Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

The link is unverified and uncorroborated...

Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
Anyone could guess that without resorting to a forieng intelligence agent.

What a dumbass.
Yes, it was a very, very lucky guess.

No, it wasn't lucky at all. Anyone who knew anything about Russian espionage activities could have guessed it. They've probably done similar things many times.

They haven't done similar things before, dope. Not on this scale.

You need to address all of the meetings with Russian officials reported in the dossier that Trump repeatedly denied happened that were later proven to have happened.

Another lucky guess?

The dossier is a proven pile of crap. It's opposition research with no supporting evidence. We don't need to address anything in the dossier. The CIA and the FBI need to explain why they used this piece of crap to justify invetigations of totally innocent Americans including a US presidential candidate. That's the kind of thing police states like North Korea engage in.
I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

Yep.. WAAAY before Steele and Fusion wrote the dossier using Russian spies. So what? It stinks that BOTH parties used the same company. But as far as anyone knows right now -- the Repubs paid for STRAIGHT OPO research. Not a Foreign fairytale.

And that's FACT -- the primaries were WAAAAY over when Steele and the Russians entered the picture.

Morning Joe/CNN --- ALL lying their asses off. Ask Politico. Repubs did not pay for "the dossier"..

No, the completed dossier was given to the FBI in June of 16. It was completed or mostly completed by the time the Dems took over the financing in April of 16. The work on it started in 15. That's what gives it credibility. There's no way Steele could have faked his Intel months before the events actually happened.

You really should read up on this stuff.
It has no credibility. It's opposition research. it's a collection of smears.
lol, so HRC goes to prison for life.

How would that make Trump any less guilty of his alleged crimes?
It is curious that the initial payment for this firm to dig up dirt on Donald Trump by a REPUBLICAN SENATOR whose identity, to date, is unknown. The name is in the records but it has not yet been disclosed.

It was after that when Hillary Clinton and the DNC took over the payment for the fake dossier.

I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

Yep.. WAAAY before Steele and Fusion wrote the dossier using Russian spies. So what? It stinks that BOTH parties used the same company. But as far as anyone knows right now -- the Repubs paid for STRAIGHT OPO research. Not a Foreign fairytale.

And that's FACT -- the primaries were WAAAAY over when Steele and the Russians entered the picture.

Morning Joe/CNN --- ALL lying their asses off. Ask Politico. Repubs did not pay for "the dossier"..

No, the completed dossier was given to the FBI in June of 16. It was completed or mostly completed by the time the Dems took over the financing in April of 16. The work on it started in 15. That's what gives it credibility. There's no way Steele could have faked his Intel months before the events actually happened.

You really should read up on this stuff.
It has no credibility. It's opposition research. it's a collection of smears.

So you believe all of the oppo research against Obama was smears?
One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
1. The Clintons had massive influence, which - if you look at evidence over decades - she sold all the time.

2. Who is to say Hillary was the ONLY one on that Committee the Russians 'bought'.
- Evidence shows the FBI, Holder, and Barry hid the Russia 'Bribery' scandal until after the Uranium One deal, and the witness was never allowed to testify about the MANY people / government people the Russians had paid. Now that the witness can testify, we may find out more people on that committee than just Hillary were 'bought'.

. The Clintons had massive influence, which - if you look at evidence over decades - she sold all the time.

Yes, yes. The "massive influence" angle.

You need to show a quid pro quo. Assumptions and conjecture don't cut it.

Who is to say Hillary was the ONLY one on that Committee the Russians 'bought'.
- Evidence shows the FBI, Holder, and Barry hid the Russia 'Bribery' scandal until after the Uranium One deal, and the witness was never allowed to testify about the MANY people / government people the Russians had paid. Now that the witness can testify, we may find out more people on that committee than just Hillary were 'bought'.

NDAs are par for the course with informants.
There is no evidence that anyone "hid" anything. If the investigation was ongoing, the FBI obviously didn't want this informant blabbing all of the details to Congress. Especially when they were investigating potential bribery within the govt itself.

