Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Last night I listened to audio of Democrats declaring that those meeting with Russians, despite nothing having come of it / no wrong-doing, committed 'treason'...

...and now we are finding out that the Obama administration - Hillary, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and even Obama - was up to it's ass in treason, collusion, hiding Russian crimes of Bribery / Extortion / Intimidation / Influence-purchasing, and facilitated the sale of 20% of the US supply of uranium in the midst of all these crimes ...

....yet the same liberals and snowflakes who were declaring Trump and his associates committed treason - based on ZERO evidence - are now declaring that there is nothing to the revealed Democrat Scandal, DESPITE all the evidence that exists.

The Onion could not come up with a fake news, f*ed-up story as stupid as this actual reality.
Yeah, only it's true. But then the truth is "fake news" when inconvenient for the right.
ACTUAL 'Fake News' is the continuous stream of poo flung at the wall by libtards and snowflakes that can't be substantiated after a year of multiple investigations and a Special Counsel run by the guy who hid Russian crimes and his 'Liberal Super Squad' consisting of die-hard liberal donors and Hillary lawyers.

DECLARED 'Fake News', according to Libtards and Snowflakes, is the mountain of REAL evidence, revealed as a result of Libtards and snowflakes flinging their poo to begin with, that is now exposing how:

- Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC broke laws by buying false reports filled with Russia-generated propaganda from foreign agents through a Russia-associated company and used it against a candidate in a Presidential election...

- Obama and his criminal administration illegally leaked 'Protected Personal Classified' information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value', illegally unmasked American citizens, illegally spied on US citizens, illegally spied on the US Senate, and illegally spied on the USSC...

- Mueller, Holder, and Obama knew about and hid Russian crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and Influence-Purchasing, hiding the crimes from the Committee responsible for approving or not the Uranium One deal until after the deal went through, allowing the Russians to purchase / acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium...

- Hillary Clinton - who sat on that committee, in the midst of the Russians' crimes and attempt to buy the Uranium, took over $100 MILLION in 'Foundation Donations' from the Lead Russian Envoy attempting to secure the purchase of that 20% of the US uranium supply...while her husband was being paid HUGE AMOUNT$ to give speeches for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies...

- Hillary's Campaign Manager received during this time thousands of shares of Russian stocks without reporting it and how 1/3rd of the Board Members of his business are prominent Russian businessmen connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself...

- Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's Campaign manager, was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian Intel Agency.

Can you imagine if Kushner or anyone associated with Trump or Trump's family was working for the 'KGB Bank' and / or Russia's Spy Agency?! Libtards and snowflakes would be rabidly foaming at the mouth shouting 'treason', demanding those individuals be put in jail, and insisting Trump be Impeached....but it's obviously OK for Hillary and anyone connected to her in any way.

The Hypocrisy - CRIMINAL Hypocrisy - meter is now OFF THE CHARTS with Libtards / Snowflakes, as they desperately seek to lie, deny, justify, defend, deflect, and distract from what THEY THEMSELVES have helped expose with their continuous poo-flinging, accusing others of what they have been doing since 2009!

As I have been pointing out for a long while now, if you ever want to know what Democrats are up to simply listen to what they are accusing others of doing. When doing this all they are really doing is telling on themselves...as has been proven with all the accusations against Trump that have boomeranged.
Which was also one of the verified items in the dossier.
...verified as Russia-generated PROPAGANDA ... which snowflakes could not gobble up fast enough. :p Bwuhahahahaha....

You're only showing that you're ignorant as to what's in the dossier.
What do you imagine is in the dossier that makes it credible?

What makes you so sure it's propaganda if you don't know what's in it?

I read it. Besides the Russian prostitutes peeing on the bed that got media attention, almost EVERYTHING about Russian determination to sow doubt and confusion about American confidence in their political system was EXACTLY what I saw in classified reports back in the early 90s. It's was mostly recycled stuff.

And the Russian effort to do this NOW -- is largely because WE have destroyed the confidence and credibility of OUR system. Putin didn't do that. Just like we didn't cause the ROT in the Soviet Union -- but OUR Intel agencies did a little similar pushing. THAT resulted in a phenomenal collapse.

The USA is on the BRINK of the kind of confidence collapse. You should be worried more about that.

