Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Those are the only people that will come. Especially now. I like it that way to be honest. The less coming in the better
Many Americans do not know this but we have completely stopped all immigration to our nation for long periods of time to allow for assimilation...we stopped immigration for 30 years once but unfortunately they don't teach that in our PC public schools...
We have the right to allow who we want and forbid who we don't want....
Your policies are offending a lot of people who voted for trump or who didn’t show in 2016
No they are not. Trump supporters stand by our President.
Not all of you.

And imagine all the people who didn’t vote for Hillary but will vote for whoever we run next time
Lincoln was a progressive, and the Republicans were progressives....150 years ago. You would have hated the party of Lincoln. And I am not a Marxist.

Of course they were. Look at the vast welfare system Lincoln put in place. He socialized medicine and built the largest public employee apparatus in history...


Fucking lying Marxists, y'all are a hoot...
Classless fucks everywhere are celebrating...
Americans are celebrating.

The classless fucks are whining about the truth being told.

No, Americans are looking on in disgust. You need to pause from your constant complaining about minorites to remember that you Trumpkins are also a minority.

Nope, they aren't.

I don't complain about minorities. I complain about progressive douchebags and their racism and criminality, and their inability to face the truth about the nightmare vision they've forced upon the world.

It's crumbling.
You complain about minorities endlessly. I have been here long enough to notice that. And remember...you Trumpkins are a minority, and, unlike the monorities you complain about, the Trumpkin minority is shrinking.
Skye is an intelligent poster on this site. So is Kosher Girl.

Thank you kindly :)
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Classless fucks everywhere are celebrating...
Americans are celebrating.

The classless fucks are whining about the truth being told.

No, Americans are looking on in disgust. You need to pause from your constant complaining about minorites to remember that you Trumpkins are also a minority.

Nope, they aren't.

I don't complain about minorities. I complain about progressive douchebags and their racism and criminality, and their inability to face the truth about the nightmare vision they've forced upon the world.

It's crumbling.
You complain about minorities endlessly. I have been here long enough to notice that. And remember...you Trumpkins are a minority, and, unlike the monorities you complain about, the Trumpkin minority is shrinking.

No, I complain about criminal blacks and the left's idiotic insistence that it's racist to comment on the fact that blacks have a murder problem in this country.

The left maintains that math is *racist* because they can't educate blacks adequately in their bloated public schools. The left maintains it's *racist* to put black murderers in jail because there are so many of them. The left maintains we must de-criminalize all the crimes committed by minorities because they are minorities and thus cannot be held accountable for the fact that illegals, blacks, and muslims kill, rape and murder more than all other groups combined.
Americans are celebrating.

The classless fucks are whining about the truth being told.

No, Americans are looking on in disgust. You need to pause from your constant complaining about minorites to remember that you Trumpkins are also a minority.

Nope, they aren't.

I don't complain about minorities. I complain about progressive douchebags and their racism and criminality, and their inability to face the truth about the nightmare vision they've forced upon the world.

It's crumbling.
You complain about minorities endlessly. I have been here long enough to notice that. And remember...you Trumpkins are a minority, and, unlike the monorities you complain about, the Trumpkin minority is shrinking.
Skye is an intelligent poster on this site. So is Kosher Girl.
Uh....both of them seem sharp as marbles....but, okay...
Sharp as their straight razor wit and political common sense.
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Classless fucks everywhere are celebrating...
Americans are celebrating.

The classless fucks are whining about the truth being told.
Another intelligent and spot on post by the Kosher Gal.
We already knew what you two think.

I’m glad trumps confirming what we thought.

If the people trump offends don’t show up more power to trump in 2021
Lincoln was a progressive, and the Republicans were progressives....150 years ago. You would have hated the party of Lincoln. And I am not a Marxist.

Of course they were. Look at the vast welfare system Lincoln put in place. He socialized medicine and built the largest public employee apparatus in history...


Fucking lying Marxists, y'all are a hoot...
That's a pretty stupid post. Progressivism is not defined by three issues. It is defined in many contexts, and one who is a progressive on one issue may not be so on another. But Lincoln was quite a progressive, and so much so that a bunch of slavers directed half the country to go to the war with the other half because of it.
Trump was right. The last thing we need are assholes from shithole countries coming to the US and being on welfare and pretty much being scumbags. We have enough of our own living in our shithole Democrat controlled big cities without having to import more.
Americans are celebrating.

