Washington state senator Joe Fain accused of rape today

We have a single witness that claims he "thinks" he was trying to leave the scene.

In the case of the current nominee for SCOTUS we have a single witness who says he tried to rape her.

I will treat both single wittiness the same, I will not let stupid partisanship dictate which I find more "reliable"

This my friends is what being a partisan sheep does to a person, now they ahve to argue about whose "DUI" was the worse! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

I am truly a little embarrassed for you.

Wow, and this is what a partisan POS does. It specifically mentions "The witness, who stopped at the scene, later told police that O’Rourke had tried to drive away from the scene." But this POS feels it's all about Bush, what a fricken dumbass.

uhh..you are the one that tried to compare the two DUIs dumb fuck, I did not make it all about Bush, you did.

Do try and keep up.
Liar! The witness said it looked to him like he was trying to leave the scene.

No more of a drunk than Kav

Did kav get a DUI?

Thank you from moving on from your lie about him leaving the scene.

Nope, sure did not. So, only people that get DUI's are drunks?

He did leave the scene you stupid fuck according to the liberal Washington Post .

So he is a convicted drunk driver and left the scene of an accident guess your so called comedy show "news men" didn't cover that huh sheep?


Analysis | Beto O’Rourke’s claim that he did not try to leave the scene of a DWI

O’Rourke’s assertion that he did not try to leave the scene of the crash, however, is disputed by police records.

A single witness said he did so. Are you now good with the word of a single witness?

You doubt a news reporter now??

Hey maybe if you flash a $100 dollar bill the ground like the democrats do you will have more witnesses 30 years later.

Why are you protecting a convicted drunk driver anyways?

We have a single witness that claims he "thinks" he was trying to leave the scene.

In the case of the current nominee for SCOTUS we have a single witness who says he tried to rape her.

I will treat both single wittiness the same, I will not let stupid partisanship dictate which I find more "reliable"

This my friends is what being a partisan sheep does to a person, now they ahve to argue about whose "DUI" was the worse! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

I am truly a little embarrassed for you.

Wow, and this is what a partisan POS does. It specifically mentions "The witness, who stopped at the scene, later told police that O’Rourke had tried to drive away from the scene." But this POS feels it's all about Bush, what a fricken dumbass.

uhh..you are the one that tried to compare the two DUIs dumb fuck, I did not make it all about Bush, you did.

Do try and keep up.

Sure, just like a liberal, screwed up logic.
A single witness said he did so. Are you now good with the word of a single witness?

You doubt a news reporter now??

Hey maybe if you flash a $100 dollar bill the ground like the democrats do you will have more witnesses 30 years later.

Why are you protecting a convicted drunk driver anyways?

I am not doubting the news report you dumb fuck. I have no doubt the guy said that he thought Beto was trying to leave the scene.

I do not blindly accept the words of a single witness just because partisanship. I will treat this single witness the same way I do the single witness for Kav.

In my world party affiliation does not dictate truth.

We have a single witness that claims he "thinks" he was trying to leave the scene.

In the case of the current nominee for SCOTUS we have a single witness who says he tried to rape her.

I will treat both single wittiness the same, I will not let stupid partisanship dictate which I find more "reliable"

This my friends is what being a partisan sheep does to a person, now they ahve to argue about whose "DUI" was the worse! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

I am truly a little embarrassed for you.

Wow, and this is what a partisan POS does. It specifically mentions "The witness, who stopped at the scene, later told police that O’Rourke had tried to drive away from the scene." But this POS feels it's all about Bush, what a fricken dumbass.

uhh..you are the one that tried to compare the two DUIs dumb fuck, I did not make it all about Bush, you did.

Do try and keep up.

Sure, just like a liberal, screwed up logic.

Since your logic is the one screwed up and you are more liberal than I am, it is good that you recognize your shortcomings.
There are 23 Republican state senators and 25 Democrats in Washington. Republicans could easily take control of the Senate, except now it’s gonna be harder Because now this guy who is running for reelection is in big trouble.
After Watching Kavanaugh Hearing, Woman Decides to Name State Senator She Says Raped Her

The Duh, duh Democrats think they're playing dominoes with the opposition, but they should remember, silver bullets and crucifixes only work against the closet monster if you have faith. No, not faith in your weapon of choice, you petunia tip toeing blue donkeys. Faith in, well you get it.
So, you think all women are lying?

Do you think all women (and men) always tell the truth. We both of us know better than that.
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?

He took responsibility by running? WTF.

Why do you sheep keep repeating this same lie?

It's what a Trumptard does - marching orders straight from Orange Goebbels.
Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .

Nope - There are too many issues with Swetnick's claims as well as with her past.
I did find Dr Ford to be 100% credible.
what that she got her name right? boi, you have a high bar there you do.

Notice they can’t say exactly WHAT it is they find credible?

EVERYTHING - Should be easy to find on YouTube if you need a refresher.

Rachel Mitchell's report was hilarious btw.

1. It says that he said/ she said cases were very hard to prove -- and yet her report covers nothing that HE said
2. It talks about a presumption of innocence even though this was not a trial
3. It was released before the FBI had a chance to complete their investigation
4. It is nitpicky as holy hell - Her clear objective was to discredit Dr Ford and nothing else

She's a political hack and should be fucking ashamed. Hope she doesn't share it with her students.
as Newt said just yesterday , you lefty dems are looking to Rule or Ruin Doktor .
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Liar! The witness said it looked to him like he was trying to leave the scene.

Seems to me that if you are stumbling around, unable to stand on one leg and 5 sheets to the wind - "leaving the scene" could be problematic.

Not for Beto. He left the scene.
That is what one witness claims. The police did not charge him with it.

We have had a lot of cases the last few weeks of a single witness making allegations. I choose to treat them all equally...

Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

Beto has a lot of star power and a VERY enthusiastic following. He's kind of like Obama was in 2008 in that regard.
Those guys don't come around very often. He COULD be a player for president one day.
As for repeating that he doesn't take PAC money? - IMHO, that's a very big deal!

So you want a drunk driver now as president?

He got drunk on his birthday and made the big mistake of driving home. He took responsibility for it and doesn't cover it up or lie about it. He hasn't had any other drunk episodes

How is that worse than what is President now? You've got to be joking, right?

No, beto is a drunk.
It's all about definition.

What women call rape, Republican men call "dating".

Democrat men will just leave you under the bridge to die trapped in a car while they run away drunk. Wait, beto was leaving the scene too.
I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .

Nope - There are too many issues with Swetnick's claims as well as with her past.
I did find Dr Ford to be 100% credible.
what that she got her name right? boi, you have a high bar there you do.

Notice they can’t say exactly WHAT it is they find credible?

EVERYTHING - Should be easy to find on YouTube if you need a refresher.

Rachel Mitchell's report was hilarious btw.

1. It says that he said/ she said cases were very hard to prove -- and yet her report covers nothing that HE said
2. It talks about a presumption of innocence even though this was not a trial
3. It was released before the FBI had a chance to complete their investigation
4. It is nitpicky as holy hell - Her clear objective was to discredit Dr Ford and nothing else

She's a political hack and should be fucking ashamed. Hope she doesn't share it with her students.
off topic
There are 23 Republican state senators and 25 Democrats in Washington. Republicans could easily take control of the Senate, except now it’s gonna be harder Because now this guy who is running for reelection is in big trouble.
After Watching Kavanaugh Hearing, Woman Decides to Name State Senator She Says Raped Her
The tactic worked on Herman Cain. It's working on Kavanaugh. Why not use it elsewhere? I will be surprised if all 23 Republicans are not accused of rape before the Mid-Term elections....

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