Wasserman Schultz States Full Support for Late Term Abortion- Including STABBING BABY SKULLS

And while I offer no support for what's her name based almost entirely on my conservative beliefs, she like me allows for freedom of choice in the matter. Which mirrors my conservative beliefs.

We are talking about an undeniable human being at 7 months. So when you say you "allow for freedom of choice" to kill a 7 month infant in the woman, then that is the same thing as saying you "allow for freedom of choice" to walk up to any of your children and execute them, in or out of the womb.
How can liberals sleep at night...killing innocent babies...while opposing the death penalty for guilty murderers?

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

In late term abortions the fetus is rotated until it is facing feet downwards. The surgeon reaches into the uterus and pulls the fetus’ body, with the exception of its head, out of the woman’s body. Surgical scissors are inserted into the base of the fetal skull, and withdrawn. A suction tube is inserted and the fetus’ brains are removed through aspiration.


I suppose the only reason they leave the head inside is so they can say the baby hadn't been born when they MURDERED IT!

Liberals are really SICK PEOPLE!
Since you didn't bother to attribute from where you got your link (which can be seen as dishonest) I'll fix it for you.

Rand Paul riles abortion supporters Debbie Wasserman Schultz ok with late-term abortions - The Global Dispatch
Since you obviously cannot read, I'll repost (see Post #8) the link...to show you that it came from The Gateway Pundit.
DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz States Full Support for Late Term Abortion- Including STABBING BABY SKULLS The Gateway Pundit

Go piss up a rope, little boy.
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Gotta love the pseudo-cons. Instead of Paul answering if he'd ban the procedure even in cases where a pregnant woman’s life was threatened or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest it's all about Debbie!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz hits back at Rand Paul in abortion fight MSNBC

The fact that a pregnancy was a result of a rape can be determined well before the third trimester. There is no reason to wait until the 9th month to abort.

If the mother's life is endangered, I would make an exception and kill the baby.
Gotta love the pseudo-cons. Instead of Paul answering if he'd ban the procedure even in cases where a pregnant woman’s life was threatened or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest it's all about Debbie!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz hits back at Rand Paul in abortion fight MSNBC

The fact that a pregnancy was a result of a rape can be determined well before the third trimester. There is no reason to wait until the 9th month to abort.

If the mother's life is endangered, I would make an exception and kill the baby.

Well at least that is an answer. Unlike Senator Paul.......
I support the stabbing of baby skulls. Stab them all! What else can you do with them? :dunno:
It is obvious. The extremist position on abortion is that of the democrat party.
If you're for late term abortion up until the time of birth. Why not be for killing babies outside of the womb?

There starts to become very little difference.
If you're for late term abortion up until the time of birth. Why not be for killing babies outside of the womb?

There starts to become very little difference.
The next step is to refuse any kind of life saving treatment for babies who survive an abortion attempt, followed by active steps to kill any that do, then outright infanticide. All because the mother decides the child is not worth having around, of course.
If you're for late term abortion up until the time of birth. Why not be for killing babies outside of the womb?

There starts to become very little difference.
The next step is to refuse any kind of life saving treatment for babies who survive an abortion attempt, followed by active steps to kill any that do, then outright infanticide. All because the mother decides the child is not worth having around, of course.
The logical import of Obama’s vote against BAIPA is that he disagrees, i.e., once a baby has been targeted for abortion it thereafter has no inherent right to the food, comfort, and medical care provided to other babies born alive. Indeed, during Illinois state senate deliberations on BAIPA, Obama stated that one of his objections was that the bill was “designed to burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion.” Apparently, once the decision to abort has been made, a child is doomed even if born alive.

Read more at: Clarifying Obama s Vote On Born-Alive National Review Online
If you're for late term abortion up until the time of birth. Why not be for killing babies outside of the womb?

There starts to become very little difference.
The next step is to refuse any kind of life saving treatment for babies who survive an abortion attempt, followed by active steps to kill any that do, then outright infanticide. All because the mother decides the child is not worth having around, of course.
The logical import of Obama’s vote against BAIPA is that he disagrees, i.e., once a baby has been targeted for abortion it thereafter has no inherent right to the food, comfort, and medical care provided to other babies born alive. Indeed, during Illinois state senate deliberations on BAIPA, Obama stated that one of his objections was that the bill was “designed to burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion.” Apparently, once the decision to abort has been made, a child is doomed even if born alive.

Read more at: Clarifying Obama s Vote On Born-Alive National Review Online
Exactly. How sick is it to demand that a mother can pass a death sentence on her child?

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