Washington Times: GOvernment uses pictures of pregnant women for target practice

Another stupid article from the Washington Times. Law enforce is taught to fire when their life is threaten by anyone, man, woman, or child.

This is a standard FBI training target.

If it is true that federal agents are being conditioned by the targets shown in the opening message to shoot women, pregnant women, and children, it makes no sense. Because those categories demonstrate armed aggression in less than .01% of all reported examples of lethal violence.

So if in fact those targets are being used by federal agents there is something extremely perverse going on in government and it would call for congressional inquiry. So until I see something convincing I prefer to think of this report as a hoax.
And you have good reason to..

The article said DHS purchased targets which included the "No Hesitation Series" which according to the Washington Times includes the pictures in the article. Also buried in the article is a statement that these targets are not being used. So the real story is the DHS bought targets that included targets that were inappropriate and prior to this article being published they decided not to use them.

Washington Times articles are almost always shocking and factual. However, they almost always ignore facts and buried statements in the article or references that make them not so socking or factual.
Pregnant women are very hormonal

They shouldn't hesitate to fire just because the threat is a pregnant woman.

Wow...the public school system did its job indoctrinating these 2.

I went to private school.

Would you care if they were 'black' pregnant women?
Yes. Pregnant women is pregnant women...hell woman is a woman...done trying to be an idiot? Or are you just warming up?
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They shouldn't hesitate to fire just because the threat is a pregnant woman.

I would think the lifers would be outraged because a woman and her fetus could be killed.

Amazing how they contradict themselves on occasion. In another thread I had [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] desiring the annihilation of Iran.

Am I the only true Libertarian on USMB?
I imagine somewhere in the fine print it says a pregnant Jihadist who enters paradise for blowing herself and many innocents to bits gets to take her unborn with her, although there's doubtless some age restriction as to when the many bloody pieces of the unborn will be able to slurp from the rewarding rivers of wine.

So, yeah, screw up their plans for eternity by shooting the assholes.

DHS training with practice targets featuring children, pregnant woman? | Washington Times Communities

There are no cases of armed PREGNANT women shooting at police officers in American history.

So what is making them anticipate a large amount of these pregnant women to start doing it soon?


Here's the APOLOGY issued by the corporation (LET) that sold these targets to the DHS:


Here is their main webpage:
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. - Shooting Targets, Paper Targets, Cardboard Targets, Steel Targets, NRA Targets, Plastic Targets, Target Backers, Target Bobbers, Military Targets, Federal Agency Targets, Shooting Range Accessories, Weapons Cleaning, W
Since there was an apology for including these targets in the package, they're not being used, and all this occurred last Feb, why is this newsworthy?

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