Washington Post: Project Veritas itself wrote postal worker's affidavit falsely claiming fraud

Well well well. Looks like Project Veritas
1) Drafted the initial affidavit by postal worker Richard Hopkins (claiming without proof that USPS higher-ups told him to tamper with ballots)
2) Lied about Hopkins being coerced (WaPo linked to Project Veritas' own audio recording).
3) Said would release a 3-hour recording, but released a 2-hour recording. Hmmmm.
Here's Project Veritas' own-goal audio:
During the recorded interview, however, federal agents repeatedly reminded Hopkins that his cooperation was voluntary, and Hopkins agreed to sign a document stating that he was not coerced.
Asked by an agent whether he had legal representation, Hopkins said Project Veritas had a lawyer on retention “in case there’s anything that happens.” The agent told Hopkins that if he had a personal lawyer, “I would make whatever efforts possible to have that person here.” Hopkins said he didn’t have a lawyer.

None of that discredits the story.

He has already called the WaPo's spin BS. He stands by his initial video statement. This has been debunked.

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