Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Does everyone get that who financed the dossier preparation has nothing to do with whether or not the material therein is true?

The problem....dipshit...is that this democrat paid for information was used by comey, and the obama national intelligence director to begin investigating Trump...and his people......and they now need to explain if they knew it came from the democrats, and how they decided to use it as the reason to investigate Trump...since the same FBI leaders, mueller, rosentstein, comey, were the ones who also investigated and quashed the Uranium One information....

So what if it came from the Democrats, Birther?

Did comey, mueller and rosenstein know....since they also knew that the Russians paid the clinton foundation 145 million dollars.....and if they knew the file was fake, how did the justify appointing mueller, who is already implicated in the Uranium One scandal?
I'm actually getting a kick out of today watching the left in here make statements that it's ok that hitlery used russia to interfere in the elections while they state that russia interference is a crime.
It's as good as saying choice is a right at the same time telling us it isn't. these fks are truly fked up in the head I tell you.
I am enjoying MAJOR Schadenfreude today......just fucking awesome that the one pointing the finger have 3 pointing back at them.

I'm actually getting a kick out of today watching the left in here make statements that it's ok that hitlery used russia to interfere in the elections while they state that russia interference is a crime.
folks, one can't make this shit up.

The real irony of all of this is that IF SHE WON, she would have been impeached if this came out...although it would likely have been suppressed if she won, now that I think about it.
Does everyone get that who financed the dossier preparation has nothing to do with whether or not the material therein is true?

The problem....dipshit...is that this democrat paid for information was used by comey, and the obama national intelligence director to begin investigating Trump...and his people......and they now need to explain if they knew it came from the democrats, and how they decided to use it as the reason to investigate Trump...since the same FBI leaders, mueller, rosentstein, comey, were the ones who also investigated and quashed the Uranium One information....

Exactly. The FBI used this fairy tale to get the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

See what I mean? This idiot calls it a fairy tale with no clue what is or isn't true.
The progressive retards’ spin on this is just priceless.


I did not read the entire thread. Have any journalists asked how Senator McINSANE got the fake ass dossier Crooked Hillary paid for?

Only a few have ever reported on it.

Let me explain to you two, from a reasonably, reliable source, which all leftists on here will tell me to prove it. You two have read my posts, and know I am reasonably accurate.

1. The Democrats released the information on who financed the dossier. Why? Because they knew Nunez wad going to get his hands on it through the bank records, so wanted the release so THEY could control the narrative, which is failing miserably.

2. The Republicans already HAD the proof, but where holding onto it, along with much, much, MUCH more. They wanted to release it right after Christmas, with other MASSIVE revelations coming through the winter months, when people were in their homes, watching tv. This has moved the timeline a little, but trust me when I say this is the BEST week the left is going to have for quite awhile, and this week is none........to.......good.

3. Do you want to know why the left suddenly has turned, and distanced themselves from Hillary while wanting her to shut up? Now you know why! They were aware that the jig was up, and some believe (believe it or not) that they are going to try and make her the fall person for this fiasco. Shultz will also be pointed at since they changed DNC chairs.

4. What the Democrats do NOT know, is how much information the Republicans really have. They are frozen in time and must send out underlings (paid posters) in case those on high have their cuckaraches in a vice, and come January or February are exposed, thus negating everything they said.

5. People on here THINK this is all about the Trump dossier, and Uranium one. Well, that is only partially true. What you are about to witness over the next 4 or 5 months, is the collapse of the leftists everywhere, but the darkest of blue states. Any Democratic incumbent, will be painted as a COLLUDER, or INCOMPETENT once the full force of this is put out.

6. And finally, Mantefort is in deep trouble from what I hear; but then in deeper doo is the Podesta group, Comey, Holder, and possibly Muehller. They had the goods on the people trying to purchase our uranium; they were in government when they had it, and unless they have PROOF they informed congress, their careers are over!

And so, will they get Hillary?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I doubt it, because to do so is not politically wise. But the rest of them, and while doing so, unmask the corruption that is going on in the DNC, and what actually happened under Obama?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! As Obama liked to say, "oh yes we can-)"
You don't have a damn clue what "raw intelligence" is, how it is classified, and how it is verified. What you have is a pile of fabrications that can not be verified. ie; LIES No cooberating physical evidence.
Read the link, retard.
The link is unverified and uncorroborated...

Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
Anyone could guess that without resorting to a forieng intelligence agent.

What a dumbass.
Yes, it was a very, very lucky guess.

No, it wasn't lucky at all. Anyone who knew anything about Russian espionage activities could have guessed it. They've probably done similar things many times.
No Asswipes, Hillary Clinton Is Not Behind The Infamous Dossier

The only part of this story that's new is that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded research behind the infamous “pee tape” dossier released by BuzzFeed earlier this year. However, we already knew that this dossier was partially funded by Democrats. Per CNN from January.


Some of Steele’s allegations began circulating in Washington in the summer of 2016 as the FBI launched its counterintelligence investigation into possible connections between Trump associates and the Kremlin. Around that time, Steele shared some of his findings with the FBI.

After the election, the FBI (COMEY) agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia, but the bureau pulled out of the arrangement after Steele was publicly identified in news reports.

The dossier was published by BuzzFeed News in January. Fusion GPS has said in court filings that it did not give BuzzFeed the documents.

Current and former U.S. intelligence officials said that Steele was respected by the FBI and the State Department for earlier work he performed on a global corruption probe.

In early January, then-FBI Director James B. Comey presented a two-page summary of Steele’s dossier to President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump. In May, Trump fired Comey, which led to the appointment of Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel investigating the Trump-Russia matter.

HOLY SHIT....this is a gargantuan scandal.
You dupes believe the clintons are evil criminals, despite the fact they haven't even been indicted or anywhere near a courtroom...

Do you want to stick with that absurdity that the Clinton's were never indicted or anywhere near a courtroom? How then did Bill Clinton lose his license to practice law, fined $50,000 and settled various lawsuits without being near a courtroom?

If I recall a bit of my Chi-town history, Al Capone didn't get anywhere near a courtroom for many years. This is why the Clinton's are so devastated by her landslide loss. The Clinton's and their attorneys are quaking in their boots about the revelations coming out daily!

Last response to your trolling today.
No Asswipes, Hillary Clinton Is Not Behind The Infamous Dossier

The only part of this story that's new is that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded research behind the infamous “pee tape” dossier released by BuzzFeed earlier this year. However, we already knew that this dossier was partially funded by Democrats. Per CNN from January.



But not Clinton and the DNC specifically. Nice try at spinning. Looks like they broke FEC laws.

FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments

FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments

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