Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.

It's gone FAR beyond that. The media has suggested that ANY business dealings in Russia would be evidence of conflict of interest. TONS of media spew and USMB posts suggesting that. At least 15 threads on discussions Trump had with ANY Russian investors.

Did you answer my question? Don't think that you did. Why are you avoiding it? Which is worse?

Actually I think they've simply been trying to build a case. However they also know that any story about this sells. So they sell, because it's what some people want to hear.

I really don't see the need to answer your question. It's a cherry picked question.
Does everyone get that who financed the dossier preparation has nothing to do with whether or not the material therein is true?

The problem....dipshit...is that this democrat paid for information was used by comey, and the obama national intelligence director to begin investigating Trump...and his people......and they now need to explain if they knew it came from the democrats, and how they decided to use it as the reason to investigate Trump...since the same FBI leaders, mueller, rosentstein, comey, were the ones who also investigated and quashed the Uranium One information....

"The illegal eavesdropping started long before "the dossier". Wiretaps on Trump insiders began in late 2015, almost a year before the 2016 election. The targets then were Flynn and Page and when no smoking gun was recovered from those initial taps, U.S. intelligence agencies moved to broaden the scope by including British intelligence.

Intelligence garnered from the British eavesdropping, which again was merely a front for the NSA, was then used in August 2016 to secure a legitimate FISA warrant on Manafort, Trump Jr. and Kushner. That warrant was issued on or about September, 2016. It was the third time the intelligence agencies sought a FISA warrant for the Trump associates and this time, because the dossier it was approved. The FISA warrant was important because it provided the agencies cover for previous illegal wiretapping which they believed would never be discovered.

If wiretapping without the warrant was discovered, it would make strong case for Senate hearings. Since they never thought that Trump would win, they were sloppy with covering tracks and manipulating evidence."

Let them rip what they sow.
I quickly surfed to see what Rachel "Blinky" Maddow is covering and "Blinky" is desperately scrambling and is now clinging onto the delusion that "firing Comey" is the scandal of the day. Meanwhile Tucker and now Hannity are busting Crooked Hillary's two main scandals, Uranium One-Gate and Dossier-Gate. And folks have pointed out, politicians and other government employees who knew about Crooked Hillary's treasonous activity need to be fired and or charged as accomplices. MSM Fake News outlets need to be shut down and replaced with objective news companies with no ties to the DNC.
The real irony of all of this is that IF SHE WON, she would have been impeached if this came out...although it would likely have been suppressed if she won, now that I think about it.

If she had won, we would never hear any of it, they would block any attempt for investigation. Look at them now, even without political power, they're still act like they control everything, because they have Barry's holdovers as gatekeepers.

Does anyone recall how leftists and their media went ballistic when Trump said that he was wiretapped, and they demanded proofs of that, that he couldn't, or didn't want to provide. It turns out that he got the tip from Mike Rogers in an unannounced meeting at Trump Towers, back in November. The very next day campaign operations moved to New Jersey and Clapper sent a letter to Obama demanding Rogers be fired.

When Trump got in the WH, Baharra was fired, Comey was fired, Harrington also resigned in January, but Rogers still has his job. Media, never spoke about it again.

I'd like to see all those main players (Clapper, Comey, Holder, Lynch) investigated and charged, and hopefully in jail, although I wish there is harsher punishment for treason.
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The progressive retards’ spin on this is just priceless.


I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

Only a few have ever reported on it.

Let me explain to you two, from a reasonably, reliable source, which all leftists on here will tell me to prove it. You two have read my posts, and know I am reasonably accurate.

1. The Democrats released the information on who financed the dossier. Why? Because they knew Nunez wad going to get his hands on it through the bank records, so wanted the release so THEY could control the narrative, which is failing miserably.

2. The Republicans already HAD the proof, but where holding onto it, along with much, much, MUCH more. They wanted to release it right after Christmas, with other MASSIVE revelations coming through the winter months, when people were in their homes, watching tv. This has moved the timeline a little, but trust me when I say this is the BEST week the left is going to have for quite awhile, and this week is none........to.......good.

