Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

CNN: Podesta, Wasserman Schultz Said They Didn’t Know Who Funded Dossier

Former Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta recently told Senate investigators that they did not know who funded research that led to the so-called Trump dossier, CNN reported on Thursday.

CNN reported, citing three unnamed sources familiar with the matter, that Podesta and Wasserman Schultz made their denials before the Washington Post reported on Tuesday that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC partly paid for research firm Fusion GPS’ work that ended up in the dossier.

According to one source CNN cited, Podesta in September told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he was not aware of a contractual relationship between Clinton’s campaign and Fusion GPS.

Wasserman Schultz told CNN that she “didn’t have any awareness of the arrangement at all” and said she was “certainly” not going to confirm the subject of any discussion. According to CNN, Senate investigators interviewed Wasserman Schultz earlier in October.

According to the Washington Post’s report, Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias and his law firm Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS in April 2016. One source told the Washington Post that Perkins Coie did not inform Clinton’s campaign or the DNC of Fusion GPS’ role in conducting research into Donald Trump.

CNN reported, citing multiple unnamed sources, that Elias sat next to Podesta during his Senate interview, but was present as Podesta’s lawyer rather than as an additional witness.

Perkins Coie authorized Fusion GPS to disclose its role in partly funding that research in a letter CNN obtained dated Tuesday.

CNN: Podesta, Wasserman Schultz Said They Didn't Know Who Funded Dossier

Only the terminally gullible beleive what either of them said.
My fake dossier says that I masturbate to the Starr report while listening to Hillary Clinton speeches and books on tape.

Know what?
" I do know that Bill did seek ethics clearance from State on the speech though." how do you know?

I read news. Why don't you?

Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision

"The friend said Hillary Clinton had just returned in late March 2010 from an official trip to Moscow where she met with both Putin and Medvedev. The president's speaker's bureau had just received an offer from Renaissance Capital to pay the former president $500,000 for a single speech in Russia.

Documents show Bill Clinton's personal lawyer on April 5, 2010, sent a conflict of interest review to the State Department asking for permission to give the speech in late June, and it was approved two days later."

not sure why that's such a big deal and why you felt the need to insult me. I merely asked how. Thanks for posting it. Still doesn't rule out quid pro quo though. just doesn't. a fee for a favor. that favor can be at anytime in life.

I insult you because you speed post dumb shit without any thought.


It applies to you as well.
CNN: Podesta, Wasserman Schultz Said They Didn’t Know Who Funded Dossier

Former Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta recently told Senate investigators that they did not know who funded research that led to the so-called Trump dossier, CNN reported on Thursday.

CNN reported, citing three unnamed sources familiar with the matter, that Podesta and Wasserman Schultz made their denials before the Washington Post reported on Tuesday that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC partly paid for research firm Fusion GPS’ work that ended up in the dossier.

According to one source CNN cited, Podesta in September told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he was not aware of a contractual relationship between Clinton’s campaign and Fusion GPS.

Wasserman Schultz told CNN that she “didn’t have any awareness of the arrangement at all” and said she was “certainly” not going to confirm the subject of any discussion. According to CNN, Senate investigators interviewed Wasserman Schultz earlier in October.

According to the Washington Post’s report, Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias and his law firm Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS in April 2016. One source told the Washington Post that Perkins Coie did not inform Clinton’s campaign or the DNC of Fusion GPS’ role in conducting research into Donald Trump.

CNN reported, citing multiple unnamed sources, that Elias sat next to Podesta during his Senate interview, but was present as Podesta’s lawyer rather than as an additional witness.

Perkins Coie authorized Fusion GPS to disclose its role in partly funding that research in a letter CNN obtained dated Tuesday.

CNN: Podesta, Wasserman Schultz Said They Didn't Know Who Funded Dossier
If your going to put out a lie you take it to the ones who will help you propagate it... CNN is the lie network...
How do you know?

Know what?
" I do know that Bill did seek ethics clearance from State on the speech though." how do you know?

I read news. Why don't you?

Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision

"The friend said Hillary Clinton had just returned in late March 2010 from an official trip to Moscow where she met with both Putin and Medvedev. The president's speaker's bureau had just received an offer from Renaissance Capital to pay the former president $500,000 for a single speech in Russia.

Documents show Bill Clinton's personal lawyer on April 5, 2010, sent a conflict of interest review to the State Department asking for permission to give the speech in late June, and it was approved two days later."

Did he get the permission?

From your link: "The approval question, however, sat inside State for nearly two weeks without an answer, prompting Desai to make multiple pleas for a decision."

Another dummy.

What did I just post that YOU responded to?
That was from my link as well.
My god, I gave you the link and your poor reading skills has you asking me questions.

