Washington Post: Woody Allen private notes reveals misogynist obsession with teenage girls

A full blooded commie?
Ted Nugent is an American hero who makes great American rock n roll music.

Honestly, I bought is first album. But looking back, it sucked by today's standards. I don't care for much of the music I grew up with and there is no "rock and roll" any more. It's just "rock" now, and it keeps getting better with every successive generation.

Anything from the 90's on is good for me. Even so, I learned a long time ago not to go to entertainers for my political beliefs. That's what liberals do.

tsk tsk tsk... you are quite an angry little thing aren't ya?

Who's "angry"? You Democrats just lost the most important election of your lifetimes.

I couldn't be happier. See? Here's my smile. :biggrin:

i am not a (D). your smile was <ahem> premature.

Got himself a little Jap girl. Well, good for him.
Smells like the pacific ocean...yeah I've been there ...
By this time she probably has teen daughters of her own for Woody to stroke to.
Probably grandkids...too
See how you people are? You always have to go perv.

I could have but I didn't I could have mentioned that Mia Farrow's pussy was probably so stretched out by the vast number of schlongs that's been inside it, that the pathetic Woody and his little liberal penis needed something tighter.

But I didn't say that. :biggrin:
If only Uncle Woody liked boys, we could be defending a gay pedophile with all of our honor.
If only Uncle Woody liked boys, we could be defending a gay pedophile with all of our honor.

Sure. That would be fine. If Roy Moore had declared himself a homersexual, he would have had the overwhelming support of the Democrats and would have won.

Woody has always been creepy and I've always believed Mia Farrow's daughter when she said he molested her.

But he has gotten away with it all these years because people liked his movies.
If only Uncle Woody liked boys, we could be defending a gay pedophile with all of our honor.

Sure. That would be fine. If Roy Moore had declared himself a homersexual, he would have had the overwhelming support of the Democrats and would have won.

No it wouldn't. Kevin Spacey tried coming out of the closet to distract people from his sexual assault allegations but no one gave a fudge. He still got fired (rightfully) and lost his career.

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