Washington Times Poll

It doesn't matter what you believe. When getting the post of Secretary of State, Hillary asked the State Department if she could use her personal cell phone for both government and personal communications......Their response?........Yes. Any blame goes to the State Department.
It doesn't matter what you believe. When getting the post of Secretary of State, Hillary asked the State Department if she could use her personal cell phone for both government and personal communications......Their response?........Yes. Any blame goes to the State Department.
It doesn't matter what you believe. When getting the post of Secretary of State, Hillary asked the State Department if she could use her personal cell phone for both government and personal communications......Their response?........Yes. Any blame goes to the State Department.

And so if her lawyers wiped her server clean (as reported by CNN) we should hold the state dept accountable for that?

Hillary has so much honor and loyalty to the truth. And no doubt the two month gap of zero state emails during the Benghazi era was pure coincidence.

She's a liar and a scoundrel. And you are a pitiful apologist for the left. The mainstream media could use you on their staff.
It is not the poll that matters. It is the question of sleaze surrounding the Clinton's. Bill was a consummate and likable politician. Hillary is neither.

Well that's nice.

...Therefore, what? Some important truth about life discovered?

Nope. Just something for nutter politicians to think about. When the interest group that you are courting isn't getting popular support....and the one that you are fucking over is.....you might want to try a new strategy.

Ya dumb fuck, ya.

Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

Well that's nice.

...Therefore, what? Some important truth about life discovered?

Nope. Just something for nutter politicians to think about. When the interest group that you are courting isn't getting popular support....and the one that you are fucking over is.....you might want to try a new strategy.

Ya dumb fuck, ya.

Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

What does that mean? Is the world going to end in 30 years?

Well that's nice.

...Therefore, what? Some important truth about life discovered?

Nope. Just something for nutter politicians to think about. When the interest group that you are courting isn't getting popular support....and the one that you are fucking over is.....you might want to try a new strategy.

Ya dumb fuck, ya.

Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

What does that mean? Is the world going to end in 30 years?

No. Your life will. So will mine.

Only then as you near the end might you rethink what's it all about. Maybe only then will you come to realize that God is very real and so is eternity. Maybe then you will understand what is important and how the devil has distracted the world from doing what really matters.

Well that's nice.

...Therefore, what? Some important truth about life discovered?

Nope. Just something for nutter politicians to think about. When the interest group that you are courting isn't getting popular support....and the one that you are fucking over is.....you might want to try a new strategy.

Ya dumb fuck, ya.

Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

What does that mean? Is the world going to end in 30 years?

No. Your life will. So will mine.

Only then as you near the end might you rethink what's it all about. Maybe only then will you come to realize that God is very real and so is eternity. Maybe then you will understand what is important and how the devil has distracted the world from doing what really matters.

I don't know about you, pal....but I've got another 40 or 50 left. And..the last 30 or so will be spent thinking about how much fun I can have....not what shit will go down when I croak.

By the way, can I have 1% of god's annual advertising budget, please? I'd like to retire early. You'd think that such an all powerful being would be able to speak for himself.
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Poll: Do you believe Hillary Clinton's email explanation
  • Yes 972 (6%)
  • No 14238 (92%)
  • I haven't decided 188 (1%)

So the Washington times a Mooney owned paper, asked its slope sculled bible thumping readers, what a surprise!!!
Well that's nice.

...Therefore, what? Some important truth about life discovered?

Nope. Just something for nutter politicians to think about. When the interest group that you are courting isn't getting popular support....and the one that you are fucking over is.....you might want to try a new strategy.

Ya dumb fuck, ya.

Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

What does that mean? Is the world going to end in 30 years?

No. Your life will. So will mine.

Only then as you near the end might you rethink what's it all about. Maybe only then will you come to realize that God is very real and so is eternity. Maybe then you will understand what is important and how the devil has distracted the world from doing what really matters.

I don't know about you, pal....but I've got another 40 or 50 left. And..the last 30 or so will be spent thinking about how much fun I can have....not what shit will go down when I croak.

By the way, can I have 1% of god's annual advertising budget, please? I'd like to retire early. You'd think that such an all powerful being would be able to speak for himself.

