Watch 2 Canadians Discover That The US Is Now A Police State!

Wow, this is crazy.. they were just trying to go shopping

The Canadian is an asshole. He brought on being flagged for inspection with his attitude. Customs flags cars randomly anyway, this guy asked for it as soon as he opened his mouth. He exudes a sense of entitlement. He is not entitled to enter America without question, anymore than I am entitled to enter Canada without question.

Nobody ever said there shouldn't be questions.

But which stores you're going to shop at?? Come on.!

Wow, this is crazy.. they were just trying to go shopping

Crazy indeed...prior to 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was never a fucking problem. That's what happens when retards are in charge.


I live just over the border to Canada. Been there many times over the years. But not since THE retard changed the requirements. Now you need a passport or enhanced license.

U.S. Customs Service

Reorganization (2003 to present)

CBP became an official agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003, combining employees from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (specifically the Plant Protection Quarantine inspectors), the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (specifically, immigration inspectors and the United States Border Patrol), and the United States Customs Service. This transformation was led by former Commissioner Robert C. Bonner.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers

W. Ralph Basham was nominated to the post of Commissioner by President George W. Bush on January 30, 2006. Basham had 28 years of experience as a law enforcement manager, including serving as the head of the Secret Service and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. He had also served as the chief of staff for the Transportation Security Administration. It is the largest federal law enforcement agency that works closely with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
A few years after 9/11, a passport was required to enter Canada from the US. My entire life, this was never the case. I've been to Canada countless times.

Before the new law went into effect, there was about a one or two year grace period where you could provide other forms of ID.

I had to go to Canada on business, and my passport had expired, so I brought my retired military ID and my driver's licence, both of which I verified on the government's own web sites that these would be fine. This was a good nine months before it was required to have a passport.

The Canadian border guard asked for my ID, so I gave him the military ID and my driver's license. He asked why I did not give him a passport and I pointed out the facts I have stated above. I explained I had checked their web site and verified my IDs were perfectly valid for their requirements.

For whatever reason, the Canuck guard copped an attitude. It was truly bizarre. He started shouting he could keep me out of his country.

I don't know. Maybe he didn't like vets. Whatever.

On my way back into the US, the female border guard waved me through without even raising her eyes from the book she was reading!!

Wow, this is crazy.. they were just trying to go shopping

The Canadian is an asshole. He brought on being flagged for inspection with his attitude. Customs flags cars randomly anyway, this guy asked for it as soon as he opened his mouth. He exudes a sense of entitlement. He is not entitled to enter America without question, anymore than I am entitled to enter Canada without question.

Nobody ever said there shouldn't be questions.

But which stores you're going to shop at?? Come on.

Border agents ask questions to see if you stumble or give some indication of anxiety, etc.
The Canadian is an asshole. He brought on being flagged for inspection with his attitude. Customs flags cars randomly anyway, this guy asked for it as soon as he opened his mouth. He exudes a sense of entitlement. He is not entitled to enter America without question, anymore than I am entitled to enter Canada without question.

Nobody ever said there shouldn't be questions.

But which stores you're going to shop at?? Come on.

Border agents ask questions to see if you stumble or give some indication of anxiety, etc.

Sure, but that's an idiotic question. What's the person supposed to answer? Who goes to a mall with a list of stores they're going to, seriously? What if I find a store I hadn't known about? Do I need to go back to the border and revise my answer? It makes no sense, and he should have expected the answer he got.
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More whiny Canadians? Stay the fuk home.

And creatures like you are who I'm apologizing for when I go there.
You're welcome.


When you go there (Canada?) you apologize for "creatures like me? No wonder the Country is so screwed up. Americans used to brag about the greatest Country in the world, now they spend time apologizing for American creatures.
Nobody ever said there shouldn't be questions.

But which stores you're going to shop at?? Come on.

Border agents ask questions to see if you stumble or give some indication of anxiety, etc.

Sure, but that's an idiotic question. What's the person supposed to answer? Who goes to a mall with a list of stores they're going to, seriously? What if I find a store I hadn't known about? Do I need to go back to the border and revise my answer? It makes no sense, and he should have expected the answer he got.

You are assuming the person crossing the border is telling the truth. Border agents don't. If a person was smuggling drugs or weapons what would they tell a border agent?
The Canadian brought it all on himself and his girlfriend. If this is real. Regardless I've crossed more international borders than I can remember and I've never had a problem. Why? because I always played by the rules and cooperated with whatever guards were there. Except for once when we didn't stop going into France....But it was 3 AM and who's France.....
More whiny Canadians? Stay the fuk home.

And creatures like you are who I'm apologizing for when I go there.
You're welcome.


When you go there (Canada?) you apologize for "creatures like me? No wonder the Country is so screwed up. Americans used to brag about the greatest Country in the world, now they spend time apologizing for American creatures.

So stop being an asshole and we won't have to.
American border patrol/customs officers have been the well known worst a-holes in the modern world for a long time- ditto the cops, the military, and all sub groups basically of the arrogant, ignorant ugly American Pub dupes, who are worse than ever too wise, of course, present company excepted. lol.
We've been through this before, several months ago. The Canukian was trying to create a confrontation to make a political point.

I don't remember what it was...and don't care at this point.
That scenario is a predictable clash between a smart-ass and a rarified authoritarian personality.

Asking questions is an assertion of authority. Asking questions affords petit bureaucrats and persons of low social status a sense of relative importance. Responding to a petit bureaucrat's questions, regardless of how inane, in a manner which suggests his/her efforts are unimportant or annoying is an antagonizing challenge.