3. Do you want to know why the left suddenly has turned, and distanced themselves from Hillary while wanting her to shut up? Now you know why! They were aware that the jig was up, and some believe (believe it or not) that they are going to try and make her the fall person for this fiasco. Shultz will also be pointed at since they changed DNC chairs.

4. What the Democrats do NOT know, is how much information the Republicans really have. They are frozen in time and must send out underlings (paid posters) in case those on high have their cuckaraches in a vice, and come January or February are exposed, thus negating everything they said.

5. People on here THINK this is all about the Trump dossier, and Uranium one. Well, that is only partially true. What you are about to witness over the next 4 or 5 months, is the collapse of the leftists everywhere, but the darkest of blue states. Any Democratic incumbent, will be painted as a COLLUDER, or INCOMPETENT once the full force of this is put out.

6. And finally, Mantefort is in deep trouble from what I hear; but then in deeper doo is the Podesta group, Comey, Holder, and possibly Muehller. They had the goods on the people trying to purchase our uranium; they were in government when they had it, and unless they have PROOF they informed congress, their careers are over!

And so, will they get Hillary?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I doubt it, because to do so is not politically wise. But the rest of them, and while doing so, unmask the corruption that is going on in the DNC, and what actually happened under Obama?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! As Obama liked to say, "oh yes we can-)"
Your pretty much right on the mark. Insider sources are telling me that this is going to be a blood bath as people roll over and place blame on anyone but themselves.. They will eat their young! Make no mistake, its already happening... MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and Rachel Madcow are beside themselves because they no longer control the narrative and it's exploding in their faces..

NO matter how they now lie now they cant defend their positions.
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No Asswipes, Hillary Clinton Is Not Behind The Infamous Dossier

The only part of this story that's new is that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded research behind the infamous “pee tape” dossier released by BuzzFeed earlier this year. However, we already knew that this dossier was partially funded by Democrats. Per CNN from January.



But not Clinton and the DNC specifically. Nice try at spinning. Looks like they broke FEC laws.

FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments

FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments

This is a nuke going off....(sad irony of the mess)!
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

So tell us, genius, what charges would you file against HRC related to the dossier?

You can start with hiring foreign agents to aid a campaign. Even this ex MI-6 guy is a violation. I've heard about 3 other charges -- all felonies related to the approval of the Uranium deal. But don't know which bad actors would be held accountable. Probably Holder, maybe Obama, :biggrin:, maybe Clinton if she KNEW about the FBI investigations PRIOR to the approval of the deal.

BTW -- out tonight -- Obama was BRIEFED on the FBI investigations into Russian bribery on this Uranium deal. He KNEW how deceitful this Russian play for world market dominance was -- and he looked the other way..
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ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.

It's gone FAR beyond that. The media has suggested that ANY business dealings in Russia would be evidence of conflict of interest. TONS of media spew and USMB posts suggesting that. At least 15 threads on discussions Trump had with ANY Russian investors.

Did you answer my question? Don't think that you did. Why are you avoiding it? Which is worse?

Actually I think they've simply been trying to build a case. However they also know that any story about this sells. So they sell, because it's what some people want to hear.

I really don't see the need to answer your question. It's a cherry picked question.

Was a very simple STRAIGHT-FORWARD question.

So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

How come you can't answer it? It's NOT cherry-picked. I've got videos of at least 4 US Congress critters and media bigwigs yelling about impeaching Trump for having ANY business deals with Russia. Even THINKING about building a Hotel in Moscow was a HUGE freaking scandal for a week.

Tell me -- which is worse???
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.
The DNC took over from the RNC. Then they realized what was going on and just let it die. It wasn't the DNC that published the Dossier.

See, this is the thing. We have never had a presidential candidate owned by a foreign government before. Someone who is bankrolled by a foreign murderous thug. This is the first time that ever happened.

It's like Trump talking with State's Attorney who will work in the districts Trump owns property. Jared's holdings in one New York district, Trump Tower's in another New York District, one in Florida where Mar a Logo is and one in DC where the Trump Hotel is.

No one ever, in the history of the US ever thought that a president could be so scummy or traitorous, so in it for himself, so there are no laws against it. Because moral people just don't do that.

Well, welcome to the modern Republican Party. The party of scumbags who are in it for themselves. Who will cut healthcare for millions and throw the elderly out of homes to get a tax cuts for billionaires. The dirtiest, greediest and most nasty people to ever control an entire political party in the history of the United States.

