an agenda, not reporters.
There is nothing to stop your projection onto others and it certainly doesn't concern nor bother me. Pointing it out to others may help them to understand.
Otherwise, we have only said the same thing and agreed. They have a right to say what they like about whomever they wish, within legal bounds. I have never said anything other than that a journalist is, by definition, incapable of any objectivity that would bear universal definition.
Eternally turning every comment into 'left' and 'right' keeps you in a very narrow channel.

So where were the 20 reporters in 2007 investigating Obama's hidden past?

Where are the 20 reporters investigating Hillary's fundraising for the Clinton Foundation from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State? Or all of Bill's bimbos while he was in office and Hillary was ignoring them? Or all of the lies that belong to Hillary?

I like it, I just wish they would treat Democrats with scrutiny too
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?

Seems to be the only time they make any effort at all at being 'Journalists.' Clearly, not as much effort is going into 'researching' the corrupt witch and her rapist husband.

As usual, it'll be all about the Republican Candidate 'Hating women, Being a Racist, Being a Homophobe, Hating poor people, Being rich', etc etc...

Nothing ever changes. Every Election is just another Re-run TV Show. We've seen it many many times before.
I haven't seen many articles from Charles Krauthammer, Jennifer Rubin, Kathleen Parker, George Will, Republican politicians or donors with those themes.

The Left-dominated MSM only plays 'Journalist' when attacking Republicans. It's been that way as long as i can remember. This Election will have the same theme as all the others. Trump the Republican, will be cast as the 'Evil Rich Racist Homophobe Woman-Hating' villain. Will America buy it this time around? Maybe? We'll see.
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?

Seems to be the only time they make any effort at all at being 'Journalists.' Clearly, not as much effort is going into 'researching' the corrupt witch and her rapist husband.

As usual, it'll be all about the Republican Candidate 'Hating women, Being a Racist, Being a Homophobe, Hating poor people, Being rich', etc etc...

Nothing ever changes. Every Election is just another Re-run TV Show. We've seen it many many times before.
I haven't seen many articles from Charles Krauthammer, Jennifer Rubin, Kathleen Parker, George Will, Republican politicians or donors with those themes.

The Left-dominated MSM only plays 'Journalist' when attacking Republicans. It's been that way as long as i can remember. This Election will have the same theme as all the others. Trump the Republican, will be cast as the 'Evil Rich Racist Homophobe Woman-Hating' villain. Will America buy it this time around? Maybe? We'll see.
The WaPo has a good mix of right, left, and center. That is why I prefer them over any other media outlets that come to mind.
Here is Trump "chilling" with a Transvestite

Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?

Seems to be the only time they make any effort at all at being 'Journalists.' Clearly, not as much effort is going into 'researching' the corrupt witch and her rapist husband.

As usual, it'll be all about the Republican Candidate 'Hating women, Being a Racist, Being a Homophobe, Hating poor people, Being rich', etc etc...

Nothing ever changes. Every Election is just another Re-run TV Show. We've seen it many many times before.
I haven't seen many articles from Charles Krauthammer, Jennifer Rubin, Kathleen Parker, George Will, Republican politicians or donors with those themes.

The Left-dominated MSM only plays 'Journalist' when attacking Republicans. It's been that way as long as i can remember. This Election will have the same theme as all the others. Trump the Republican, will be cast as the 'Evil Rich Racist Homophobe Woman-Hating' villain. Will America buy it this time around? Maybe? We'll see.
The WaPo has a good mix of right, left, and center. That is why I prefer them over any other media outlets that come to mind.

Don't kid yourself, it's a far Left/Democrat Media Outlet. And so is NBC. They may employ a few token Republicans, but it's definitely a far Left/Democrat propaganda outlet.
whining becomes you.
Obama was pressured to produce his fucking birth certificate just because he has Black skin.......
..Hillary Clinton has been under "shrill Partisan attack and Investigations" for 25 years

You think the whole birther thing was due to his skin color?


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