The classless fucks are whining about the truth being told.

No, Americans are looking on in disgust. You need to pause from your constant complaining about minorites to remember that you Trumpkins are also a minority.

Nope, they aren't.

I don't complain about minorities. I complain about progressive douchebags and their racism and criminality, and their inability to face the truth about the nightmare vision they've forced upon the world.

It's crumbling.
You complain about minorities endlessly. I have been here long enough to notice that. And remember...you Trumpkins are a minority, and, unlike the monorities you complain about, the Trumpkin minority is shrinking.
Skye is an intelligent poster on this site. So is Kosher Girl.

Thank you kindly :)
You have earned it.
Instead of facing the fact that progressive policies are the reason we have a ridiculously outsized black criminal community the left maintains they are criminal because they are black..and therefore we must accommodate them.
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Classless fucks everywhere are celebrating...
Americans are celebrating.

The classless fucks are whining about the truth being told.
Another intelligent and spot on post by the Kosher Gal.
We already knew what you two think.

I’m glad trumps confirming what we thought.

If the people trump offends don’t show up more power to trump in 2021
He is a proven winner baby. Pulse of American people. Mainstream media is sooo outta touch.

Just a reminder to racist morons like Trump:

In the much lauded and often cited (by Republicans) Fraser Institute rankings of economic freedom, El Salvador nets a 7.13 out of 10 and Slovenia only nets a 7.0… i.e. El Salvadore has more economic freedom than Melania’s country of birth.


So, from the standpoint of the only metric conservatives care about (other than white skin color), Donald Trump’s wife comes from a bigger sh%thole than the one he was crying about this afternoon.

But of course Trump wasn’t talking about economic freedom or capitalism or free market opportunity… all things that Norway (7.67 out of 10) has in spades BECAUSE of its socialist policies.

He was talking about skin color.

Because he’s a racist.

Either that or I guess he thinks his wife’s home country is a sh%thole.

Sh%thole Countries... Like Slovenia?

Norway has a population of a bit over 5 million. If we had a population of 5 million and a bit we could be socialist too.

As Norway imports those from the third world shitholes they might not be able to keep socialism.
That's a pretty stupid post. Progressivism is not defined by three issues. It is defined in many contexts, and one who is a progressive on one issue may not be so on another. But Lincoln was quite a progressive, and so much so that a bunch of slavers directed half the country to go to the war with the other half because of it.

Of course it is Comrade.

You lying should just be accepted, lest you get your feelings hurt.

Lincoln was a Republican that would be considered FAR alt-right by you Marxists today.

Some moron Stalinist decided that if you lied that the "parties switched" you could blame your victims for what you did.

Hey, you're a democrat, of COURSE you're a scumbag.
Instead of facing the fact that progressive policies are the reason we have a ridiculously outsized black criminal community the left maintains they are criminal because they are black..and therefore we must accommodate them.
Indeed true. That makes liberals the most racist group of all. To lower expectations for an entire race of people and think that only through massive, generational federal intervention, can they ever hope to break even...is racist to the core.

Just a reminder to racist morons like Trump:

In the much lauded and often cited (by Republicans) Fraser Institute rankings of economic freedom, El Salvador nets a 7.13 out of 10 and Slovenia only nets a 7.0… i.e. El Salvadore has more economic freedom than Melania’s country of birth.


So, from the standpoint of the only metric conservatives care about (other than white skin color), Donald Trump’s wife comes from a bigger sh%thole than the one he was crying about this afternoon.

But of course Trump wasn’t talking about economic freedom or capitalism or free market opportunity… all things that Norway (7.67 out of 10) has in spades BECAUSE of its socialist policies.

He was talking about skin color.

Because he’s a racist.

Either that or I guess he thinks his wife’s home country is a sh%thole.

Sh%thole Countries... Like Slovenia?

Norway has a population of a bit over 5 million. If we had a population of 5 million and a bit we could be socialist too.

As Norway imports those from the third world shitholes they might not be able to keep socialism.
Scandinavian’s will learn the hard way about letting shit into their countries.

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