Washington Post audio of Trump berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State for not "finding" votes to change election result. Sedition?

The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

Still? LOL
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid

Did just republicans pay reparations to Japanese-Americans? You are making yourself look normal, like the fool you are.
Tell ya what part, Sport.

You find a slave alive today, and a slave holder alive today, and I will support making him pay reparations.
What do you think all those folks who were corralled into section 8 housing are? They are slaves to a conspiracy, aimed at keeping them where they are.
Yep. They reside in the Dimwinger Plantation.

Let you racist Dimwingers pay them reparation.
Thanks for the non-rebuttal argument.
You asked me what I think. I told you, Puddinhead.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

Biden fought desegregation.

Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Its deaths divided by total population since we don’t know about every case and recovery.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
KKKanada Death date: 2.63%

US 1.7%

Thats a link Fuckstick. If you weren’t constantly a lying sack of shit you could use one sometime.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.
Just simplify and do death rate divided by total population. Seems simple. Like DL’s train of thought.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
KKKanada Death date: 2.63%

US 1.7%

Thats a link Fuckstick. If you weren’t constantly a lying sack of shit you could use one sometime.
She can barely add 2 and 2 and you expect her to understand percentages? Interesting
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid

Did just republicans pay reparations to Japanese-Americans? You are making yourself look normal, like the fool you are.
Tell ya what part, Sport.

You find a slave alive today, and a slave holder alive today, and I will support making him pay reparations.
What do you think all those folks who were corralled into section 8 housing are? They are slaves to a conspiracy, aimed at keeping them where they are.
Yep. They reside in the Dimwinger Plantation.

Let you racist Dimwingers pay them reparation.
Thanks for the non-rebuttal argument.
You asked me what I think. I told you, Puddinhead.
And you said nothing. Thanks!
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.


I've schooled your sorry ass on this before. DL is correct, you take the percentage of RESOLVED cases, not 'confirmed' cases. You don't know in advance the resolution of current cases. If you counted those, your rate would keep CHANGING as patients died.

/utterly offtopic

Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.
Just simplify and do death rate divided by total population. Seems simple. Like DL’s train of thought.

WRONG AGAIN. "Total population" did not contract the disease did they? Therefore how can they possibly die from an ailment they didn't even get?

Is thought like illegal here or some shit?
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid

Did just republicans pay reparations to Japanese-Americans? You are making yourself look normal, like the fool you are.
Tell ya what part, Sport.

You find a slave alive today, and a slave holder alive today, and I will support making him pay reparations.
What do you think all those folks who were corralled into section 8 housing are? They are slaves to a conspiracy, aimed at keeping them where they are.
Yep. They reside in the Dimwinger Plantation.

Let you racist Dimwingers pay them reparation.
Thanks for the non-rebuttal argument.
You asked me what I think. I told you, Puddinhead.
And you said nothing. Thanks!
You mean didn’t say anything? You just keep proving that you’re foreign troll with your Jihad on the English language.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.


I've schooled your sorry ass on this before. DL is correct, you take the percentage of RESOLVED cases, not 'confirmed' cases. You don't know in advance the resolution of current cases. If you counted those, your rate would keep CHANGING as patients died.

/utterly offtopic
Why not total population since we don’t know how many really had it?
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

Biden fought desegregation.

Biden wanted societal integration and saw busing as a way for racists to keep neighborhoods segregated but still meet school diversity requirements. Read the article, by 'jungle' he meant full of animosity...not full of black people. As in, keeping black people segregated and unequal but busing them to wealthy white schools would cause resentment.
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

Biden fought desegregation.

Biden wanted societal integration and saw busing as a way for racists to keep neighborhoods segregated but still meet school diversity requirements. Read the article, by 'jungle' he meant full of animosity...not full of black people. As in, keeping black people segregated and unequal but busing them to wealthy white schools would cause resentment.

Harris attacked him for this during the debates
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid

Did just republicans pay reparations to Japanese-Americans? You are making yourself look normal, like the fool you are.
Tell ya what part, Sport.

You find a slave alive today, and a slave holder alive today, and I will support making him pay reparations.
What do you think all those folks who were corralled into section 8 housing are? They are slaves to a conspiracy, aimed at keeping them where they are.
Yep. They reside in the Dimwinger Plantation.

Let you racist Dimwingers pay them reparation.
Thanks for the non-rebuttal argument.
You asked me what I think. I told you, Puddinhead.
And you said nothing. Thanks!
I pointed out the fact your section 8 housing is the racist Dimwinger’s plantation.

You just didn’t like me doing that and you are all butthurt.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.


I've schooled your sorry ass on this before. DL is correct, you take the percentage of RESOLVED cases, not 'confirmed' cases. You don't know in advance the resolution of current cases. If you counted those, your rate would keep CHANGING as patients died.

/utterly offtopic

Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.

Really? They why didn't get sick and die in anywhere near these numbers in any other first world country?

Why does the USA have 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and nearly 20% of all of the deaths, but only 3% of the world's population?
The US death rate is 30%+ lower than your shithole KKKanada.

I'm assuming you're still trying to pedal deaths divided by total cases for your death rate. Ain't gonna fly, FuckBoi. It's deaths divided by resolved cases. Active cases cannot be determined yet.

Your death rate is only 0.13% lower than others. Of course with 19 million fewer cases that means that only 15,000 Canadians have died versus 350,000 Americans.

If Canada is such a shithole, why does it place so much higher than the USA in Best Places to Live rankings, as well as Best Education Systems, Least Corrupt countries, and Fastest Growing Middle Class?
Death rate is defined by the percent if confirmed cases who died, Fuckwit.

You don’t get to make up your own calculations, Science denier.
Just simplify and do death rate divided by total population. Seems simple. Like DL’s train of thought.

WRONG AGAIN. "Total population" did not contract the disease did they? Therefore how can they possibly die from an ailment they didn't even get?

Is thought like illegal here or some shit?
Science, and scientists, say you are full of shit. My link proves it.
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

They didn't wait until they died, they paid them while they were living. How many black folks do you think are living today that came through Jim Crow segregation? Oh that's right that doesn't count because there are still black folks living today that were alive during that period. Just hold off another 50yrs then you can make the same excuse that no one during Jim Crow is still alive today.
Jim Crow was passed by Democrats. So the Democratic Party can pay those who had damages. Don’t change your narrative. First it was slavery and now it’s Jim Crow. I apologize for making you look stupid
republicans still want segregation today.

Biden fought desegregation.

Biden wanted societal integration and saw busing as a way for racists to keep neighborhoods segregated but still meet school diversity requirements. Read the article, by 'jungle' he meant full of animosity...not full of black people. As in, keeping black people segregated and unequal but busing them to wealthy white schools would cause resentment.

You are a racist making excuses for another racist. Biden didn’t want the blacks around his kids.

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