Of course you reach back to the nineties to find cover rather than addressing all of the Intel from the dossier concerning Russia's intentions and the role of people within the Trump org that has since come to fruition.

The USA is on the BRINK of the kind of confidence collapse. You should be worried more about that.

No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
Yeah, only it's true. But then the truth is "fake news" when inconvenient for the right.
ACTUAL 'Fake News' is the continuous stream of poo flung at the wall by libtards and snowflakes that can't be substantiated after a year of multiple investigations and a Special Counsel run by the guy who hid Russian crimes and his 'Liberal Super Squad' consisting of die-hard liberal donors and Hillary lawyers.

DECLARED 'Fake News', according to Libtards and Snowflakes, is the mountain of REAL evidence, revealed as a result of Libtards and snowflakes flinging their poo to begin with, that is now exposing how:

- Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC broke laws by buying false reports filled with Russia-generated propaganda from foreign agents through a Russia-associated company and used it against a candidate in a Presidential election...

- Obama and his criminal administration illegally leaked 'Protected Personal Classified' information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value', illegally unmasked American citizens, illegally spied on US citizens, illegally spied on the US Senate, and illegally spied on the USSC...

- Mueller, Holder, and Obama knew about and hid Russian crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and Influence-Purchasing, hiding the crimes from the Committee responsible for approving or not the Uranium One deal until after the deal went through, allowing the Russians to purchase / acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium...

- Hillary Clinton - who sat on that committee, in the midst of the Russians' crimes and attempt to buy the Uranium, took over $100 MILLION in 'Foundation Donations' from the Lead Russian Envoy attempting to secure the purchase of that 20% of the US uranium supply...while her husband was being paid HUGE AMOUNT$ to give speeches for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies...

- Hillary's Campaign Manager received during this time thousands of shares of Russian stocks without reporting it and how 1/3rd of the Board Members of his business are prominent Russian businessmen connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself...

- Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's Campaign manager, was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian Intel Agency.

Can you imagine if Kushner or anyone associated with Trump or Trump's family was working for the 'KGB Bank' and / or Russia's Spy Agency?! Libtards and snowflakes would be rabidly foaming at the mouth shouting 'treason', demanding those individuals be put in jail, and insisting Trump be Impeached....but it's obviously OK for Hillary and anyone connected to her in any way.

The Hypocrisy - CRIMINAL Hypocrisy - meter is now OFF THE CHARTS with Libtards / Snowflakes, as they desperately seek to lie, deny, justify, defend, deflect, and distract from what THEY THEMSELVES have helped expose with their continuous poo-flinging, accusing others of what they have been doing since 2009!

As I have been pointing out for a long while now, if you ever want to know what Democrats are up to simply listen to what they are accusing others of doing. When doing this all they are really doing is telling on themselves...as has been proven with all the accusations against Trump that have boomeranged.
All that bullshit is ginned up by Hannity and Bannon. But Trump-Russia is real. So, when is the whitehouse gonna implement russia sanctions that congress imposed?
No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
Yeah, only it's true. But then the truth is "fake news" when inconvenient for the right.
ACTUAL 'Fake News' is the continuous stream of poo flung at the wall by libtards and snowflakes that can't be substantiated after a year of multiple investigations and a Special Counsel run by the guy who hid Russian crimes and his 'Liberal Super Squad' consisting of die-hard liberal donors and Hillary lawyers.

DECLARED 'Fake News', according to Libtards and Snowflakes, is the mountain of REAL evidence, revealed as a result of Libtards and snowflakes flinging their poo to begin with, that is now exposing how:

- Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC broke laws by buying false reports filled with Russia-generated propaganda from foreign agents through a Russia-associated company and used it against a candidate in a Presidential election...

- Obama and his criminal administration illegally leaked 'Protected Personal Classified' information that had 'NO Foreign Intel Value', illegally unmasked American citizens, illegally spied on US citizens, illegally spied on the US Senate, and illegally spied on the USSC...

- Mueller, Holder, and Obama knew about and hid Russian crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and Influence-Purchasing, hiding the crimes from the Committee responsible for approving or not the Uranium One deal until after the deal went through, allowing the Russians to purchase / acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium...