But God does speak for Himself. In many different ways. It appears you have simply chosen to close yourself off to it all.

[Matthew 13]
"Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

"In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
‘You will keep on hearing but will not understand;
You will keep on seeing but will not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become sluggish,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise they would see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I would heal them’.


[Why the Lord speaks in parables. Because too many people have a sluggish heart (read: they do not really care to know or try to know) preventing them from seeing or hearing.]

I might suggest that you do an HONEST and thorough research of all of the scientific studies on the Shroud of Turin. Then tell me it is a forgery. Then tell me how anyone can even produce such a miraculous image even today, much less back in medieval times. Science cannot explain all of the incredible characteristics of this image on this cloth. That is because it is clearly from God.
Nope. Just something for nutter politicians to think about. When the interest group that you are courting isn't getting popular support....and the one that you are fucking over is.....you might want to try a new strategy.

Ya dumb fuck, ya.

Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

What does that mean? Is the world going to end in 30 years?

No. Your life will. So will mine.

Only then as you near the end might you rethink what's it all about. Maybe only then will you come to realize that God is very real and so is eternity. Maybe then you will understand what is important and how the devil has distracted the world from doing what really matters.

I don't know about you, pal....but I've got another 40 or 50 left. And..the last 30 or so will be spent thinking about how much fun I can have....not what shit will go down when I croak.

By the way, can I have 1% of god's annual advertising budget, please? I'd like to retire early. You'd think that such an all powerful being would be able to speak for himself.

But God does speak for Himself. In many different ways. It appears you have simply chosen to close yourself off to it all.

[Matthew 13]
"Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

"In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
‘You will keep on hearing but will not understand;
You will keep on seeing but will not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become sluggish,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise they would see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I would heal them’.


[Why the Lord speaks in parables. Because too many people have a sluggish heart (read: they do not really care to know or try to know) preventing them from seeing or hearing.]

I might suggest that you do an HONEST and thorough research of all of the scientific studies on the Shroud of Turin. Then tell me it is a forgery. Then tell me how anyone can even produce such a miraculous image even today, much less back in medieval times. Science cannot explain all of the incredible characteristics of this image on this cloth. That is because it is clearly from God.


What's up with your god? He can't update his show a little? That shroud is an artist's creation.

The dude can turn me into a believer very easily. All he's got to do is appear before me. I believe what I see.
Oh aren't you the bright one in the room. All that matters is money or prestige. And to hell with the truth and God and what happens later when we die. Keep going brother. You still have maybe 20 or 30 more years to joke around.

What does that mean? Is the world going to end in 30 years?

No. Your life will. So will mine.

Only then as you near the end might you rethink what's it all about. Maybe only then will you come to realize that God is very real and so is eternity. Maybe then you will understand what is important and how the devil has distracted the world from doing what really matters.

I don't know about you, pal....but I've got another 40 or 50 left. And..the last 30 or so will be spent thinking about how much fun I can have....not what shit will go down when I croak.

By the way, can I have 1% of god's annual advertising budget, please? I'd like to retire early. You'd think that such an all powerful being would be able to speak for himself.

But God does speak for Himself. In many different ways. It appears you have simply chosen to close yourself off to it all.

[Matthew 13]
"Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

"In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
‘You will keep on hearing but will not understand;
You will keep on seeing but will not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become sluggish,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise they would see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I would heal them’.


[Why the Lord speaks in parables. Because too many people have a sluggish heart (read: they do not really care to know or try to know) preventing them from seeing or hearing.]

I might suggest that you do an HONEST and thorough research of all of the scientific studies on the Shroud of Turin. Then tell me it is a forgery. Then tell me how anyone can even produce such a miraculous image even today, much less back in medieval times. Science cannot explain all of the incredible characteristics of this image on this cloth. That is because it is clearly from God.


What's up with your god? He can't update his show a little? That shroud is an artist's creation.

The dude can turn me into a believer very easily. All he's got to do is appear before me. I believe what I see.

You ask for a sign, a sign is given, and you refuse to hear or see. So sorry. Wish I could help.

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