Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

This only gets better. The Dems always screw something up


The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., firm, to conduct the research. Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community.

Elias and his law firm, Seattle-based Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’ research into Trump was funded by a still unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’ research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Fusion GPS gave Steele’s reports and other research documents to Elias, the people familiar with the matter said. It is unclear how or how much of that information was shared with the campaign and DNC, and who in those organizations was aware of the roles of Fusion GPS and Steele.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped pay for work on dossier about Russia and Trump

lol, so what?
Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified

A. Just one!

Just remember that Tiny posted this himself as a defense to show that the whole dossier is fake. :badgrin:

I never posted any thing in defense of jack shit. On the other hand you still have not posted links to what has been verified.

I know, the one thing you did post managed to prove you lied. You went from it's a lie to its unverified to one part was it verified hahaha. Do it again!
This only gets better. The Dems always screw something up


The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., firm, to conduct the research. Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community.

Elias and his law firm, Seattle-based Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’ research into Trump was funded by a still unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’ research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Fusion GPS gave Steele’s reports and other research documents to Elias, the people familiar with the matter said. It is unclear how or how much of that information was shared with the campaign and DNC, and who in those organizations was aware of the roles of Fusion GPS and Steele.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped pay for work on dossier about Russia and Trump

So what, first a Pub did till T won and then the DNC did. Too bad. Not a crime to hire a company to do research.

much like man made global warming

this "research" was fake and phony from the beginning

then was knowingly used to start a federal investigation

one could figure there might be a crime or two in this

Pollution created global warming and yes man made.

No the dossier is most likely very true. The research as not fake or phony and that is for Mueller to decide.

More stuff than the dossier started the investigation, try firing Comey.

so tell me - when russia called trump jr and said that they had dirt on hillary, i'm willing to get you your own genitalia you were all over trump like a fly on horse shit.

then you turn around and excuse this shit with flippant bullshit and try to minimize the actions.

tired of that shit.

Ohhhh! You think the Clinton campaign collided with Russia!!! That's precious.
Collided or Colluded? One is to run into, the other is to work with..Yes, the Clinton campaign not only colluded with Russia(see picture below) but also had a Lame Stream, Lickspittle, Lapdog media covering her ass and still couldn't get her across the finish line.


Hillary's Bungled 'Reset' Button
It was supposed to say: "Reset." But Lavrov noted that it actually said: "Overcharge."

And observers pointed out that the State Department types who had typed the word failed to write it in the Cyrillic alphabet. So, wrong word. Wrong alphabet. No big thing.

You caught a typo! Awesome.

Liberals always point out my typos, do you have an issue with the same treatment when it comes back at you? I apologize for my mistakes, but I can see you don't.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

fits trump perfectly.

Wrong again but that is typical of a liberal with their heads up their ass.

Once and for all, is it you opinion
lol, a thousand threads on Benghazi...this new RW obsession may break that record.
that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?

The Republicans were unable to pin anything on Hillary Clinton despite the multiple investigations and millions of dollars spent trying.
What? I'm outraged! Paying for opposition research? !!! This cannot stand!!
so tell me - when russia called trump jr and said that they had dirt on hillary, i'm willing to get you your own genitalia you were all over trump like a fly on horse shit.

then you turn around and excuse this shit with flippant bullshit and try to minimize the actions.

tired of that shit.

Ohhhh! You think the Clinton campaign collided with Russia!!! That's precious.
Collided or Colluded? One is to run into, the other is to work with..Yes, the Clinton campaign not only colluded with Russia(see picture below) but also had a Lame Stream, Lickspittle, Lapdog media covering her ass and still couldn't get her across the finish line.


Hillary's Bungled 'Reset' Button
It was supposed to say: "Reset." But Lavrov noted that it actually said: "Overcharge."

And observers pointed out that the State Department types who had typed the word failed to write it in the Cyrillic alphabet. So, wrong word. Wrong alphabet. No big thing.

what a Freudian slip --LOL

at the time we laughed off "over charged" as the obama admin incompetence

little did we know the clinton foundation was going to over charge the Russians

for a guaranteed uranium deal

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified

A. Just one!

Just remember that Tiny posted this himself as a defense to show that the whole dossier is fake. :badgrin:

The dossier has been shown to be false in many of its "reports". Add to that the fact that the ashats who fabricated that mess pled the 5th and it's a no brainer to a thinking person that what is there is shit. But, you're not a thinking person.

Sure! And you just kept on forgetting to link to any information that backs up your assertions. You just forgot! And Tiny forgot!
Once and for all, is it you opinion that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?
The Republicans were unable to pin anything on Hillary Clinton despite the multiple investigations and millions of dollars spent trying.

So you hiked up your skirt and ran like a little girl from the question....
Man up, NYC - is it you opinion that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?
This only gets better. The Dems always screw something up


The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., firm, to conduct the research. Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community.