That request was for meetings that never happened as State said it wasn't a good idea.

My bad... partially.

He was actually seeking permission to meet with some Russian nuclear officials (What for?). When he didn't get that, he sought permission to give a speech, which he got, and with using that permission, he met with Putin.
Fact check: No, the Clintons were not paid millions by Russia

"The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Newsweek, an extension of the Clinton Campaign press office.

It also doesn't need to be payoffs "made at the time". Deals like this take years to put together.


What possible reason would any American have for turning over control of 20% of our uranium over to our sworn enemy, Russia?
mo neither Bill nor Hill were ethical, and certainly not to the standards I'd want in a potus ... but there just wasn't anything illegal.

You know that when not nearly all the facts have come out. Cute.
" I do know that Bill did seek ethics clearance from State on the speech though." how do you know?

I read news. Why don't you?

Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision

"The friend said Hillary Clinton had just returned in late March 2010 from an official trip to Moscow where she met with both Putin and Medvedev. The president's speaker's bureau had just received an offer from Renaissance Capital to pay the former president $500,000 for a single speech in Russia.

Documents show Bill Clinton's personal lawyer on April 5, 2010, sent a conflict of interest review to the State Department asking for permission to give the speech in late June, and it was approved two days later."

not sure why that's such a big deal and why you felt the need to insult me. I merely asked how. Thanks for posting it. Still doesn't rule out quid pro quo though. just doesn't. a fee for a favor. that favor can be at anytime in life.

I insult you because you speed post dumb shit without any thought.


It applies to you as well.
Refer to my avatar.
mo neither Bill nor Hill were ethical, and certainly not to the standards I'd want in a potus ... but there just wasn't anything illegal.

You know that when not nearly all the facts have come out. Cute.
Its just spare change compared to Trump sharing classified info with russia. and Blurting out more.

Fake news from anonymous sources. On the other hand the Clinton campaign and the DNC broke the law by hiring Steele and paying Russian informants.
mo neither Bill nor Hill were ethical, and certainly not to the standards I'd want in a potus ... but there just wasn't anything illegal.

You know that when not nearly all the facts have come out. Cute.
Its just spare change compared to Trump sharing classified info with russia. and Blurting out more.

Fake news from anonymous sources. On the other hand the Clinton campaign and the DNC broke the law by hiring Steele and paying Russian informants.
The pentagon is an anonymous source? thats just one of many.
Fusion GPS was first republican funded. Even Trump claims to know who it was.
Fact check: No, the Clintons were not paid millions by Russia

"The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Newsweek, an extension of the Clinton Campaign press office.

It also doesn't need to be payoffs "made at the time". Deals like this take years to put together.


What possible reason would any American have for turning over control of 20% of our uranium over to our sworn enemy, Russia?
what is the benefit to the United States? no on the left appears to be able to answer that question. hmmmm
mo neither Bill nor Hill were ethical, and certainly not to the standards I'd want in a potus ... but there just wasn't anything illegal.

You know that when not nearly all the facts have come out. Cute.
Its just spare change compared to Trump sharing classified info with russia. and Blurting out more.
no, it is now the dossier was to get dirt on Trumo. and hey, that's just gamesmanship to politics. But trump and his campaign doing the same dirt retrieval is treason. Isn't this fun these libturds? It is amazing that they have no shame at all.

Oh and now it didn't come out until after the election so everyone just needs to move along. it didn't impact the election! can you believe this crap from this self righteous pigs? too funny.
mo neither Bill nor Hill were ethical, and certainly not to the standards I'd want in a potus ... but there just wasn't anything illegal.

You know that when not nearly all the facts have come out. Cute.
Its just spare change compared to Trump sharing classified info with russia. and Blurting out more.

Fake news from anonymous sources. On the other hand the Clinton campaign and the DNC broke the law by hiring Steele and paying Russian informants.
The pentagon is an anonymous source? thats just one of many.
Fusion GPS was first republican funded. Even Trump claims to know who it was.

You're regurgitating the Dim talking points like a good little soldier.
mo neither Bill nor Hill were ethical, and certainly not to the standards I'd want in a potus ... but there just wasn't anything illegal.

You know that when not nearly all the facts have come out. Cute.
Its just spare change compared to Trump sharing classified info with russia. and Blurting out more.

Fake news from anonymous sources. On the other hand the Clinton campaign and the DNC broke the law by hiring Steele and paying Russian informants.
The pentagon is an anonymous source? thats just one of many.
Fusion GPS was first republican funded. Even Trump claims to know who it was.

"The Pentagon" isn't a source, you moron. Only PEOPLE are sources."The Pentagon" is a fucking building.

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