Washington state senator Joe Fain accused of rape today

Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?

He took responsibility by running? WTF.
also shows he uses poor judgement.
Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?
so he had poor judgement. Right? hmmm no thanks, we don't need any more poor judgement in the senate making laws. We had enough of that with the guy named Teddy

Did you vote for GW Bush?
Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?

He took responsibility by running? WTF.

Why do you sheep keep repeating this same lie?
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?

He took responsibility by running? WTF.
also shows he uses poor judgement.

Used, not uses. Most people used poor judgment at that age. Some people learn from it and move on, others do not. Which are you?
I don't care. She should have went to the police immediately. Sucks to be her.
"Sucks to be her"......sums up the RW male attitude towards female victims of sexual abuse.
The bitch has no credibility. Sucks to be her.
"Sucks to be her"......again, the RW male attitude towards female victims of sex crimes. Let us hope that every woman voter remembers that attitude in November.
--------------------------------- feck'em Bode , let the so called victims PROVE their accusations Bode .
thats the only answer , report to Police , get examined and prove you were raped you Adult Woman . And for girls , report to your parents or Guardians .

Dr Ford wasn't raped and hasn't claimed she was raped.
Report to your parents in 1982 when you were a 15 year old at a party where there was beer and stumbling-drunk boys?
Just about the goofiest thing I've ever heard. :)
not as goofy as 36 years later trying to destroy a supreme court nominee with an allegation she can't prove.
---------------------------------------------- hey read the comment right above [last 2 lines] , see if you can learn somthing Doktor .
There are 23 Republican state senators and 25 Democrats in Washington. Republicans could easily take control of the Senate, except now it’s gonna be harder Because now this guy who is running for reelection is in big trouble.
After Watching Kavanaugh Hearing, Woman Decides to Name State Senator She Says Raped Her

She calls it her "own Truth" what does that mean?

At any rate, investigate and find out if it is true or not.
dude, IMO, these women should have investigations run before they are allowed to make such idiotic statements out of the blue. present some fking facts with your announcement.
I don't care. She should have went to the police immediately. Sucks to be her.
"Sucks to be her"......sums up the RW male attitude towards female victims of sexual abuse.
---------------------------------- yeah Bode , maybe you oughta start traveling around with your male keeper or learn to shoot attackers and rapists or report to Police Bode .
Last edited:
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?

He took responsibility by running? WTF.

Why do you sheep keep repeating this same lie?

Why do you idiots keep denying?
Beto O’Rourke DWI episode in 1998 included car crash and alleged attempt to flee
Beto O'Rourke's drunk-driving crash is not at all like George W. Bush's DUI
There are 23 Republican state senators and 25 Democrats in Washington. Republicans could easily take control of the Senate, except now it’s gonna be harder Because now this guy who is running for reelection is in big trouble.
After Watching Kavanaugh Hearing, Woman Decides to Name State Senator She Says Raped Her

She calls it her "own Truth" what does that mean?

At any rate, investigate and find out if it is true or not.
dude, IMO, these women should have investigations run before they are allowed to make such idiotic statements out of the blue. present some fking facts with your announcement.
-------------------------------------------- i think that the accusers can report anything to media . And media might be reported far and wide and PROOF is not required to report to media if i am thinking correct . But then the accuser should be required to have PROOF for Court including Police Reports . Only recourse with out proof is for the innocent to SUE i guess and maybe jailing of the lying accuser i suppose . --------- just a thought .
I don't care. She should have went to the police immediately. Sucks to be her.
"Sucks to be her"......sums up the RW male attitude towards female victims of sexual abuse.
The bitch has no credibility. Sucks to be her.
"Sucks to be her"......again, the RW male attitude towards female victims of sex crimes. Let us hope that every woman voter remembers that attitude in November.
Sucks to be that stupid bitch. She has no cred. The only people who will believe her are scum such as yourself.
:dig: DO go on.

We have a single witness that claims he "thinks" he was trying to leave the scene.

In the case of the current nominee for SCOTUS we have a single witness who says he tried to rape her.

I will treat both single wittiness the same, I will not let stupid partisanship dictate which I find more "reliable"

This my friends is what being a partisan sheep does to a person, now they ahve to argue about whose "DUI" was the worse! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

I am truly a little embarrassed for you.
She claims that 10 years ago she asked him out on a date, danced and made out with him at a club, then went to his hotel room where he fucked her. In other words, a typical date.

Now she's saying it was rape?

This woman should be ridiculed and harassed until she commits suicide.
thats the only answer , report to Police , get examined and prove you were raped you Adult Woman . And for girls , report to your parents or Guardians .

Dr Ford wasn't raped and hasn't claimed she was raped.
Report to your parents in 1982 when you were a 15 year old at a party where there was beer and stumbling-drunk boys?
Just about the goofiest thing I've ever heard. :)
------------------------------------------------ well , the ugly old woman is reporting the event to the world 36 years laters Doktor .
"the ugly old woman".....
GOOD , you noticed , but yeah , did you see the picture on another thread [yikes] and i said [yikes] before when i first saw her Bode .
she should be in a 'burkha' with a very heavy 'veil' Bode . ---- [yikes]
She claims that 10 years ago she asked him out on a date, danced and made out with him at a club, then went to his hotel room where he fucked her. In other words, a typical date.

Now she's saying it was rape?

This woman should be ridiculed and harassed until she commits suicide.
She didn’t say he fucked her. She said he raped her.
I don't care. She should have went to the police immediately. Sucks to be her.
"Sucks to be her"......sums up the RW male attitude towards female victims of sexual abuse.
---------------------------------- yeah Bode , maybe you oughta start traveling around with youe male keeper or learn to shoot Bode .
Fascinating. Keep going. :71:
I wonder when all the women bode raped will tell?

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