Washington state senator Joe Fain accused of rape today

That is what one witness claims. The police did not charge him with it.

We have had a lot of cases the last few weeks of a single witness making allegations. I choose to treat them all equally...

Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

there's a lot of valid reasons to not like or want beto to win this election, but dogging on things like this means you can't really speak to the issues, so you demean the person.

usually the right says only the left does that.
while we watch a conservative nominee to the supreme court get raked across the coals you make this point? That is unfair dude.
yes. it most certainly is.

but *i* can't sit over here and say YOUR TACTICS ARE BULLSHIT AND WRONG then do them in return. if i do, what makes me different?
So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

there's a lot of valid reasons to not like or want beto to win this election, but dogging on things like this means you can't really speak to the issues, so you demean the person.

usually the right says only the left does that.
while we watch a conservative nominee to the supreme court get raked across the coals you make this point? That is unfair dude.
yes. it most certainly is.

but *i* can't sit over here and say YOUR TACTICS ARE BULLSHIT AND WRONG then do them in return. if i do, what makes me different?
is he under trial or running for senate? I think if it's in his background it's fair game. Now find something in kavanaugh's past that is in a background check.

They are not the same thing.
Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

there's a lot of valid reasons to not like or want beto to win this election, but dogging on things like this means you can't really speak to the issues, so you demean the person.

usually the right says only the left does that.
while we watch a conservative nominee to the supreme court get raked across the coals you make this point? That is unfair dude.
yes. it most certainly is.

but *i* can't sit over here and say YOUR TACTICS ARE BULLSHIT AND WRONG then do them in return. if i do, what makes me different?
is he under trial or running for senate? I think if it's in his background it's fair game. Now find something in kavanaugh's past that is in a background check.

They are not the same thing.
there are already people who knew kavanaugh in the 80s who said he *did* get passed out drunk before. go argue with them.

as for "fair game" - then again, you're using the same tactics the left does only you get mad at the left for doing it.
general comment . Many men , maybe women have been drunks while being Great People . See Winston Churchill as one and there are many others that i can't think of because drinking was always considered PRIVATE and no one elses business unless laws were broken . Drinking was / is no big deal except tp Busybodies [mrs. cravits] . --------------------- General Comment eh .

True, but drinkers leave lots of enimies behind them. Even the darling of the left, rapist and murderer Ted Kennedy, a rebound drunk, rapist and drug addict could vouch for that.
he had a habit of leaving women to drown.
------------------------------------- no excuses please . He --- 'kennedy' woulda let her drown no matter if he was drunk or sober JC .
According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

there's a lot of valid reasons to not like or want beto to win this election, but dogging on things like this means you can't really speak to the issues, so you demean the person.

usually the right says only the left does that.
while we watch a conservative nominee to the supreme court get raked across the coals you make this point? That is unfair dude.
yes. it most certainly is.

but *i* can't sit over here and say YOUR TACTICS ARE BULLSHIT AND WRONG then do them in return. if i do, what makes me different?
is he under trial or running for senate? I think if it's in his background it's fair game. Now find something in kavanaugh's past that is in a background check.

They are not the same thing.
there are already people who knew kavanaugh in the 80s who said he *did* get passed out drunk before. go argue with them.

as for "fair game" - then again, you're using the same tactics the left does only you get mad at the left for doing it.
how is it the same. pointing to a fact vs some opinion formed by other people? Beto's it seems is in the records. different. Poor judgement, and as a senator judgement is needed. I wouldn't want a man with poor judgement making laws. Until you find me something kavanaugh actually did do, it's apples and slingshots.
general comment . Many men , maybe women have been drunks while being Great People . See Winston Churchill as one and there are many others that i can't think of because drinking was always considered PRIVATE and no one elses business unless laws were broken . Drinking was / is no big deal except tp Busybodies [mrs. cravits] . --------------------- General Comment eh .

True, but drinkers leave lots of enimies behind them. Even the darling of the left, rapist and murderer Ted Kennedy, a rebound drunk, rapist and drug addict could vouch for that.
he had a habit of leaving women to drown.
------------------------------------- no excuses please . He woulda let her drown no matter if he was drunk or sober JC .
I never said it was because he was drunk. I said he had a habit of leaving women to drown, period.
Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

Looks like Beto is lying.
all i say is that now drinking is a bugaboo and i'm just saying that drinking is no big deal JC .
Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...

Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...

Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
you have a witness?
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...

Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .
There are 23 Republican state senators and 25 Democrats in Washington. Republicans could easily take control of the Senate, except now it’s gonna be harder Because now this guy who is running for reelection is in big trouble.
After Watching Kavanaugh Hearing, Woman Decides to Name State Senator She Says Raped Her

This is sadly the position we are now in as a country, every report of this kind will be looked at as politically motivated, doing a great disservice to those who were actually assaulted.

What a fucked up country we are sometimes.

How long before people start asking altar boys why they waited so long to come forward.

Many have.

I recall back in the the mid-1960s the publication of the book "The Interrupted Journey", which described the alleged alien abduction of Barney and Betty Hill. It was quite sensational despite the lack of any evidence beyond the Hill's descriptions.

What followed over the next decade was a plethora of copy-cat claims each using roughly the same narrative formula. The writer Whitley Strieber's book "Communion" describing his own experiences was foisted upon the public as a "true story". Ray Bradbury reportedly considered the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" as some kind of message from those very aliens.

Popular hysteria can do many strange things. Whether for fame, money, or to assuage some fantastical psychological pain created whole or in part by the loose screw between their ears, copy-cat claimants multiply in force whenever popular culture adopts the nonsensical.

Which, short of evidence to the contrary, is what this whole #MeToo thing is.
Just look at the hysteria over the McMartin preschool case. People went to prison over those lies. Not only the McMartin family, but hundreds of people across the country lost everything over a lie. Then it was We Believe The Children. What, would you call these poor suffering children liars? One man, a grown man, who attended McMartin as a child remembered in great detail how Bucky McMartin molested him. He remembered the events in vivid detail. He cried over the pain his minor self endured. Except for the fact that he was older than Bucky he might have been believed. It will was a lie. A self induced hysterical lie. Before it had burned out, more than 400 people were accused of child molestation in the South Bay alone.

When ever I see hysteria like this, that is what I think of.
I don't care. She should have went to the police immediately. Sucks to be her.
That is what one witness claims. The police did not charge him with it.

We have had a lot of cases the last few weeks of a single witness making allegations. I choose to treat them all equally...

Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Liar! The witness said it looked to him like he was trying to leave the scene.

No more of a drunk than Kav
So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...

Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .

Nope - There are too many issues with Swetnick's claims as well as with her past.
I did find Dr Ford to be 100% credible.
thats the only answer , report to Police , get examined and prove you were raped you Adult Woman . And for girls , report to your parents or Guardians .
Doesn't sound to me like Beto was able to leave the scene even if he'd wanted to.
Btw, he's got a real good chance of knocking out the Canadian guy.
Beto O’Rourke leads Ted Cruz by 2 among likely voters in U.S. Senate race, new poll finds
He seems a lot more likable than Cruz, personally. He was on Colbert for about five minutes one night, and all he did was keep repeating that he doesn't take PAC money, pretty much. But he seemed friendly.

So no mention of him driving drunk leaving the scene of an accident ??

How come...


Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Liar! The witness said it looked to him like he was trying to leave the scene.

Seems to me that if you are stumbling around, unable to stand on one leg and 5 sheets to the wind - "leaving the scene" could be problematic.
Because he did not leave the scene of the accident. Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

According to a witness, yes, he left the scene. Beto is a drunk.

Witness said Beto O'Rourke tried to leave accident scene

Beto O'Rourke says he didn't try to leave DWI accident scene. Police cited witness saying otherwise.

I have a witness named Swetnick who says Kavanaugh participated in pulling trains on inebriated women. But I don't believe her :wink:
----------------------------------- so now you are using your brains with your disbelief until she PROVES her claims Doktor .

Nope - There are too many issues with Swetnick's claims as well as with her past.
I did find Dr Ford to be 100% credible.
---------------------------- [chuckle]
thats the only answer , report to Police , get examined and prove you were raped you Adult Woman . And for girls , report to your parents or Guardians .

Dr Ford wasn't raped and hasn't claimed she was raped.
Report to your parents in 1982 when you were a 15 year old at a party where there was beer and stumbling-drunk boys?
Just about the goofiest thing I've ever heard. :)

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