- Hillary Clinton - who sat on that committee, in the midst of the Russians' crimes and attempt to buy the Uranium, took over $100 MILLION in 'Foundation Donations' from the Lead Russian Envoy attempting to secure the purchase of that 20% of the US uranium supply...while her husband was being paid HUGE AMOUNT$ to give speeches for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies...

- Hillary's Campaign Manager received during this time thousands of shares of Russian stocks without reporting it and how 1/3rd of the Board Members of his business are prominent Russian businessmen connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself...

- Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's Campaign manager, was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian Intel Agency.

Can you imagine if Kushner or anyone associated with Trump or Trump's family was working for the 'KGB Bank' and / or Russia's Spy Agency?! Libtards and snowflakes would be rabidly foaming at the mouth shouting 'treason', demanding those individuals be put in jail, and insisting Trump be Impeached....but it's obviously OK for Hillary and anyone connected to her in any way.

The Hypocrisy - CRIMINAL Hypocrisy - meter is now OFF THE CHARTS with Libtards / Snowflakes, as they desperately seek to lie, deny, justify, defend, deflect, and distract from what THEY THEMSELVES have helped expose with their continuous poo-flinging, accusing others of what they have been doing since 2009!

As I have been pointing out for a long while now, if you ever want to know what Democrats are up to simply listen to what they are accusing others of doing. When doing this all they are really doing is telling on themselves...as has been proven with all the accusations against Trump that have boomeranged.
I've found this called Gaslighter Tactic. The best form of manipulation

Why Gaslighters Accuse You of Gaslighting

"Gaslighters, people who try to control others through manipulation, will often accuse you of behaviors that they are engaged in themselves. This is a classic manipulation tactic. Read more to learn why this tactic works so well.

In the article Gaslighting: Know It and Identify It to Protect Yourself, I described gaslighting as a series of manipulation tactics used to discredit you, keep you off-balance, and have you question your reality. The gaslighter uses these tactics in order to get “revenge” or gain control over you. Gaslighting tactics include:"
All that bullshit is ginned up by Hannity and Bannon. But Trump-Russia is real.
Pearls before swine.

Your response has already been PROVEN false, with actual evidence - something liberals have been unable to produce to back their claims / lies after a year of multiple investigations and a Special Counsel being run by the former FBI Director who hid Russian crimes until their purchase of US Uranium had been completed and his 'super liberal squad' of DNC / Hillary donors and lawyers.

Again you make the same false accusations that you can not prove or provide evidence to support.

Another example of snowflakes 'stuck on stupid'...
Read the link, retard.
The link is unverified and uncorroborated...

Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
Anyone could guess that without resorting to a forieng intelligence agent.

What a dumbass.
Yes, it was a very, very lucky guess.

No, it wasn't lucky at all. Anyone who knew anything about Russian espionage activities could have guessed it. They've probably done similar things many times.

They haven't done similar things before, dope. Not on this scale.

You need to address all of the meetings with Russian officials reported in the dossier that Trump repeatedly denied happened that were later proven to have happened.

Another lucky guess?

Some of Steele’s allegations began circulating in Washington in the summer of 2016 as the FBI launched its counterintelligence investigation into possible connections between Trump associates and the Kremlin. Around that time, Steele shared some of his findings with the FBI.

After the election, the FBI (COMEY) agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia, but the bureau pulled out of the arrangement after Steele was publicly identified in news reports.

The dossier was published by BuzzFeed News in January. Fusion GPS has said in court filings that it did not give BuzzFeed the documents.

Current and former U.S. intelligence officials said that Steele was respected by the FBI and the State Department for earlier work he performed on a global corruption probe.

In early January, then-FBI Director James B. Comey presented a two-page summary of Steele’s dossier to President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump. In May, Trump fired Comey, which led to the appointment of Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel investigating the Trump-Russia matter.

HOLY SHIT....this is a gargantuan scandal.
After the election, the FBI (COMEY) agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia, but the bureau pulled out of the arrangement after Steele was publicly identified in news reports.

Because his cover was blown. He would not be effective going forward.
every day there's a Clinton bombshell!

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings.


Really that compared to the DNC and Clinton campaign PAYING for Russian informants to smear Trump? Now that's collusion! When you are paying Russians that's way up there on the collusion richter scale.

Jillian the ruse was to pay Fusion GPS who then paid Steel who then paid informants. This is old news. Only now with the bank records from Fusion GPS ready to be seized is the hard core truth of this coming out.

