Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Reuters tv.com PBS BBC or any of the usual respected Outlets and newspapers. Not Fox News Rush Limbaugh Levin Infowars cetera et cetera. Absolute crap...
One America News? Dailymail?
Horrible and shaky
And now mueller is illegally involved with the clintons, russia, and uranium deals. Amazing.

Please show us specifically what is ILLEGAL about Mueller now investigating RUSSIA and the Clinton's as opposed to RUSSIA and Trump. The uranium deal has stunk to high heaven since it happened.

Mueller was involved with Uranium One. Ditto Rosenstein. Ditto McCabe. Ditto Eric Holder. Conflict of interest big time.
In fact the whole government was involved... And it doesn't matter they can't export it etc etc, conspiracy Nut Job.

Wrong, it was the hillary, wild bill, all under the O admin. Time for mueller to recuse himself.
Did anyone mention that a Republican presidential candidate actually started and paid for this dossier investigation by Fusion GPS and Steele until Trump won the Primary? It's called "opposition research".

NaziCons have latched onto another "nothingburger"....

You left wing wankers went insane over a meeting at the Trump Tower. Meanwhile your team was PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump and then making certain the FBI could use that fairy tale to launch an investigation into Trump.

This is not a nothing burger. Especially when it is now confirmed that the FBI was actually going to pay a FOREIGN agent to go to Russian informants to continue to get dirt on a candidate in an election campaign.

Not a nothing burger.
Did anyone mention that a Republican presidential candidate actually started and paid for this dossier investigation by Fusion GPS and Steele until Trump won the Primary? It's called "opposition research".

NaziCons have latched onto another "nothingburger"....

You left wing wankers went insane over a meeting at the Trump Tower. Meanwhile your team was PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump and then making certain the FBI could use that fairy tale to launch an investigation into Trump.

This is not a nothing burger. Especially when it is now confirmed that the FBI was actually going to pay a FOREIGN agent to go to Russian informants to continue to get dirt on a candidate in an election campaign.

Not a nothing burger.

Duh, one side was colluding with Russians while the other side was investigating collusion with Russians. Duh, do you see the difference? Duh...
every day there's a Clinton bombshell!

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Republicans started it. But then after Trump became the nominee, the Democrats took it over.
But they never used it. They realized it wasn't legal. That it was colluding with Russia. Republicans honor the Russians.
Hillary colluded with Russia, wait why are they investigating Trump? Go back months, see my post predicting this would blow up in the Dem's faces. :laugh:
Reuters tv.com PBS BBC or any of the usual respected Outlets and newspapers. Not Fox News Rush Limbaugh Levin Infowars cetera et cetera. Absolute crap...
One America News? Dailymail?
Horrible and shaky
And now mueller is illegally involved with the clintons, russia, and uranium deals. Amazing.

Please show us specifically what is ILLEGAL about Mueller now investigating RUSSIA and the Clinton's as opposed to RUSSIA and Trump. The uranium deal has stunk to high heaven since it happened.

Mueller was involved with Uranium One. Ditto Rosenstein. Ditto McCabe. Ditto Eric Holder. Conflict of interest big time.
In fact the whole government was involved... And it doesn't matter they can't export it etc etc, conspiracy Nut Job.

Wrong, it was the hillary, wild bill, all under the O admin. Time for mueller to recuse himself.
Yes it was them and the whole government just a typical deal, Super Dupe. You dupes believe the clintons are evil criminals, despite the fact they haven't even been indicted or anywhere near a courtroom...
Did anyone mention that a Republican presidential candidate actually started and paid for this dossier investigation by Fusion GPS and Steele until Trump won the Primary? It's called "opposition research".

NaziCons have latched onto another "nothingburger"....

You left wing wankers went insane over a meeting at the Trump Tower. Meanwhile your team was PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump and then making certain the FBI could use that fairy tale to launch an investigation into Trump.

This is not a nothing burger. Especially when it is now confirmed that the FBI was actually going to pay a FOREIGN agent to go to Russian informants to continue to get dirt on a candidate in an election campaign.

Not a nothing burger.

Duh, one side was colluding with Russians while the other side was investigating collusion with Russians. Duh, do you see the difference? Duh...

Yes we do. The clintons were colluding with the russians under O.
Elites Move to Sacrifice Clintons Just Like Weinstein

"Because the Clintons are guilty of the crimes the elites are accusing Trump of committing, it’s likely the criminal couple will soon suffer the same fate as Harvey Weinstein to make the persecution of Trump not seem “political.”

Already the mainstream media, which one year ago promoted Hillary Clinton as a “glowing goddess,” is slowly but surely publishing headlines linking the Clintons to the Russian Uranium One scandal.

This suggests that the globalists in control of mass media are fixing to dump the Clintons much like how Harvey Weinstein was burned, albeit the latter for sexual improprieties instead of political scandals."
This only gets better. The Dems always screw something up


The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., firm, to conduct the research. Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community.

Elias and his law firm, Seattle-based Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’ research into Trump was funded by a still unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’ research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Fusion GPS gave Steele’s reports and other research documents to Elias, the people familiar with the matter said. It is unclear how or how much of that information was shared with the campaign and DNC, and who in those organizations was aware of the roles of Fusion GPS and Steele.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped pay for work on dossier about Russia and Trump
What? I'm outraged! Paying for opposition research? !!! This cannot stand!!
Paying for a false report filled with Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent, the use of which in a Political campaign / Presidential election is a crime - you bettcha, sweetheart.

That makes Comey, Obama, and Hillary all attempting to buy the GPS Fusion foreign propaganda dossier!

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