Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

I think Clinton is worried for one big reason.

The Washington Post didn't pass on this story...they jumped all over it.
That tells me, they know their story is correct, and they weren't going to
sit by and let someone else run with it.

Probably why Mueller changed directions and is going after Podesta. He's
involved with the Uranium One deal. He wants to ensure a non-bias stance,
lest he looks like the crook he really is.

Nunes jumped back into the forefront today also. You know he's
laughing inside.

Well, this is interesting. Tucker Carlson revealed some stunning information tonight on his TV show. Former Trump Campaign CEO Paul Manafort worked for John and Tony Podesta, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and assisted in gaining Russian benefits via influence over State Department policy.

Stunning Tucker Carlson Reveal: Paul Manafort Worked for Podesta Group…
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

The day they can prove that Trump, or anyone around Trump, fucking PAID RUSSIAN SPIES TO MAKE SHIT UP about Hillary is the day anyone can start bitching about Trump's "collusion" with Russia. Until then, some of us need a healthy dose of Shut The Fuck Up.
I'm hearing John McInsane was involved too. Those involved should go to prison. But will it happen? I wouldn't count on it. It's all about the NWO Globalist bastards taking Trump out. So no one will be held accountable. It is what it is.
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.
No conflict of interest there. "Hey, here's some money so you can do some "research" (wink wink, nudge nudge)." A week later, "wow wouldn't you know it, look what we found, and it's a doozy!"


Wow, and the the FBI confirmed parts of it too! Amazing!

Well in actual court documents Steel admits that the dossier was unverified. Go argue with him.

Yes, it was raw intel.
You don't have a damn clue what "raw intelligence" is, how it is classified, and how it is verified. What you have is a pile of fabrications that can not be verified. ie; LIES No cooberating physical evidence.
We're waiting for the investigation's findings, you foxbots etc etc the one going off all nutso... As always.
The squeeze put on by the demanding of bank records now coupled with the mega civil cases against Steel, Buzzfeed and Fusion are going to blow this Russian collusion deal wide open.

I love the REAL (and potential) ironies of all this..

1) Clinton campaign and DNC money actually went to bribing 1/2 drunk Russian spies to spin big tales. If that ain't dealing with the Russians -- I wouldn't know what is.

2) There's rumors that Mueller is using his power and taxpayer money to get at information that can be used to "neutralize" the FBI and HIS involvement in all this. Biggest WONDERFUL potential irony is having Special Counsel #2 name Special Counsel #1 and some of his staff as persons of interest and calling them to testify. Having a 2nd Special Counsel shuts down any use of Mueller's operation to try and cover tracks.

3) Somewhere in a Moscow bar -- The GRU agents that spun those dossier tales for cash are planning a vacation to MiraLago for a winter visit with that Clinton/DNC cash..

I'm just having so much fun today! My face hurts from grinning.
Really weird you think a British ex-intel agent -- one who for decades shared info with the FBI and CIA -- is a Russian spy.

Crooked Hillary & Co. made over $145,000,000 giving Russia 20% or our Uranium. You think having Russia helping make up a fake "dossier" is above the ethics of a British Swamp Rat who was being generously compensated by Crooked Hillary & Co. who never thought he would get called out? :p
We're waiting for the investigation's findings, you foxbots etc etc the one going off all nutso... As always.
The lack of a completed investigation or even a shred of evidence hasn't stopped you fucktards before. Why start now?

Hell, you leftist asswipes were ready to convict Trump of something, we're not even sure what, WHILE he was being sworn in.

Waiting of an investigation....:lol:

Honestly, my perception on this is that CNN is willing to sacrifice Clinton with some, though not a great deal, of negative press. They would prefer to bury her as she is viewed as a burden to the Democratic Party going forward and the quicker she ends her book tours and bad interviews the better for them She is the gift that keeps giving.

Now if some leaks came out against Pelosi or Schumer, then you would see just how biased CNN is. As it were, they will pop in with some quick storylines just to maintain street cred, since everyone is on the Clinton Uranium One case, and now this dossier payment. Soon after their quick infomercial it's back to "hate Trump hour". Sad to see, but I see it alot. Many of these reporters I respected, I won't lie, but some have not stood up to the editorial team.

Along with their massive drop in ratings, they are realising, they have only one safe place, left of centre, but not so far left as to be in MSNBC alt-left conspiracy territory. They tried the alt-left approach, used to have some Bernie surrogates in quite often, now they have come to their senses and realise they are cutting their nose to spite their face. So they either go far left and support that in the Dem Party and go full socialist, or, maintain the establishment Democrats, minus Hillary and try and maintain some of what makes America so great. They chose the latter....usually...[/QU OTE]
Maybe they should just continue being journalists albeit too much of a gabfest about Trump 24/7, and they have their highest ratings ever by the way Dupe.
Maybe they should just continue being journalists albeit too much of a gabfest about Trump 24/7, and they have their highest ratings ever by the way Dupe.
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I'm just having so much fun today! My face hurts from grinning.

Typical opposition research.zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh, so "collusion" is all of a sudden non-newsworthy, faggots?
What collusion hater dupe? Try not to hate half the country, misinformed one.

Hate? Nah...

On the other side, what's there to love?
You'll never find out listening to Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage etc etc and the rest of the hate BS GOP propaganda machine
Trump is guilty of something, we just know it. Impeach him now.

But, we need to investigate Hilldawg about these verified accusations that her campaign paid Russian spies to make shit up and give it to an ex-British intelligence operative. We need to investigate the fuck of this shit for 2 decades or until people forget about it and it goes away.

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