Washington Post assigns 20 reporters to research Donald Trump

What's the problem? Why wouldn't a newspaper put an army of reporters on someone being talked about around the world. Did you see the television coverage yesterday? They showed live coverage of his plane sitting on the tarmac...

Good question, Jackson. How many reporters are researching Hillary's history?.

Where is the link that states 20 reporters were digging up dirt on Hillary?
Pretty nobody rational is even going to bother with the zionist, lisping, jew Woodward's trope about The Donald.
They are going to "research" every employee Trump has or ever has had to say "Trump wasn't fair to me, or I was fired because I was Hispanic (not that he wasn't doing his job or doing drugs...)

Meanwhile, we will never know the history or actual religion of Obama.
His Butler of 35 years is on record as wanting to hang President Obama from the White House porch..........nice
Stop the presses! Put in Bold Font! Trump's butler is on record wanting to hang Obama! Is that the best you've got? Stupid.
What's the problem? Why wouldn't a newspaper put an army of reporters on someone being talked about around the world. Did you see the television coverage yesterday? They showed live coverage of his plane sitting on the tarmac...

Good question, Jackson. How many reporters are researching Hillary's history?.

Where is the link that states 20 reporters were digging up dirt on Hillary?
It was on The Five yesterday.
Yep.....because Trump ordered him to say that, .
34 years ...almost a family member ..........Trump comfortable with this sick fuck of a butler...oh yeah ..:2up:
20 years in a racist church under a Reverend who obviously hates White people....Jeremiah Wright, his spiritual mentor.
Started his political career in the home of a unrepentant terrorist, a founding member of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers.
Hates white people so much that he supports Blacklivesmatter, and is helping cause a spike in violent crime across America because of his attacks against cops.
A guy who hates this country so much that he is embarrassed by its history. Apologies on every possible occasion even when it inappropriate.
Thinks Christians need to let go of their guns and their religion.
Is letting hardened criminals out of jails.
Refuses to enforce immigration laws.

Personally, I think his butler has a valid point. But then again, we don't know this guy is even real, do we.
What's the problem? Why wouldn't a newspaper put an army of reporters on someone being talked about around the world. Did you see the television coverage yesterday? They showed live coverage of his plane sitting on the tarmac...

Good question, Jackson. How many reporters are researching Hillary's history?.

Where is the link that states 20 reporters were digging up dirt on Hillary?
It was on The Five yesterday.
Gee, let's guesss what the results of their 'research' will be.

Something like... He's a Racist, He hates women, He's a Homophobe, He hates poor people, He's rich, and so and so on.

You get the picture. Every Election is the same. Just a re-run TV Show. Every Republican Candidate gets painted with the same brush by the Left every Election. Trump won't be any different. But we'll see if most Americans buy it this time around. Stay tuned.
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How about the Post do even reporting? Assign ten of those twenty reporters to research Trump the other ten to research Hillary you can't get more fair and balanced than that.
So obviously Trump is a racist......
How about the Post do even reporting? Assign ten of those twenty reporters to research Trump the other ten to research Hillary you can't get more fair and balanced than that.
Clinton has 25 years in public service ...she has been hyper vetted...Trump...not so much...........
How about the Post do even reporting? Assign ten of those twenty reporters to research Trump the other ten to research Hillary you can't get more fair and balanced than that.
Clinton has 25 years in public service ...she has been hyper vetted...Trump...not so much...........
Trump has been in the public eye for most of his life and in the giant media spotlight of New York on top of that. But if time in public service should dictate how many are assigned to research you the Post should have assigned at least twenty to research candidate Obama in 2008 I doubt they had more than two for that job.
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
So you admit that's what's happening here, and you have no problem with the bias. Shame on you.
Any shame is on reading into rather than reading.
What are media supposed to do?
Do media ever do as they are supposed to?
Do people complain when media do and do not do as they are supposed to?
On another note, some people would point out that the newspaper involved is an enterprise with employees and can have those employees do whatever management wishes (within legal and other normal bounds). That is 'free enterprise'. Some might ask if you oppose that.
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?

Seems to be the only time they make any effort at all at being 'Journalists.' Clearly, not as much effort is going into 'researching' the corrupt witch and her rapist husband.

As usual, it'll be all about the Republican Candidate 'Hating women, Being a Racist, Being a Homophobe, Hating poor people, Being rich', etc etc...

Nothing ever changes. Every Election is just another Re-run TV Show. We've seen it many many times before.
Listen to this bizarre audio of Trump posing as his own publicist to brag about money and women

Folks this Narcissist is "Bull Goose Loony"


This is getting a bit awkward, Donald
The Washington Post has a recording of a call between a People Magazine reporter and “John Miller,” a man who identifies himself as Donald Trump’s publicist. Miller has all the details of the Trump’s life and all the women who just can’t get enough of him. In fact, John Miller seems to have keen insight into the mind of Donald Trump. He also happens to have the exact same voice and tone as Donald Trump. That’s because John Miller is very clearly Donald Trump posing as John Miller. According to the Washington Post, this is something he’s been doing for three decade
Complain when media don't do their job, complain when they do.
When did their job become destroying Republicans if they can?
One might suppose that it is when someone who is a Republican does something meriting 'destruction' (whatever that means in this context). Additionally, if the newspaper has a position antithetical to 'Republicans', which under free speech it would have every right to have, that could indeed be its 'job'.
Turning the question around, when did it become the job or obligation of a newspaper not to have a position?

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