Them's the facts. That's the new reality.
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

Yep.. WAAAY before Steele and Fusion wrote the dossier using Russian spies. So what? It stinks that BOTH parties used the same company. But as far as anyone knows right now -- the Repubs paid for STRAIGHT OPO research. Not a Foreign fairytale.

And that's FACT -- the primaries were WAAAAY over when Steele and the Russians entered the picture.

Morning Joe/CNN --- ALL lying their asses off. Ask Politico. Repubs did not pay for "the dossier"..
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

So tell us, genius, what charges would you file against HRC related to the dossier?

You can start with hiring foreign agents to aid a campaign. Even this ex MI-6 guy is a violation. I've heard about 3 other charges -- all felonies related to the approval of the Uranium deal. But don't know which bad actors would be held accountable. Probably Holder, maybe Obama, :biggrin:, maybe Clinton if she KNEW about the FBI investigations PRIOR to the approval of the deal.

BTW -- out tonight -- Obama was BRIEFED on the FBI investigations into Russian bribery on this Uranium deal. He KNEW how deceitful this Russian play for world market dominance was -- and he looked the other way..

I don't think there's a law against paying foreign nationals for doing work for a campaign.
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

Yep.. WAAAY before Steele and Fusion wrote the dossier using Russian spies. So what? It stinks that BOTH parties used the same company. But as far as anyone knows right now -- the Repubs paid for STRAIGHT OPO research. Not a Foreign fairytale.

And that's FACT -- the primaries were WAAAAY over when Steele and the Russians entered the picture.

Morning Joe/CNN --- ALL lying their asses off. Ask Politico. Repubs did not pay for "the dossier"..

You're wildly and baselessly assuming that everything in the dossier is fiction. Stick with the facts.
Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.

It's gone FAR beyond that. The media has suggested that ANY business dealings in Russia would be evidence of conflict of interest. TONS of media spew and USMB posts suggesting that. At least 15 threads on discussions Trump had with ANY Russian investors.

Did you answer my question? Don't think that you did. Why are you avoiding it? Which is worse?

Actually I think they've simply been trying to build a case. However they also know that any story about this sells. So they sell, because it's what some people want to hear.

I really don't see the need to answer your question. It's a cherry picked question.

Was a very simple STRAIGHT-FORWARD question.

So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

How come you can't answer it? It's NOT cherry-picked. I've got videos of at least 4 US Congress critters and media bigwigs yelling about impeaching Trump for having ANY business deals with Russia. Even THINKING about building a Hotel in Moscow was a HUGE freaking scandal for a week.

Tell me -- which is worse???

Yes, it's a straight forward question. However I happen to think it's a bullshit question.

It's like saying what's better, the best thing about Trump or the worst thing about Hillary. Er... well fucking duh, of course the best thing about Trump is going to be better than the worst thing about Hillary. But that's because the question is a massively loaded question.

When you can find the time to write a decent question, let me know.

How about this for a question. How's your ladyboy girlfriend? Come on, it's a straight forward question, ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION>
My concern at this point is more Rachel "Blinky" Maddow inspired shootings as the delusional loons who hate The Donald cannot accept the fact they have been butt fucked for almost a year by Fake News CNBC and CNN, etc.
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

So tell us, genius, what charges would you file against HRC related to the dossier?

You can start with hiring foreign agents to aid a campaign. Even this ex MI-6 guy is a violation. I've heard about 3 other charges -- all felonies related to the approval of the Uranium deal. But don't know which bad actors would be held accountable. Probably Holder, maybe Obama, :biggrin:, maybe Clinton if she KNEW about the FBI investigations PRIOR to the approval of the deal.

BTW -- out tonight -- Obama was BRIEFED on the FBI investigations into Russian bribery on this Uranium deal. He KNEW how deceitful this Russian play for world market dominance was -- and he looked the other way..

Obama has been quiet lately. Now we know why.
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

Yeah, only it's true. But then the truth is "fake news" when inconvenient for the right.
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

Yeah, only it's true. But then the truth is "fake news" when inconvenient for the right.

It's not true, moron.

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