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Wasting Money On Education???


The big problem the left has with charter schools is that they are Scabs. The teachers don't have paid up union cards

Charter Schools work for a small percentage of our student population

They are not a solution for the majority of our educational challenges

That's why we have other alternatives. Parochial school, private schools, home schools, cyber schools- to meet different challenges.

By using the term 'scabs' you appear to be endorsing the Left's position.

Not at all. I'm a proud Scab and always have been.

Taking the slur that the libs use against non-union people and embracing it removes its sting.
Last night I destroyed a "history professor" that claimed among other asinine shit that the Nazi party was "right wing" and killed more people than Stalin or Mao.

Whomever gave that utter ninny their credentials should be in prison for malpractice.

It is still better than the history major trying to tell me that WWII started when FDR bombed California and blamed the Germans.

The big problem the left has with charter schools is that they are Scabs. The teachers don't have paid up union cards

Charter Schools work for a small percentage of our student population

They are not a solution for the majority of our educational challenges

That's why we have other alternatives. Parochial school, private schools, home schools, cyber schools- to meet different challenges.

Still a drop in the bucket
Most Americans can not afford private education

Is a good solution for the elite though

The big problem the left has with charter schools is that they are Scabs. The teachers don't have paid up union cards

Charter Schools work for a small percentage of our student population

They are not a solution for the majority of our educational challenges

That's why we have other alternatives. Parochial school, private schools, home schools, cyber schools- to meet different challenges.

By using the term 'scabs' you appear to be endorsing the Left's position.

Not at all. I'm a proud Scab and always have been.

Taking the slur that the libs use against non-union people and embracing it removes its sting.

A worker, often temporary, who crosses a strikers' picket line, going to work in place of the strikers.
The scabs had their cars egged when they arrived at the factory."
Urban Dictionary: scab

Do you think police should call themselves 'pigs,' too?

I believe you can be more articulate.

The big problem the left has with charter schools is that they are Scabs. The teachers don't have paid up union cards

Charter Schools work for a small percentage of our student population

They are not a solution for the majority of our educational challenges

That's why we have other alternatives. Parochial school, private schools, home schools, cyber schools- to meet different challenges.

Still a drop in the bucket
Most Americans can not afford private education

Is a good solution for the elite though

I'm hardly 'elite' , yet am a graduate of the parochial school system. Although I did attend Government School for kindergarten. Excelled at taking naps and playing with clay
Conservatives are threatened by education
They claim educated people are part of the elite that look down on them

In actuality, Liberal Hotspots like the city of Detroit have the lowest educational standards of all.

47% of the people of Detroit are totally illiterate and 95% voted for B. Hussein O.

Libs don't like Education, they like government education, run by the teachers' unions. They hate home schooling, church based schools, charter schools, for-profit universities, and free over the airwaves schools like the Rush Limbaugh Institute. No union dues coming from the professors at Trump University, so no need to have more real estate tycoons.

It might seem counterintuitive but libs count on Government Schools to keep the people stupid -as well as empower teachers unions.

Will you morons stop with the "government education, run by the teacher's union" bullshit?

Unions have almost no influence on curriculum in about 99% of the school districts in this nation. Please stop with this idiotic talking point! They are simply telling you lies, and you repeat them without a thought.

You hear how one teacher is using a reading book called "Heather Has Two Mommies" and think that every teacher in the school down the street from you is doing the same thing! Newsflash: They are not!
Conservatives are threatened by education
They claim educated people are part of the elite that look down on them

In actuality, Liberal Hotspots like the city of Detroit have the lowest educational standards of all.

47% of the people of Detroit are totally illiterate and 95% voted for B. Hussein O.

Libs don't like Education, they like government education, run by the teachers' unions. They hate home schooling, church based schools, charter schools, for-profit universities, and free over the airwaves schools like the Rush Limbaugh Institute. No union dues coming from the professors at Trump University, so no need to have more real estate tycoons.

It might seem counterintuitive but libs count on Government Schools to keep the people stupid -as well as empower teachers unions.

Will you morons stop with the "government education, run by the teacher's union" bullshit?

Unions have almost no influence on curriculum in about 99% of the school districts in this nation. Please stop with this idiotic talking point! They are simply telling you lies, and you repeat them without a thought.

You hear how one teacher is using a reading book called "Heather Has Two Mommies" and think that every teacher in the school down the street from you is doing the same thing! Newsflash: They are not!

Speaking of morons, you moron, curriculum and advancement is based on how willingly one indoctrinates.

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

The 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.
This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs. In 2003, David Steiner and Susan Rozen published a study examining the curricula of 16 schools of education—14 of them among the top-ranked institutions in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report—and found that Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.

The National Education Association approved a new "business item" expressing support for abortion access during its annual conference in Houston.

"[T]he NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person's right to control their own body, especially for women, youth, and sexually marginalized people," the resolution states. "The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade."

The NEA is the largest teachers' union in the U.S. with more than 3 million members. It collected nearly $400 million from American educators in 2018, according to federal labor filings. The union is also one of the most politically active in the country, spending $70 million on politics and lobbying in 2017 and 2018. Nearly all of the union's political action committee spending went to Democrats during the midterm cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

"NEA's 2019 adopted New Business Items (NBIs) reveal what savvy teachers have known for decades: state and national teachers' unions are essentially the political action committee of the Far-Left,"
Largest U.S. Teachers' Union Endorses Abortion

Read a few books, dope......put that on your bucket list.