Elias and his law firm, Seattle-based Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’ research into Trump was funded by a still unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’ research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Fusion GPS gave Steele’s reports and other research documents to Elias, the people familiar with the matter said. It is unclear how or how much of that information was shared with the campaign and DNC, and who in those organizations was aware of the roles of Fusion GPS and Steele.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped pay for work on dossier about Russia and Trump

So what, first a Pub did till T won and then the DNC did. Too bad. Not a crime to hire a company to do research.

much like man made global warming

this "research" was fake and phony from the beginning

then was knowingly used to start a federal investigation

one could figure there might be a crime or two in this

Pollution created global warming and yes man made.

No the dossier is most likely very true. The research as not fake or phony and that is for Mueller to decide.

More stuff than the dossier started the investigation, try firing Comey.

it is proven fake

the creators are taking th 5th

Pollution created global warming and yes man made.

you are a dummy dummy
Once and for all, is it you opinion
lol, a thousand threads on Benghazi...this new RW obsession may break that record.
that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?

The Republicans were unable to pin anything on Hillary Clinton despite the multiple investigations and millions of dollars spent trying.
well when the head of the DOJ and President are helping cover for you, that helps a bit.

now the question is - aside from the snark of the am from you - do you think she did all this buy fake info on trump crap?
This only gets better. The Dems always screw something up


The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., firm, to conduct the research. Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community.

Elias and his law firm, Seattle-based Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’ research into Trump was funded by a still unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’ research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

Fusion GPS gave Steele’s reports and other research documents to Elias, the people familiar with the matter said. It is unclear how or how much of that information was shared with the campaign and DNC, and who in those organizations was aware of the roles of Fusion GPS and Steele.

Clinton campaign, DNC helped pay for work on dossier about Russia and Trump

So what, first a Pub did till T won and then the DNC did. Too bad. Not a crime to hire a company to do research.

much like man made global warming

this "research" was fake and phony from the beginning

then was knowingly used to start a federal investigation

one could figure there might be a crime or two in this

Pollution created global warming and yes man made.

No the dossier is most likely very true. The research as not fake or phony and that is for Mueller to decide.

More stuff than the dossier started the investigation, try firing Comey.


looks like severe leftarded butt hurt from here --LOL
now the question is - aside from the snark of the am from you - do you think she did all this buy fake info on trump crap?
Evidence has been presented to prove Comey, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC were engaged in attempting to buy the fake dossier filled with Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent through GPS Fusion.

Despite Romney's warning, Obama and his criminal hoard reached out to the Russians through GPS Fusion and a foreign agent for help to defeat Trump.

It did not work.

Trump won.

And it's blowing up in their faces.
now the question is - aside from the snark of the am from you - do you think she did all this buy fake info on trump crap?
Evidence has been presented to prove Comey, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC were engaged in attempting to buy the fake dossier filled with Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent through GPS Fusion.

Despite Romney's warning, Obama and his criminal hoard reached out to the Russians through GPS Fusion and a foreign agent for help to defeat Trump.

It did not work.

Trump won.

And it's blowing up in their faces.

you know it is hot potato

when the DNC is trying to distance itself from it


Brooke Singman on Twitter
lol, a thousand threads on Benghazi...this new RW obsession may break that record.

What happened to the Left's Obsession with Russia? You think the majority of The American People are taking Mueller investigation seriously?
Ohhhh! You think the Clinton campaign collided with Russia!!! That's precious.
Collided or Colluded? One is to run into, the other is to work with..Yes, the Clinton campaign not only colluded with Russia(see picture below) but also had a Lame Stream, Lickspittle, Lapdog media covering her ass and still couldn't get her across the finish line.


Hillary's Bungled 'Reset' Button
It was supposed to say: "Reset." But Lavrov noted that it actually said: "Overcharge."

And observers pointed out that the State Department types who had typed the word failed to write it in the Cyrillic alphabet. So, wrong word. Wrong alphabet. No big thing.

You caught a typo! Awesome.

Liberals always point out my typos, do you have an issue with the same treatment when it comes back at you? I apologize for my mistakes, but I can see you don't.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

fits trump perfectly.

Wrong again but that is typical of a liberal with their heads up their ass.

that is not a believable apology. during campaign season. and he immediately pivots and blames obama, and attacks hillary and bill clinton by lying about them.
DEMS are pissing into the wind.....I LOVE IT!!

Jeb Bush started paying for it, then DNC took it after Jeb gave up.
Already, the dossier has been validated; who paid for it doesnt change that.

Watch for leaks.. The house intel committee is completely corrupted by Nunes. This is why they're testifying before muellers team instead.

The Dossier has been "validated?" by whom? The only thing "validated" is that it's a pile of shit.
Hey, NYC - Have your balls dropped yet? You ready to answer the question?

Was Benghazi and it's outcome a 'Success' for Hillary's State Department? Yes or no?

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