Washington state senator Joe Fain accused of rape today

Once again I'll repeat this:
This will continue to happen because they never
use the false charges charge to combat it from thinking they can always get away with these hit jobs. Similarly when you let one election get hit unchallenged they know they can get away with it and it works-see Roy Moore knocked out through this method practically unchallenged.
Once you let it be known you have no brass balls, and nobody in the DOJ preventing our democracy from being hijacked by mobsters then it continues on till someone gets in trouble.
Just because Sessions is recused of the Russian investigation it does no excuse him from missing in action on these false charges used as a political cheat tactic and other illegal & treasonous acts perpetrated by the obstructionists.
It would be real easy to supeona their emails and meetup resist movement messages discussing and info trading methods of attack regarding these hit jobs, they are well organized but leave trails.
Here's a hint: MOVEON org (Obama activist Org)instructs and trains Resist, and The #Resist movement is lead by Ashley Kroetsch a former Obama activist who
emailed everyone on their email list telling them they are a revolution against this gov't, admitting they are a treasounous coup.
Hello Justice Dept where are you?
There are 23 Republican state senators and 25 Democrats in Washington. Republicans could easily take control of the Senate, except now it’s gonna be harder Because now this guy who is running for reelection is in big trouble.
After Watching Kavanaugh Hearing, Woman Decides to Name State Senator She Says Raped Her

She calls it her "own Truth" what does that mean?

At any rate, investigate and find out if it is true or not.
dude, IMO, these women should have investigations run before they are allowed to make such idiotic statements out of the blue. present some fking facts with your announcement.
-------------------------------------------- i think that the accusers can report anything to media . And media might be reported far and wide and PROOF is not required to report to media if i am thinking correct . But then the accuser should be required to have PROOF for Court including Police Reports . Only recourse with out proof is for the innocent to SUE i guess and maybe jailing of the lying accuser i suppose . --------- just a thought .
I'm not going to listen to them then.
She claims that 10 years ago she asked him out on a date, danced and made out with him at a club, then went to his hotel room where he fucked her. In other words, a typical date.

Now she's saying it was rape?

This woman should be ridiculed and harassed until she commits suicide.
She didn’t say he fucked her. She said he raped her.
They are not mutually exclusive terms, jackass.
She claims that 10 years ago she asked him out on a date, danced and made out with him at a club, then went to his hotel room where he fucked her. In other words, a typical date.

Now she's saying it was rape?

This woman should be ridiculed and harassed until she commits suicide.
She didn’t say he fucked her. She said he raped her.
And lookie here, Fain is up for reelection this year. What a coincidence.
I'm tellin ya what---
No one in D.C. seems to be able to keep their pants on. Is there something in the water?
Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .

Nope - There are too many issues with Swetnick's claims as well as with her past.
I did find Dr Ford to be 100% credible.

What specifically did you find 100% credible? Maybe the local police there in Maryland would find it useful since they won’t investigate the issue.
I'm tellin ya what---
No one in D.C. seems to be able to keep their pants on. Is there something in the water?
lady, I don't believe any of these women no matter the party under allegation. none of them!! if they truly wanted to be heroes, then all they had to do was report it. That's all. Report the abuse or whatever. have some form of fking evidence. I have grown tired of hearsay shit. It's no one. no one ever offers up evidence of the incident, ever. And I don't need evidence of the incident, I need a report, you know a document from someone that says on this day this fk did this to me. NOT ONE Women has presented that one piece of evidence. NOT ONE! sorry lost all of my respect for them
i wonder if this silliness / accusations has started happening to Boys in Public Schools yet .
I'm tellin ya what---
No one in D.C. seems to be able to keep their pants on. Is there something in the water?
lady, I don't believe any of these women no matter the party under allegation. none of them!! if they truly wanted to be heroes, then all they had to do was report it. That's all. Report the abuse or whatever. have some form of fking evidence. I have grown tired of hearsay shit. It's no one. no one ever offers up evidence of the incident, ever. And I don't need evidence of the incident, I need a report, you know a document from someone that says on this day this fk did this to me. NOT ONE Women has presented that one piece of evidence. NOT ONE! sorry lost all of my respect for them
Of course you don't believe women. We are all being reminded of that.
I'm tellin ya what---
No one in D.C. seems to be able to keep their pants on. Is there something in the water?
lady, I don't believe any of these women no matter the party under allegation. none of them!! if they truly wanted to be heroes, then all they had to do was report it. That's all. Report the abuse or whatever. have some form of fking evidence. I have grown tired of hearsay shit. It's no one. no one ever offers up evidence of the incident, ever. And I don't need evidence of the incident, I need a report, you know a document from someone that says on this day this fk did this to me. NOT ONE Women has presented that one piece of evidence. NOT ONE! sorry lost all of my respect for them
Of course you don't believe women. We are all being reminded of that.
your point is what? anyone can just say anything and it's so? yeah ok pee wee.
she should be in a 'burkha' with a very heavy 'veil' Bode . ---- [yikes]
Ironically, RWrs, INCEL, and male trumpanzees are sounding more and more like Muslims when it concerns women and the issue of sexual assault.
------------------------------------------------------- seems like many widdle women can't take care of themselves Bode . 'muslims' have that problem all figured out though . Me , i don't care about strange women and girls problems as they should report to Police if they have problems . I stay away from strange women as VP Mike Pence advises . My Wife and others females that are related to me and in my house can handle themselves Bode .
She has the dress she said was ripped? It might still have his DNA on it

Right now seeing that testimony, thousands, if not millions, of women will suddenly remember being raped.

even some that weren't will remember the 'incident'
Most who remember the incident will never have been raped or even touched.
I think a lot of this is just crazy talk! where these women were assaulted who was present and when exactly they happened doesn't even seem to be part of the question who they accuse is the only focus. I would be willing to say that there aren't very many people who can say with any degree of real certainty where they were on a particular date 11 yrs ago, "It happened because I say it Happened" is no longer acceptable
According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .

Nope - There are too many issues with Swetnick's claims as well as with her past.
I did find Dr Ford to be 100% credible.
what that she got her name right? boi, you have a high bar there you do.

Notice they can’t say exactly WHAT it is they find credible?
i wonder if this silliness / accusations has started happening to Boys in Public Schools yet .
Poor boys...."happening TO boys"....poor boys.

(Nothing about the 1 in 4 girls sexually abused before they reach 18....nothing about date rape.....)

So what is credible about Fords story? Why is it credible?

Yup y’all do it to, it just isn’t a big deal.

Murder of Jesse Dirkhising - Wikipedia

Jesse William Dirkhising (May 24, 1986 – September 26, 1999), also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas. He was kidnapped by two men who bound, drugged, tortured, and repeatedly raped him. He died from drugging and positional asphyxia during the ordeal.

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