The big problem the left has with charter schools is that they are Scabs. The teachers don't have paid up union cards

Charter Schools work for a small percentage of our student population

They are not a solution for the majority of our educational challenges

That's why we have other alternatives. Parochial school, private schools, home schools, cyber schools- to meet different challenges.

Still a drop in the bucket
Most Americans can not afford private education

Is a good solution for the elite though

At least there will be some educated people around to run things.
Earlier, the reasons for the black-white educational achievement gap, and the challenge for Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to find ways to blame that gap on white folks....

Not a one.

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

This gap is fully attributable to the "help" Liberals/Progressives/Democrats provide to black Americans, convincing them that they need do nothing for themselves, their "friends" will boost them up and protect them from the (imaginary) white racists.

The problem is what conservatives have always said it is: the destruction of the family by Democrat policies, and the lack personal responsibility by the 'victims.'
“…an ambitious government study conducted by sociologist James Coleman had come to a conclusion so ‘seismic- that President Johnson’s administration considered not releasing it, and did release it on the Friday of the Fourth of July weekend….

The conclusion: ‘Schools are remarkably similar in the way they relate to the achievement of their pupils when the socioeconomic background of the students is taken into consideration.’” George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility, “ p. 315-316

“…a student's family background, coupled with a diverse socioeconomic mix in the classroom, appeared to be the biggest determinant of how well a child would learn. No one had said this before, backing it up with data. “ Coleman Report set the standard for the study of public education

WHAT???? “…“…a student's family background, coupled with a diverse socioeconomic mix in the classroom, appeared to be the biggest determinant of how well a child would learn.”

Family, family structure, and responsibility is more important than money or Leftist government policy????

11. “Different social classes raise their children differently.

Studies have shown that children whose parents are professional heard more words per hour than children whose families are on welfare.

Studies show that professional parents used "more words and more different words ... more multiclause sentences, more past and future verb tenses. ... The ratio of affirmative words to negative words was six to one with parents who had professional occupation."

By contrast, families on welfare used discouraging words more than two to one: words such as "Don't," "Stop," "Quit," and "Shut up." Sowell sarcastically asks are we to believe that children raised in such different ways, many years before they reach an employer , a college admissions office or crime scene are the same in capabilities, orientation and limitations?”
Discrimination and Disparities II
Discrimination and Disparities II

How about coming to grips with the reasons that Democrats/Progressives won’t tell the truth to their black constituency.
Students today don’t have the values or give the effort they used to

They do little original research, are incapable of crafting original thoughts
They substitute cut and paste for their own opinions
Kinda like PC did in the OP.
Earlier, the reasons for the black-white educational achievement gap, and the challenge for Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to find ways to blame that gap on white folks....

Not a one.

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

This gap is fully attributable to the "help" Liberals/Progressives/Democrats provide to black Americans, convincing them that they need do nothing for themselves, their "friends" will boost them up and protect them from the (imaginary) white racists.

The problem is what conservatives have always said it is: the destruction of the family by Democrat policies, and the lack personal responsibility by the 'victims.'

What does your Asian ass know about blacks?

Please stop before you get embarrassed.

Teacher expectations reflect racial biases, Johns Hopkins study suggests

When evaluating the same black student, white teachers expect significantly less academic success than do black teachers, a new study concludes. This is especially true for black boys.

When a black teacher and a white teacher evaluate the same black student, the white teacher is about 30 percent less likely to predict the student will complete a four-year college degree, the study found. White teachers are also almost 40 percent less likely to expect their black students will graduate high school.

The study found:

  • White and other non-black teachers were 12 percentage points more likely than black teachers to predict black students wouldn't finish high school.
  • Non-black teachers were 5 percent more likely to predict their black male students wouldn't graduate high school than their black female students.
  • Black female teachers are significantly more optimistic about the ability of black boys to complete high school than teachers of any other demographic group. They were 20 percent less likely than white teachers to predict their student wouldn't graduate high school, and 30 percent less likely to say that than were black male teachers.
  • White male teachers are 10 to 20 percent more likely to have low expectations for black female students.
  • Math teachers were significantly more likely to have low expectations for female students.
  • For black students, particularly black boys, having a non-black teacher in a 10th grade subject made them much less likely to pursue that subject by enrolling in similar classes. This suggests biased expectations by teachers have long-term effects on student outcomes, the researchers said.
The study is co-authored by Seth Gershenson and Stephen B. Holt, both from American University.

"While the evidence of systematic racial bias in teachers' expectations uncovered in the current study is certainly troubling and provocative, it also raises a host of related policy-relevant questions that our research team plans to address in the near future," Gershenson says. "For example, we are currently studying the impact of these biased expectations on students' long-run outcomes, such as educational attainment, labor market success, and interaction with the criminal justice system."

Teacher expectations reflect racial biases, Johns Hopkins study suggests
Conservatives are threatened by education
They claim educated people are part of the elite that look down on them
Sadly true

Sad that you believe such garbage.
The majority of conservatives oppose a college education


That’s not what your chart says.


Percent who say colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in our country

Only retard conservatives would say no

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