You people need to employ some logic rather than jumping to dopey conclusions.
that is currently being pursued. the quid pro quo
I watch Zombie Joe on MSNBC this morning lying his ass off saying that Repubs funded the dossier. No wonder the left gets crushed when they go out and try to parrot these media idiots on USMB. You need to watch BOTH sides in times like this. And do as Bill Clinton did --- and "triangulate".. :rofl:

September 2015: A still unknown Republican donor who opposed Donald Trump hires Fusion GPS to research the candidate, according to the New York Times.

Yep.. WAAAY before Steele and Fusion wrote the dossier using Russian spies. So what? It stinks that BOTH parties used the same company. But as far as anyone knows right now -- the Repubs paid for STRAIGHT OPO research. Not a Foreign fairytale.

And that's FACT -- the primaries were WAAAAY over when Steele and the Russians entered the picture.

Morning Joe/CNN --- ALL lying their asses off. Ask Politico. Repubs did not pay for "the dossier"..

No, the completed dossier was given to the FBI in June of 16. It was completed or mostly completed by the time the Dems took over the financing in April of 16. The work on it started in 15. That's what gives it credibility. There's no way Steele could have faked his Intel months before the events actually happened.

You really should read up on this stuff.
It has no credibility. It's opposition research. it's a collection of smears.

So you believe all of the oppo research against Obama was smears?

That's the Democrat stock in trade.
lol, so HRC goes to prison for life.

How would that make Trump any less guilty of his alleged crimes?
what are those exactly? you still haven't produced anything gaslight boy.

These douoche bags behave as if the criminality of the Hillary campaign, the Obama regime and the DNC haven't been exposed.
I know. it's fking hilarious. it's called gaslighting. it's who they all are. manipulators. See this now tells me knowing this manipulation is a political tactic, that these left folks in here are hired to respond in here.

The admittance of the dossier has doomed their reign. all of their posts are pure bullshit.
You need to show a quid pro quo.

Russians wanted uranium.
The Clintons spent years selling Influence.
The Obama administration hid Russia's Bribery/Influence-Purchasing Crimes.
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian lead trying to buy Uranium
Hillary was on the committee
Bill Clinton was on the Ex-KGB Payroll
The Russians got the Uranium.

'Nuff said.
No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions.

Not true in any way.

Read it. Don't bitch about the source, read it.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.

There are reports in the dossier that highlight the when, where and with who the meetings Trump people had which were continually denied but were later proven to be true. Not to mention the entire operation the Russians planned to influence the election.

You can continue to deny any of it is real, but you only make yourself look ignorant.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
It has no credibility. It's opposition research. it's a collection of smears.
The use of information acquired from foreign sources against a candidate in a US election is also illegal.

The dossier information was used.

Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC broke the law.
You need to show a quid pro quo.

Russians wanted uranium.
The Clintons spent years selling Influence.
The Obama administration hid Russia's Bribery/Influence-Purchasing Crimes.
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian lead trying to buy Uranium
Hillary was on the committee
Bill Clinton was on the Ex-KGB Payroll
The Russians got the Uranium.

'Nuff said.
all facts. every line there. so lefties in here, what say you? nice gaslighting though.
You need to show a quid pro quo.

Russians wanted uranium.
The Clintons spent years selling Influence.
The Obama administration hid Russia's Bribery/Influence-Purchasing Crimes.
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian lead trying to buy Uranium
Hillary was on the committee
Bill Clinton was on the Ex-KGB Payroll
The Russians got the Uranium.

'Nuff said.

Clinton had no unilateral authority over the deal. You would need to show that she exerted influence over all of the players in order to make the deal happen.
No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions.

Not true in any way.

Read it. Don't bitch about the source, read it.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.

There are reports in the dossier that highlight the when, where and with who the meetings Trump people had which were continually denied but were later proven to be true. Not to mention the entire operation the Russians planned to influence the election.

You can continue to deny any of it is real, but you only make yourself look ignorant.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
dude, your gaslighting tactics are over. you've been outed by your own fking party. time to get a new play.
You lefties are positively mental... you've been whining for nearly a year about foreign sources meddling in our election, and now cheer foreign sources meddling in our election. Seek psychiatric help, and soon.

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