Customs agents and traffic cops, etc., are petit bureaucrats who can cause one some degree of aggravation or grief, so it's best to avoid playing silly games with them.
That scenario is a predictable clash between a smart-ass and a rarified authoritarian personality.

Asking questions is an assertion of authority. Asking questions affords petit bureaucrats and persons of low social status a sense of relative importance. Responding to a petit bureaucrat's questions, regardless of how inane, in a manner which suggests his/her efforts are unimportant or annoying is an antagonizing challenge.

Customs agents and traffic cops, etc., are petit bureaucrats who can cause one some degree of aggravation or grief, so it's best to avoid playing silly games with them.

AND, when a terrorist, drug smuggler or gun runner makes it into the country, you right wing turds blame Obama, liberals, progressives and Democrats...TOO SOFT on terror.

Your definition of 'relative importance' is ignorant, but it is consistent with your 'ilk'.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde
More whiny Canadians? Stay the fuk home.

And creatures like you are who I'm apologizing for when I go there.
You're welcome.


When you go there (Canada?) you apologize for "creatures like me? No wonder the Country is so screwed up. Americans used to brag about the greatest Country in the world, now they spend time apologizing for American creatures.

Well...with "creatures" like you now, it's become a necessity.
I was returning from Mexico a few weeks ago when the Border Guard scanned my US Passport.

BG "Where are you coming from"?
Me: Mexico
BG "No, where in Mexico?"
Me: "None of your business". (After standing in line for 4 hours I wanted to say "I was watching your Mother do the Donkey show in Tijuana" but I bit my tongue)
BG: (Just looks at me) "Where are you going in the US"?
Me: "None of your business".
BG: (Glares at me. I glare back) "I just have to ask a few questions".
Me: I understand. I there a problem? Am I under Arrest? Am I free to go?
BG: "Try to have a nice day".
Me. Thinking: (Yeah well f*ck you!)

I wanted to say "I plead the 5th" but I doubt he knows what that is.

F*ck the Border Patrol. They have all this money and manpower but Illegal Aliens and Drugs still pour through. So what do they do? They harass American Citizens.

F*ck the Border Patrol. The only thing they're keeping safe is their own jobs.
I was returning from Mexico a few weeks ago when the Border Guard scanned my US Passport.

BG "Where are you coming from"?
Me: Mexico
BG "No, where in Mexico?"
Me: "None of your business". (After standing in line for 4 hours I wanted to say "I was watching your Mother do the Donkey show in Tijuana" but I bit my tongue)
BG: (Just looks at me) "Where are you going in the US"?
Me: "None of your business".
BG: (Glares at me. I glare back) "I just have to ask a few questions".
Me: I understand. I there a problem? Am I under Arrest? Am I free to go?
BG: "Try to have a nice day".
Me. Thinking: (Yeah well f*ck you!)

I wanted to say "I plead the 5th" but I doubt he knows what that is.

F*ck the Border Patrol. They have all this money and manpower but Illegal Aliens and Drugs still pour through. So what do they do? They harass American Citizens.

F*ck the Border Patrol. The only thing they're keeping safe is their own jobs.

What a load of bullshit.
That scenario is a predictable clash between a smart-ass and a rarified authoritarian personality.

Asking questions is an assertion of authority. Asking questions affords petit bureaucrats and persons of low social status a sense of relative importance. Responding to a petit bureaucrat's questions, regardless of how inane, in a manner which suggests his/her efforts are unimportant or annoying is an antagonizing challenge.

Customs agents and traffic cops, etc., are petit bureaucrats who can cause one some degree of aggravation or grief, so it's best to avoid playing silly games with them.

AND, when a terrorist, drug smuggler or gun runner makes it into the country, you right wing turds blame Obama, liberals, progressives and Democrats...TOO SOFT on terror.

Your definition of 'relative importance' is ignorant, but it is consistent with your 'ilk'.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde
Considering that my comment (above) in no way encourages or even vaguely suggests refusing to answer questions, or answering questions evasively, or otherwise tweaking the fragile ego of a bureaucrat in a petit authoritarian role, it seems rather obvious you inhabit that category and my comment has touched a nerve.

The questioning process leading to the topic of this thread is effective mainly in serving to prevent low-level illegals from entering the Country and nothing more. While the random search process at a border station will occasionally net one of the many smugglers who undoubtedly make it through, the glaringly obvious fact is illegal drugs and guns are and always have been so readily available here in the U.S. that your efforts amount to a symbolic waste of time and money.

As for "terrorists" attempting to enter, unless one is wearing a suicide vest and is foaming at the mouth, or has a 50 pound sack of ammonium nitrate on the back seat, how would you know his/her intentions? The kind of terrorists who represent a serious threat, such as Ramseh Yousef, or the nineteen 9/11 shadids, or the Tsarnaev brothers, will not be detected by asking what stores they intend to shop in. Those guys will smile, politely answer your questions and behave in a satisfyingly submissive manner -- and you will wave them through.

Your ability to detect one's potential is plainly measured by your assessment of me as a right-winger.
I would agree that I don't understand the reasoning for the question "which stores are you going to" when he said he was going to the mall..

That said, I have had much tougher questions asked of me entering both Canada and Mexico before 9-11-01.
I cross the border patrol inspection station north of Laredo, TX all the time.

Usually the agent asks me two questions...Are you an American citizen and Is there anyone with you in the vehicle.

Occasionally, I get a more in depth questioning.

I understand that the agent has a job to do, and I am not inconvenienced by a few questions.

I answer politely, and I go on my merry way.

I've done this at least a thousand times, never an incident.

The TSA? Now that's another story.

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