Steel, his company, Buzzfeed and Fusion GPS have mega lawsuits against them for defamation in two countries. Hell's bells even Comey and Clapper are trying to avoid testifying.
Fusion was paid to fabricate the dossier who then paid Steele to give it to informants. The FBI now claims they were duped. James Comey is clutching his pearls as a Democrat victim.

The entire operation is coming down.

The FBI now claims they were duped.

I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?

Evidence shows former Obama FBI Director Mueller, Formet US Ag Holder, and former President Obama hid the Russian Scandal in 2009 until the Russians had acquired 20% of the US supply of Uranium.
- No evidence exists showing that President Trump had anything to do with this or knew about the crimes.

Evidence shows Hillary received over $100 Million in 'Foundation Donations' from the Russian who led the effort to secure that uranium. Hillary was Sect of State and sat on the Committee that made the final decision to sell the uranium or not.
- No evidence exists to show President Trump received nay money from the Lead Russian in the purchase deal.

Evidence Shows Bill Clinton received HUGE $peaking Fee$ from Vladimir Putin's ex-KGB friends.
- No evidence exists showing President Trump received money from Russian Ex-KGB

Evidence shows a Russian Spy got close to Hillary before being discovered and whisked out of the country.
- No evidence exists showing such a similar event occurred in regards to President Trump.

Evidence exists showing that Former FBI Director Comey offered to continue to fund a foreign agent's efforts to create a dossier on the President, and evidence exists showing Hillary Clinton, Comey, Obama, and the FBI paid money for the false report filled with Russia-Generated Propaganda supplied by a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid Company that has since plead the 5th under oath when called before Congress, and evidence shows that information was illegally used in a US election against a Presidential candidate.
- No evidence exists proving President Trump or any of his associates attempted to acquire 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton.

Democrats attempted to accuse the Trump team of meeting with a Russian Lawyer - Putin's Russian Lawyer - in an attempt to get 'dirt' on Hillary; however the evidence does not prove this accusation. The Trump team member was told the meeting had to do with Russian-US adoptions.

When this turned out to be the case official records show the team member texted his own secretary and had her page / call him to give him an excuse to leave the meeting early, which he did reportedly after approx. 15 minutes. The Russian lawyer stated she never had 'dirt' on Hillary and none was ever presented / provided / passed.

Furthermore, this entire meeting seems to have been a set-up by the Obama administration.
- For the Russian Lawyer to enter the United States, evidence shows President Obama overrode his own Dept of Immigration which had banned her from entering the country. President Obama had to give her a 'special' Visa.
- Prior to the meeting, Obama's DOJ secured warrants allowing them to 'bug' the meeting location. This means they had to know about the meeting, where it was, when it was, and have advance notice in time to secure the warrants and place the wire taps.
- Obama's own former FBI Russian Translator was placed in the room for the meeting.


...but 'Trump-Russia is real'.

Bwuhahahaha...... If you say so....
Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.

It's gone FAR beyond that. The media has suggested that ANY business dealings in Russia would be evidence of conflict of interest. TONS of media spew and USMB posts suggesting that. At least 15 threads on discussions Trump had with ANY Russian investors.

Did you answer my question? Don't think that you did. Why are you avoiding it? Which is worse?

Actually I think they've simply been trying to build a case. However they also know that any story about this sells. So they sell, because it's what some people want to hear.

I really don't see the need to answer your question. It's a cherry picked question.

Was a very simple STRAIGHT-FORWARD question.

So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

How come you can't answer it? It's NOT cherry-picked. I've got videos of at least 4 US Congress critters and media bigwigs yelling about impeaching Trump for having ANY business deals with Russia. Even THINKING about building a Hotel in Moscow was a HUGE freaking scandal for a week.

Tell me -- which is worse???

Here is what I heard.

Fusion GPS scandal: Clinton, DNC broke campaign finance law with dossier funding, complaint says

"The Campaign Legal Center filed the complaint Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission, accusing the DNC and Clinton’s campaign committee of breaking campaign finance law by failing to accurately disclose the money spent on the Trump-Russia dossier.

“Questions about who paid for this dossier are the subject of intense public interest, and this is precisely the information that FEC reports are supposed to provide,” Brendan Fischer of the Campaign Legal Center said in a statement to Fox News.

