Watch And Learn: This Is How You Combat Democrat Fake News And Corrupt Democrats...

Did Donald Trump whine about "fake news"?

Why, yes. Yes, he did!

Did Donald Trump whine about "fake news"?

Why, yes. Yes, he did!

Did Donald Trump whine about "fake news"?

Why, yes. Yes, he did!

“If you’re from Europe and you’re a Muslim, you can come in. But if you are from Europe and you’re a Christian, you can’t come in." - Donald Trump
Did Donald Trump whine about "fake news"?

Why, yes. Yes, he did!

Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic

That bogus graphic was made by Nazis.

Trump was confronted about the tweet by Bill O’Reilly on Fox News on Nov. 23. Trump confirmed that he retweeted the graphic himself. He said that he did not check the statistics, but that the graphic came “from sources that are very credible.
Did Trump whine about "fake news"?

Why, yes. Yes, he did!

Trump touts child care programs, but they're for guests only

"You know, it's not expensive for a company to do it. You need one person or two people, and you need some blocks, and you need some swings and some toys," Trump said. "It's not an expensive thing, and I do it all over. And I get great people because of it. Because it's a problem with a lot of other companies."

Trump pointed specifically to two programs: "They call 'em Trump Kids. Another one calls it Trumpeteers, if you can believe it. I have 'em. I actually have 'em, because I have a lot of different businesses."

Trump went on to describe "a room that's a quarter of the size of this. And they have all sorts of — you know, it's beautiful — they have a lot of children there, and we take care of them. And the parent when they leave the job — usually in my case it's clubs or hotels — when they leave the job, they pick up their child and their child is totally safe."

"They even come in during the day during lunch to see their child. It really works out well," he said.

But the two programs Trump cited — "Trump Kids" and "Trumpeteers" — are programs catering to patrons of Trump's hotels and golf club. They are not for Trump's employees, according to staff at Trump's hotels and clubs across the country.
I could go on all night, of course. Trump very nearly issued a fake story on a daily basis.

In Trumpland, Nazis are "VERY credible" sources. We need to take the National Enquirer story about Ted Cruz's dad killing Kennedy very seriously. Trump saw thousands and thousands of Muslims cheering on the rooftops of New Jersey on TV.

But CNN is fake news.


If you are the right kind of fake news, Trump will retweet you. If you are the right kind of fake news, Trump will take you very seriously.

And the Chumps will guzzle that piss down and get back in line for more.
Yeah, just like china. FUCKING AWESOME
Actually...the MSM is a lot more like China. They are the one's spreading disinformation for the express purpose of confusing and controlling the population.

No it's not, it's nothing fucking like China. If you actually knew anything about chinese state media, you wouldn't say something to blatantly stupid.

Media can spread misinformation, you are right... but they're not allowed to do that in China. They are only allowed to say what the government says they are allowed to say.

You can't have rogue agencies telling a different narrative than what the state wants to tell.

That's what you're trying to shut down... a narrative different than the white-house wants to disseminate among the masses.

It's not like the Obama administration threatened to shut down Fox News or anything during his tenure.
Obama just tried to lock Fox reporters up...that's all....
Don't forget hacking into Sharyl Atkinson's laptop! That's not exactly like the Chinese government or anything.

Cowman is fucking clueless. Literally anything Obama does is ok, and literally anything Trump does is "evil". So tired of these partisan hacks.
Yeah, just like china. FUCKING AWESOME
Actually...the MSM is a lot more like China. They are the one's spreading disinformation for the express purpose of confusing and controlling the population.

No it's not, it's nothing fucking like China. If you actually knew anything about chinese state media, you wouldn't say something to blatantly stupid.

Media can spread misinformation, you are right... but they're not allowed to do that in China. They are only allowed to say what the government says they are allowed to say.

You can't have rogue agencies telling a different narrative than what the state wants to tell.

That's what you're trying to shut down... a narrative different than the white-house wants to disseminate among the masses.

It's not like the Obama administration threatened to shut down Fox News or anything during his tenure.
Obama just tried to lock Fox reporters up...that's all....
Don't forget hacking into Sharyl Atkinson's laptop! That's not exactly like the Chinese government or anything.

Cowman is fucking clueless. Literally anything Obama does is ok, and literally anything Trump does is "evil". So tired of these partisan hacks.

I'm super critical of Obama. He greatly expanded the awful citizenry spying monstrosity bush set in place, such that it's way beyond what it was in the Bush era. He also barely brought most of his promises. Gitmo is still open, for example.

Don't fucking assume I think anything Obama does is okay. I hardly ever talk about Obama to even give you any insight into what I think about him. So you're just making shit up.
I'm super critical of Obama. He greatly expanded the awful citizenry spying monstrosity bush set in place, such that it's way beyond what it was in the Bush era. He also barely brought most of his promises. Gitmo is still open, for example.
I tip my hat to you Cowman. Well said. Nice to see fair criticism of their own from the left. So rarely happens.

I'm super critical of Obama. He greatly expanded the awful citizenry spying monstrosity bush set in place, such that it's way beyond what it was in the Bush era. He also barely brought most of his promises. Gitmo is still open, for example.
We should also add the most egregious promise he made outside of Obamacare - "pay as you go". He was adamant that his entire Administration would be "deficit neutral". Meanwhile, he doubles in 8 years what it took the U.S. to do in 230 years.
I'm super critical of Obama. He greatly expanded the awful citizenry spying monstrosity bush set in place, such that it's way beyond what it was in the Bush era. He also barely brought most of his promises. Gitmo is still open, for example.
I tip my hat to you Cowman. Well said. Nice to see fair criticism of their own from the left. So rarely happens.


Yeah, you can't fucking find the right critical of trump... except the honest ones, who have been against his bullshit completely.

You guys can't even call trump out on his every day lies. You fucking let it pass, and even support it.
I'm super critical of Obama. He greatly expanded the awful citizenry spying monstrosity bush set in place, such that it's way beyond what it was in the Bush era. He also barely brought most of his promises. Gitmo is still open, for example.
I tip my hat to you Cowman. Well said. Nice to see fair criticism of their own from the left. So rarely happens.


Yeah, you can't fucking find the right critical of trump... except the honest ones, who have been against his bullshit completely.

You guys can't even call trump out on his every day lies. You fucking let it pass, and even support it.
You're kidding, right? This entire board is filled with Trump supporters arguing with true conservatives (such as myself). You should really try being informed about a topic before commenting on it.

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