Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

now the question is - aside from the snark of the am from you - do you think she did all this buy fake info on trump crap?
Evidence has been presented to prove Comey, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC were engaged in attempting to buy the fake dossier filled with Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent through GPS Fusion.

Despite Romney's warning, Obama and his criminal hoard reached out to the Russians through GPS Fusion and a foreign agent for help to defeat Trump.

It did not work.

Trump won.

And it's blowing up in their faces.
yea, it's just sometimes fun to ask them if they think their side is guilty.

it's a diversion from their ragging on the other side for far less. :)
Once and for all, is it you opinion that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?
The Republicans were unable to pin anything on Hillary Clinton despite the multiple investigations and millions of dollars spent trying.

So you hiked up your skirt and ran like a little girl from the question....
Man up, NYC - is it you opinion that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?

I rate it as the same success as Trump's Niger outcome.
...meanwhile, as usual, the DNC Surrogate Fake News Propaganda-Pushing 'Media' has perpetrated a 'Black Out' while they circle the wagons around their beloved embattled DNC criminals....

Blackout: The Russia-Obsessed Media is Suddenly Subdued About These Democrat-Tied Stories

"Meanwhile, other major outlets are either completely ignoring major, narrative-complicating Russia developments, or affording them far less prominent attention than Trump-negative revelations have received. Is the press interested in getting to the bottom of the Russia matter...?"

Ummm, NO!
What? I'm outraged! Paying for opposition research? !!! This cannot stand!!
Paying a FOREIGN entity for information more than likely illegally obtained via espionage against American Citizens - do you see the difference ?

Of course we see the difference, the difference in your flip flops based on which foot the shoe is on. You and every other RWnut on this forum.
I rate it as the same success as Trump's Niger outcome.
So you admit Hillary's handling of Benghazi equates to Barry sending troops to Niger - Both were failures that resulted in NEEDLESS American deaths!

Thank you.
Once and for all, is it you opinion
lol, a thousand threads on Benghazi...this new RW obsession may break that record.
that Benghazi was and its outcome was a 'SUCCESS' for Hillary Clinton's State Department? Yes or No?

The Republicans were unable to pin anything on Hillary Clinton despite the multiple investigations and millions of dollars spent trying.
well when the head of the DOJ and President are helping cover for you, that helps a bit.

now the question is - aside from the snark of the am from you - do you think she did all this buy fake info on trump crap?

lol, so you think Benghazi was insufficiently investigated?
Well, this also means that all the information confirmed in the dossier isn't real because...something about fake news and the Washington Post!

And what has anything of import been verified? Two mega defamation lawsuits on the go calling Steel a fucking liar and the dossier a fairy tale.

You are truly clueless. A good portion of it has been verified. By verified I mean the claims in the dossier were made long before it was public knowledge and even before our own Intel agencies knew.

For those who care, this is a great break down.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
The SLATE.com..... Really?? Its a left wing hack site and has very little credibility, slightly above zero...

Read it dope.
It's full of Intel that steele could not have known was true at the time he collected it. It wasn't until later that a lot of it was verified and made public.

Be specific. What's verified?
Read the link, dope.
every day there's a Clinton bombshell!

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings.


Do you like Golden Showers Jillian? If you had an ounce of integrity Hillary's behavior would disgust you.
No conflict of interest there. "Hey, here's some money so you can do some "research" (wink wink, nudge nudge)." A week later, "wow wouldn't you know it, look what we found, and it's a doozy!"


Wow, and the the FBI confirmed parts of it too! Amazing!

Well in actual court documents Steel admits that the dossier was unverified. Go argue with him.

Yes, it was raw intel.
You don't have a damn clue what "raw intelligence" is, how it is classified, and how it is verified. What you have is a pile of fabrications that can not be verified. ie; LIES No cooberating physical evidence.
Read the link, retard.
Do you know what year it is? Do you know who's president?

Yes I do, but what does that have to do with your opinion that Both Hillary's Benghazi and Obama's Niger were Failures that resulted in NEEDLESS American DEATHS?!
Do you know what year it is? Do you know who's president?
It's 2017, and the President is Donald Trump, the man who kicked Hillary's ass during the election, who has been under butt-hurt siege by lying, desperate snowflakes who have accused him of doing exactly what they have been doing...as the evidence (something Democrats and liberals know nothing about) now shows.
Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified

A. Just one!

Just remember that Tiny posted this himself as a defense to show that the whole dossier is fake. :badgrin:

I never posted any thing in defense of jack shit. On the other hand you still have not posted links to what has been verified.

I know, the one thing you did post managed to prove you lied. You went from it's a lie to its unverified to one part was it verified hahaha. Do it again!
Classic liberal left...

Run in circles with sharp objects. Then scream to the teacher that someone else is doing it.... Priceless..
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

Which was also one of the verified items in the dossier.
Podesta, Bubba, Barak, Weinstein, and Weiner Party Plane set for departure......

Russian Dossier was originally started by REPUBLICANS and dropped after Donald won the primary.

The dossier is a collection of memos that were initially intended as political opposition research, sources tell CNN. Steele was hired in the summer of 2016 by a Washington firm that was already collecting opposition research about Trump. The project was initially funded during the GOP primaries by anti-Trump Republicans, but Democrats started picking up the tab once Trump became the presumptive nominee in the spring.​

Mueller's team met with Russia dossier author - CNNPolitics

Well, so much for that - Donald is up early watching Fox-n-Friends and repeating their lie by omission :)

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
GPS Fusion just pleaded the 5th after the news broke that they had worked with the foreign agent to secure the fake dossier filled with Russia-generated propaganda ... that Comey, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC sought to purchase ...

Funny how 'hypocrisy' and 'collusion' and 'crime' are all spelled in the dictionary:


Bwuhahahaha..... :p

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