The Washington Post reported this week — and Fox News confirmed — that the political consulting firm Fusion GPS was retained last year by Marc E. Elias, an attorney representing the DNC and the Clinton campaign. The firm then hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to write the now-infamous dossier."
The link is unverified and uncorroborated...

Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
Anyone could guess that without resorting to a forieng intelligence agent.

What a dumbass.
Yes, it was a very, very lucky guess.

No, it wasn't lucky at all. Anyone who knew anything about Russian espionage activities could have guessed it. They've probably done similar things many times.

They haven't done similar things before, dope. Not on this scale.

You need to address all of the meetings with Russian officials reported in the dossier that Trump repeatedly denied happened that were later proven to have happened.

Another lucky guess?
One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
1. The Clintons had massive influence, which - if you look at evidence over decades - she sold all the time.

2. Who is to say Hillary was the ONLY one on that Committee the Russians 'bought'.
- Evidence shows the FBI, Holder, and Barry hid the Russia 'Bribery' scandal until after the Uranium One deal, and the witness was never allowed to testify about the MANY people / government people the Russians had paid. Now that the witness can testify, we may find out more people on that committee than just Hillary were 'bought'.
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

Yep.. WAAAY before Steele and Fusion wrote the dossier using Russian spies. So what? It stinks that BOTH parties used the same company. But as far as anyone knows right now -- the Repubs paid for STRAIGHT OPO research. Not a Foreign fairytale.

And that's FACT -- the primaries were WAAAAY over when Steele and the Russians entered the picture.

Morning Joe/CNN --- ALL lying their asses off. Ask Politico. Repubs did not pay for "the dossier"..

No, the completed dossier was given to the FBI in June of 16. It was completed or mostly completed by the time the Dems took over the financing in April of 16. The work on it started in 15. That's what gives it credibility. There's no way Steele could have faked his Intel months before the events actually happened.

You really should read up on this stuff.
The big story this week is that the dossier was paid for by the DNC. It was pretty obvious from the get go, but the Post and the Times published an expose on the matter.

The democrats are waking up to the fact that Trump is such a god awful disgusting candidate that there is only one way he could have won: Hillary was a great deal worse.

Hillary tried her old "i didn't know" routine. On something this major and something is so obviously having Hillary's finger prints all over it as lead mover if you believe that, I have a bridge that you just want to buy, one owner.

For the republicans, this is bad news that the democrats are waking up to the fact that Hillary lost them the election. They will find someone else. They do have Trump. Guaranteed loss for them if democrat candidate is anyone other than Hillary
One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
1. The Clintons had massive influence, which - if you look at evidence over decades - she sold all the time.

2. Who is to say Hillary was the ONLY one on that Committee the Russians 'bought'.
- Evidence shows the FBI, Holder, and Barry hid the Russia 'Bribery' scandal until after the Uranium One deal, and the witness was never allowed to testify about the MANY people / government people the Russians had paid. Now that the witness can testify, we may find out more people on that committee than just Hillary were 'bought'.

. The Clintons had massive influence, which - if you look at evidence over decades - she sold all the time.

Yes, yes. The "massive influence" angle.

You need to show a quid pro quo. Assumptions and conjecture don't cut it.

Who is to say Hillary was the ONLY one on that Committee the Russians 'bought'.
- Evidence shows the FBI, Holder, and Barry hid the Russia 'Bribery' scandal until after the Uranium One deal, and the witness was never allowed to testify about the MANY people / government people the Russians had paid. Now that the witness can testify, we may find out more people on that committee than just Hillary were 'bought'.

NDAs are par for the course with informants.
There is no evidence that anyone "hid" anything. If the investigation was ongoing, the FBI obviously didn't want this informant blabbing all of the details to Congress. Especially when they were investigating potential bribery within the govt itself.

You people need to employ some logic rather than jumping to dopey conclusions.
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?

If you base your question on Hillary saying that her State Dept was one of nine agencies that need to approve the deal, than you have to ask yourself first, did any of the other eight agencies knew about ongoing FBI investigation on U1 when they approved it. Keep in mind that all those agencies were Barry's appointees, and they'll normally support each other opinion.

If they did know, than they're all in it together, corruption goes much deeper and they're all accountable for it.
If they did not know, than Hillary cannot use them as cover and excuse for her wrongdoing.

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